USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Based on spetz's labels, if it's test-c 1050mg/wk and test-e 1312.5mg/wk at 1.5ml EOD.

Maybe that's what happened. He's pinning e or c and not p and getting 6-8x which is UGL standard these days. Is three weeks enough time to get the blood levels high enough?

How's the pip @AlphaCapa ?
No pip at all. Which is a bit funny to me but I didn't mind
Personally, it's kind of scary for me to even be that high. I'm actually doubting this test. I'm going to wait 1 week, do Nothing different and go again.
Unless you guys have any other suggestions.
Is that because you two see that this was dumb and next week you can come back with something reasonable. 7700 come on. How does it happen you can easily be dosing at amuch higher rate. It easy to do. Sorry spetz #1 fan comes with 7700 really. I appreciate the blood work but I can't get this horse pill down my throat.