!!!!BBC3 alert!!!! - APProach is imminent. ETA - -'s NOW...
Man this is so much bullshit going on here. How the fuck does a thread get this long and have some much UNHOLY HORSE SHIT Perpetuating this late in the game..!?!?!? ReAlly!!!
so @ the OP(Offending POster - LOL). Yea, back off. Peanut butter, jelly who Reve you call yurself today. Its further clear IMHO that you are none other than LE.
No one with half a brain publishes all this garbage and you are either a THIEF, LE, or a fool who is about to meet LE up close and personal.
As for you minor scolding by Denoyez, you might want to back off and show some respect. i got a pretty good idea he can see EXACTLY not only what you are typing. But what you are thinking and DOING. So get up off that shitter, pull those splinters out of thine Arse, and HIKE.
No need to defend. the REP on this SN died a while back and yet still more to come..
One glance and the whole thread (or at least the end which i just endured) Wreaks of the idiotic entity from way back where known as ADVANCED-STEALTH. The irony is the last thing they were was STEALTH... And who was the fucking dumbshit PARAKEET REp- "As-REP" Who of course had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SAY but to gain post counts with CONSTANT Chirping in the backgroud like a nag from hell.. "right on", "yep", "You got that right".. Low time low for MESO which passed like the diarrhea it was... Hot, nasty, putrid, and just stand back and whatever you did = DO NOT GO IN THERE...! LOL