USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

It was just hard for me to read "actually, not bad" knowing spetzs track record...
Yes, there are a bunch of variables but in the light of the situation, I'm not looking at this with any optimism what so ever...

I get what your saying but IMO I don't think that justifies a 30% swing... Maybe 10%...
I'm my eyes it looks like 50% of what it should be, not 70%.... On 600/w I'd expect 4k at the lowest with all considered variables reported here...
I want to know if we've seen any other labs besides the 2 on here that have a decent track record that actually get near any kind of real levels.? I'm not saying anything about this guy at all, I'm just wondering if there are any labs on here besides these two that have anything decent? I think that's pets is a complete fuck up and that's obvious to everyone except for the new idiots that are still sending him money. Sorry spats you have fucked up repeatedly and I'm not the only one that has seen it. So I'm going to go over to the lab section where I've been and see if I can answer my own questions. Spaz, fix your shit dude. I haven't said anything in this thread because it's none of my fucking business but it just blows me away, the enormity and amount of fuck ups in a two month period. I hope everyone's having a good night even the guys that have low labs or no labs or bad labs or great labs. Apparently pat has all of them combined in one batch.
It's not perfection because the example I gave was at 500 mg/week evenly split 3.5 days apart because it give a nice easy to follow example and I have confirmed it with labs. That was about lab tests in general not spetz. You would certainly expect high levels with 600 mg 2 days post inject with the use of an AI and possibly hcg which could easily add an additional 2000 TT. My entire point was not to defend spetz but show why numbers vary so much and the significance of a proper proctool to be followed or we will never have an understanding on the quality.
As to the rest of your post I have yet to see one UGL to provide consistent quality to pharm grade in the past several years. He seems to be on par with everyone else. But as I said that's still not good enough!
Not good enough. I hear you if you are actually saying this. I really don't care if you are either way bit I just liked your shit because I believed you. I hope I'm not an ass for this hahah!!!! Viva meso and all the fucking chaos!!!
This is going to get me flamed but so be it. Spetz puts out an equivalent or even better product than Astro based on bloods. Yet you have guys supporting Astro and hating on Spetz. If you even comment on Astros you will get flamed by a group of people who seem to have an almost personal relationship with the guy. At the end of the day what is good and what is bad? I see nobody asking him for a refund?
This leads to my next point. Spetz knows very well that if he just continues to show up he will eventually build a fan base several months from now like Astro. Astro will eventually cash out and all of a sudden Spetz will be the greatest UGL around because he is the only one available. The cycle will repeat itself again and again...
so I have to comment on this man. I got a lab that was 7500. I know for a fact what I was taking how much I was taking and that is what my lab stop that was 7500. now I got roasted and no one believed it because it was a friend of mine. I know for a fact what I was taking in my own doctor did the lab. I'm having a difficult time seeing this lab at 7500 with the bullshit that has been going on. I have nothing against spetz. I have nothing against anyone on here except for the fucking idiots who lie manipulate cheat try to Hornswoggle and steal from mother fuckers who go out every day and bust their ass and make the mother fucking money to improve their children's lives their lives and themselves. So, here's my question? How in the fuck did this guy get a 7500 on the milligrams that he's talking about?now that's what people are asking saying about me. Actually they were saying, you're a fucking shit show, fuck you, get the fuck out of here, you're full of shit, fuck off. The reality was I was running about 750 of test e and test prop with bold and tren. now who in the fuck knows with the RAWs's that we all get what was in the bold or anything else?you see what I'm saying? Now who the fuck knows what's Spetz is putting out?all I know is that I've been watching this thread from the beginning and it's been a shit storm. I don't really give a fuck if anyone is proved right or wrong what I do give a fuck about is if motherfuckers tell the truth and if they do lie or fuck up they fix it. so it's good to see that you are trying to fix this if you are actually trying to fix this. If this is what you're doing keep up the good work. If you are not doing this fuck off. I have no vested interest in this company at all. In any company at all. I know this is my third post this evening on this thread please forgive me.
so I have to comment on this man. I got a lab that was 7500. I know for a fact what I was taking how much I was taking and that is what my lab stop that was 7500. now I got roasted and no one believed it because it was a friend of mine. I know for a fact what I was taking in my own doctor did the lab. I'm having a difficult time seeing this lab at 7500 with the bullshit that has been going on. I have nothing against spetz. I have nothing against anyone on here except for the fucking idiots who lie manipulate cheat try to Hornswoggle and steal from mother fuckers who go out every day and bust their ass and make the mother fucking money to improve their children's lives their lives and themselves. So, here's my question? How in the fuck did this guy get a 7500 on the milligrams that he's talking about?now that's what people are asking saying about me. Actually they were saying, you're a fucking shit show, fuck you, get the fuck out of here, you're full of shit, fuck off. The reality was I was running about 750 of test e and test prop with bold and tren. now who in the fuck knows with the RAWs's that we all get what was in the bold or anything else?you see what I'm saying? Now who the fuck knows what's Spetz is putting out?all I know is that I've been watching this thread from the beginning and it's been a shit storm. I don't really give a fuck if anyone is proved right or wrong what I do give a fuck about is if motherfuckers tell the truth and if they do lie or fuck up they fix it. so it's good to see that you are trying to fix this if you are actually trying to fix this. If this is what you're doing keep up the good work. If you are not doing this fuck off. I have no vested interest in this company at all. In any company at all. I know this is my third post this evening on this thread please forgive me.
Hornswoggle manny? That is hilarious.​
I think I saw A Puddy TAT..>!!!!

Did I just SEE you get a guy to give you a pic of his GF's Arse for YOUR AVATAR....???????~!

THIS THREAD. ..... IS... WHOORRRRRE's Bath.... BTW//////


Spetz the real hard truth here is what you are doing isn't working. There is no other way about it...EVERY single blood test we have seen has been bad. All we have to go on is history and past experiences, all of those are bad with the Anabolix line. If you had some history of consistently producing good product and then got a bad batch of raws etc...we may have a leg to stand on. That's not the case, and you are no closer to finding a way to validate your raws and finished products. In the interest of our members here you gotta understand that the likelihood of some members, at some point, losing hard earned cash because you are overextended financially and have no idea how much product you already have out there that at any potential time could need to be reimbursed. It's a huge fucking elephant in the room, this catch 'em and skin 'em technique is going to get everyone involved into a pinch at some point in the future. When that happens, the SRC jets and guess who's left holding the bag?

How many vials are in this batch 1000? More? Do we even know?
What if every single member came forward for their reimbursement TODAY...
Can you cover that check? Where does that put the T/A? Where does that put the guys that already ordered last week but their packs haven't gone out yet? I'll tell a tight spot I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in and damn sure don't want other new guys like Catsup that come here for advice and look to other experienced members.

It is what it is...
Firstly, thank you for posting your results, Can we get a batch number please? From what I'm seeing it has to be an older batch because i barely sell test-c. However, you guys have to understand that a batch of test-c has absolutely nothing to do with a batch of test-e or Test-P, also you guys know I've changed vendors since September. again, a batch and a date will help us find more accurate info.

Regardless @catsupbot please email me and I'll give you your due credit and replace the items you ordered.
with the use of an AI and possibly hcg which could easily add an additional 2000 TT.

Where are you getting this from? Are you just "brainstorming" these numbers and posting them like fact, or is someone messing with you and you're inadvertently spreading it around and contaminating the board? I understand you're new here but I can't help myself, this kind of shit pisses me off. At least have the humility to know you don't know shit. This is total bologna... Oscar. And don't you dare draw me a graph or I won't be so nice next time.

Edit: you've been here 8 months?! Tell me you didn't get this garbage from something you read here.