USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Spetz the real hard truth here is what you are doing isn't working. There is no other way about it...EVERY single blood test we have seen has been bad. All we have to go on is history and past experiences, all of those are bad with the Anabolix line. If you had some history of consistently producing good product and then got a bad batch of raws etc...we may have a leg to stand on. That's not the case, and you are no closer to finding a way to validate your raws and finished products. In the interest of our members here you gotta understand that the likelihood of some members, at some point, losing hard earned cash because you are overextended financially and have no idea how much product you already have out there that at any potential time could need to be reimbursed. It's a huge fucking elephant in the room, this catch 'em and skin 'em technique is going to get everyone involved into a pinch at some point in the future. When that happens, the SRC jets and guess who's left holding the bag?

How many vials are in this batch 1000? More? Do we even know?
What if every single member came forward for their reimbursement TODAY...
Can you cover that check? Where does that put the T/A? Where does that put the guys that already ordered last week but their packs haven't gone out yet? I'll tell a tight spot I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in and damn sure don't want other new guys like Catsup that come here for advice and look to other experienced members.

It is what it is...
This is going to get me flamed but so be it. Spetz puts out an equivalent or even better product than Astro based on bloods. Yet you have guys supporting Astro and hating on Spetz. If you even comment on Astros you will get flamed by a group of people who seem to have an almost personal relationship with the guy. At the end of the day what is good and what is bad? I see nobody asking him for a refund?
This leads to my next point. Spetz knows very well that if he just continues to show up he will eventually build a fan base several months from now like Astro. Astro will eventually cash out and all of a sudden Spetz will be the greatest UGL around because he is the only one available. The cycle will repeat itself again and again...
This is going to get me flamed but so be it. Spetz puts out an equivalent or even better product than Astro based on bloods. Yet you have guys supporting Astro and hating on Spetz. If you even comment on Astros you will get flamed by a group of people who seem to have an almost personal relationship with the guy. At the end of the day what is good and what is bad? I see nobody asking him for a refund?
This leads to my next point. Spetz knows very well that if he just continues to show up he will eventually build a fan base several months from now like Astro. Astro will eventually cash out and all of a sudden Spetz will be the greatest UGL around because he is the only one available. The cycle will repeat itself again and again...
I HAVE NEVER used Astro, and won't flame you for bringing up what I think is an honest and valid point as far as him somehow being above question?? I even think that some of the guys that show up in this thread have an ulterior motive to discredit Spetz's reputation, could be Astro based, could be any other UGL who knows for sure.

However, my point remains that we only have history to go on and we have more bad history at this point. I'm not saying Spetz is incapable of producing a good product, but he seems to be no closer to obtaining an avenue for testing and it is a major concern to have so much gear out there already and taking orders when we have bloods like these hit.

This is NOT a scale-able, secure, business plan from the standpoint of member interests.
i haven't even heard from @iintensity, if you want a refund please contact me via email or PM and we will arrange something. I stand behind my product.
I'm not the one who posted labs. All I said was the numbers could be better but are not worse than any other UGL including the successful one on this board. I never purchased anything from you.
I HAVE NEVER used Astro, and won't flame you for bringing up what I think is an honest and valid point as far as him somehow being above question?? I even think that some of the guys that show up in this thread have an ulterior motive to discredit Spetz's reputation, could be Astro based, could be any other UGL who knows for sure.

However, my point remains that we only have history to go on and we have more bad history at this point. I'm not saying Spetz is incapable of producing a good product, but he seems to be no closer to obtaining an avenue for testing and it is a major concern to have so much gear out there already and taking orders when we have bloods like these hit.

This is NOT a scale-able, secure, business plan from the standpoint of member interests.
I don't think they have a motive. They just look at Astro as some god because they need something to have faith in. It doesn't even matter what he does at this point. He even had shipping problem although he didn't take it to the extent of leaving everyone in the dark and fake tracking.
My comment was not directed to you but those who constantly hype him when he pulls the same shit. The identical numbers can't be great for astro buy terrible for spetz. There needs to be an established criteria. People get way to attached to their source and in the end are leaving themselves wide open to be fucked over. Just wait for the flame comments but you have to be blind not to see it.
I don't think they have a motive. They just look at Astro as some god because they need something to have faith in. It doesn't even matter what he does at this point. He even had shipping problem although he didn't take it to the extent of leaving everyone in the dark and fake tracking.
My comment was not directed to you but those who constantly hype him when he pulls the same shit. The identical numbers can't be great for astro buy terrible for spetz. There needs to be an established criteria. People get way to attached to their source and in the end are leaving themselves wide open to be fucked over. Just wait for the flame comments but you have to be blind not to see it.

I've never ordered from Astro, Petz, or ANY source here on meso EVER. I've been here 8yrs(06). What you're saying may be true? I dunno. I do know that there are only so many places we can be and focus on at a time.
From the look of things over in Astros thread the time is coming once again for me to rough him up some.
I was so relieved when guys like Brutus and jBallz(you others, too) showed up here when they did. I needed help. I felt like I had to be in so many places at once here at meso. I was running on fumes and spread real thin.
Don't trip. You wanna hit me up and make a game plan to hit Astro I'm game. I posted about Astro over at ugbb. I laid out my issues as I see them right now with astro. We'll get there.
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Again...personally.... I would receive these bloods on the Cyp much differently should we have a higher average for the Anabolix line. If you have some good and then some bad, but it's handled timely, then move on. I'd give a guy a shot again, sometimes shit happens that is out of one's control, but the average here in this case is low.

I can't speak for Astro's line bc honestly I don't care enough to read through his thread all the time it's fucking mind-boggling to me that guys will line up like that and wait for DOM homebrew.

The thing is in this particular case here, we ANTICIPATED these issues, from the start many were outspoken that this UGL model was flawed in the fact that nothing that goes out has any type of testing to assure quality control. Throwing a little extra powder in there is not an acceptable means of quality control, I mean if guys are willing to put stuff like that in their body I would hope it would be much, much, cheaper...and just tell people up front you can't run an accurately dosed cycle because I have no idea how much hormone is in this vial, or the next one.
I've never ordered from Astro, Petz, or ANY source here on meso EVER. I've been here 8yrs(06). What you're saying may be true? I dunno. I do know that there are only so many places we can be and focus on at a time.
From the look of things over in Astros thread the time is coming once again for me to rough him up some.
I was so relieved when guys like Brutus and jBallz(you others, too) showed up here when they did. I needed help. I felt like I had to be in so many places at once here at meso. I was running on fumes and spread real thin.
Don't trip. You wanna hit me up and make a game plan to hit Astro I'm game. I posted about Astro over at ugbb. I laid out my issues as I see them right now with astro. We'll get there.
Thats great to here. If you don't have the " well known member" or 2006 under your name what you have to say sometimes may not be worth a fuck. I could tell other members want to say the same thing but they don't want to loose their internet friends as sad as it may seem.
It's very important we keep even the top sources here in check. Something you may remember, back when the classified was around I had a friend purchase serostim from Palumbo (think it was this board). He ended up in the ER because it looked like he had an infection. Turns out the well known and loved Palumbo was selling fake vials that contained mold.
A lesson to everyone about injecting something from some random guy over the internet. The beloved guy on the opposite end selling to you may be a sick fuck. Went on a bit of a tangent there lol.
Well, the defeatist attitude doesn't appeal to me and isn't part of my mindset. You can pout or push through it. You know what I do.
This is going to get me flamed but so be it. Spetz puts out an equivalent or even better product than Astro based on bloods. Yet you have guys supporting Astro and hating on Spetz. If you even comment on Astros you will get flamed by a group of people who seem to have an almost personal relationship with the guy. At the end of the day what is good and what is bad? I see nobody asking him for a refund?
This leads to my next point. Spetz knows very well that if he just continues to show up he will eventually build a fan base several months from now like Astro. Astro will eventually cash out and all of a sudden Spetz will be the greatest UGL around because he is the only one available. The cycle will repeat itself again and again...

Ah, the old Astro comparison.. :rolleyes:

If anyone is protecting Astro they need to be called out too.. I know I gave him shit just last week and plenty of times before that.. Astro has been in PLENTY of uncomfortable situations since he's been here, did you read his whole thread so you know what you're talking about? I don't even use Astro so I'm certainly not a fanboy but I guarantee spetz won't be around as long as him which is only a measly year and a half or so..

Everyone gets treated the same, maybe someday you'll take the tinfoil hat off and be able to see that..
Firstly, thank you for posting your results, Can we get a batch number please? From what I'm seeing it has to be an older batch because i barely sell test-c. However, you guys have to understand that a batch of test-c has absolutely nothing to do with a batch of test-e or Test-P, also you guys know I've changed vendors since September. again, a batch and a date will help us find more accurate info.

Regardless @catsupbot please email me and I'll give you your due credit and replace the items you ordered.

batch number is 170421330

How do you intend on making me whole, @usaspetz ? I don't care if you've changed vendors. I don't trust your injectables, and I don't even know if I can trust your orals.
If someone here has ulterior motives that is getting on spetz i sure as hell didn't catch it. What i did catch is another round of someone putting out sub par gear that no one can count on. Fake tracking numbers and bullshit stories aside, the gear itself is the main reason i would get on anyone. If a guy is selling shit labeled at x mg per cc, i expect it to be just that. I don't want to hear bullshit about how the other ugl is just as bad because i hate their ass too more than likely.

He would have been far better off to just sell the pharma line and get by on that in my opinion if it was what he stated it was. He could keep up with orders much easier and still make money. Instead he jumped on the wal-mart of ugl's model and used the force to verify his product. I'm never ok with that. TEST THE SHIT YOU SELL or expect to have it tested by meso members randomly and you get run the fuck out. That needs to be the motto and the one thing we can use to change things.

Hell, i was thinking of ordering pharma at one point, but as shit started getting out of hand with the fake tracking and horror stories i sure as hell pulled back. Who would trust a guy like that after reading this thread?
Spetz the real hard truth here is what you are doing isn't working. There is no other way about it...EVERY single blood test we have seen has been bad. All we have to go on is history and past experiences, all of those are bad with the Anabolix line. If you had some history of consistently producing good product and then got a bad batch of raws etc...we may have a leg to stand on. That's not the case, and you are no closer to finding a way to validate your raws and finished products. In the interest of our members here you gotta understand that the likelihood of some members, at some point, losing hard earned cash because you are overextended financially and have no idea how much product you already have out there that at any potential time could need to be reimbursed. It's a huge fucking elephant in the room, this catch 'em and skin 'em technique is going to get everyone involved into a pinch at some point in the future. When that happens, the SRC jets and guess who's left holding the bag?

How many vials are in this batch 1000? More? Do we even know?
What if every single member came forward for their reimbursement TODAY...
Can you cover that check? Where does that put the T/A? Where does that put the guys that already ordered last week but their packs haven't gone out yet? I'll tell a tight spot I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in and damn sure don't want other new guys like Catsup that come here for advice and look to other experienced members.
It is what it is...

again, i dont and have not sold a lot of cyp, throughout ALL my batches i have not produced and sold over 100 vials in total, since the beginning, we dont have any bloods from any recent batch since ive swapped vendors, so... the best i can do is guarantee my product and if the results are not favorable we go from there, however i dont see this any different from other vendors.
batch number is 170421330

How do you intend on making me whole, @usaspetz ? I don't care if you've changed vendors. I don't trust your injectables, and I don't even know if I can trust your orals.
Most of my orals are FDA regulated and certified, with the exception of anavar, dbol and winstrol. If you don't trust my products well, we can do a few things, email me as i've said and i can offer some amps as a replacement, or well do a refund. whatever makes you happy in the end.
Watsup motha fuckas been a while since ive been on here. Usapetz said something about the best china has to offer in the beginning kkkk I almost pissed myself then put my grandma in the cross face crippler.