USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Okay you guys. Form what I've seen, other people's numbers have been low. The guy above me is 3,000 (thanks for showing) and is running 600mg at his peak.
So, this is only my second cycle. I know my results are high as shit, but Id have to be running 1200 fucing mg's a week to get those results on what he's running. I'm not going to be running that much probably ever.
I didn't know what happened with my results.
I would like to say that I'm here to learn and contribute. I got these results for peace of mind and to track the trending numbers in 3, 6 and 12 weeks so WE could ALL learn some cool shit. I was also, of course expecting criticism, but that's all it's been. Nobody's stepped up to the challenge and offered anything knowledgable. I gotta say, you guys are fucking a good thing up here. A chance for us to learn something, just maybe. Stop acting like little children and wait two GOD damn more weeks for another test that follows proper protocol. Until then, quit bitching.
When are you going to learn that your opinion doesn't matter in this thread? No one cares what you think. Just STFU. You were told nicely and yet here you are still. Fuck up a good thing? Your naivety amazes me.
Okay you guys. Form what I've seen, other people's numbers have been low. The guy above me is 3,000 (thanks for showing) and is running 600mg at his peak.
So, this is only my second cycle. I know my results are high as shit, but Id have to be running 1200 fucing mg's a week to get those results on what he's running. I'm not going to be running that much probably ever.
I didn't know what happened with my results.
I would like to say that I'm here to learn and contribute. I got these results for peace of mind and to track the trending numbers in 3, 6 and 12 weeks so WE could ALL learn some cool shit. I was also, of course expecting criticism, but that's all it's been. Nobody's stepped up to the challenge and offered anything knowledgable. I gotta say, you guys are fucking a good thing up here. A chance for us to learn something, just maybe. Stop acting like little children and wait two GOD damn more weeks for another test that follows proper protocol. Until then, quit bitching.

Quit bitching? Every blood test (except for yours of course) that's been done on this garbage shows it's crap!! IF by chance you're not affiliated with spetz you're still complicate in this scam because you're constantly defending him.. People are getting ripped off, why don't you stop your freaking bitching!! Unbelievable..
And were the pins administered 2x per week or once?

Seriously Spetz, when I see stuff like this my confidence level really drops regarding what I am putting into my body. I just want a solid and reliable product that I can depend on. Why even have mg on the labels? I feel like I should reach blindly into my gear, pull a vial, draw any old amount, and pin.
sorry at work.

test cyp
When you get time, preferably sooner than later, it would be nice to have the batch # (if it means anything) and a rough idea of when it went out.

edit: here is the cross-reference to Catsup's first cycle log...

I believe he was running: Anabolix Test Cyp 250mg 2x weekly (1-4)
" " 300mg 2x weekly (4-6)

but it's all in the log including his precycle/midcycle bloods
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And were the pins administered 2x per week or once?

Seriously Spetz, when I see stuff like this my confidence level really drops regarding what I am putting into my body. I just want a solid and reliable product that I can depend on. Why even have mg on the labels? I feel like I should reach blindly into my gear, pull a vial, draw any old amount, and pin.
You'll get TT values over 7K by doing that...
Okay here are my bloods in week 8 of my cycle. 500mg/week for the first 5-6 wks and 600/wk the past 2-3. What gives, Spetz?

View attachment 17722
Actually not bad compared to some of the stuff we have been seeing. Looks to be about 70% of what it should be.

Still no excuse spetz. You should be testing this on yourself and the various studies clearly show the proper range test levels fall under.
Actually not bad compared to some of the stuff we have been seeing. Looks to be about 70% of what it should be.

Still no excuse spetz. You should be testing this on yourself and the various studies clearly show the proper range test levels fall under.

Actually, I'm just crunching some numbers over here.... Looks like 3000TT on 600/week rings in at just about 50%

Aaaaaaaaand... 3000TT on 500 is 60%
Actually, I'm just crunching some numbers over here.... Looks like 3000TT on 600/week rings in at just about 50%

Aaaaaaaaand... 3000TT on 500 is 60%
The 1000 ng/dl rule is not accurate unless one single dose is taken 24-48 hours post inject. So you wouldn't expect it to test as high in this situation.
Something I didn't consider is that this guy used an ai which will further increase test and maybe hcg. It's always best to test without ancillaries.
Actually not bad compared to some of the stuff we have been seeing. Looks to be about 70% of what it should be.

Still no excuse spetz. You should be testing this on yourself and the various studies clearly show the proper range test levels fall under.
The 1000 ng/dl rule is not accurate unless one single dose is taken 24-48 hours post inject. So you wouldn't expect it to test as high in this situation.
Something I didn't consider is that this guy used an ai which will further increase test and maybe hcg. It's always best to test without ancillaries.

It was just hard for me to read "actually, not bad" knowing spetzs track record...
Yes, there are a bunch of variables but in the light of the situation, I'm not looking at this with any optimism what so ever...

I get what your saying but IMO I don't think that justifies a 30% swing... Maybe 10%...
I'm my eyes it looks like 50% of what it should be, not 70%.... On 600/w I'd expect 4k at the lowest with all considered variables reported here...
It was just hard for me to read "actually, not bad" knowing spetzs track record...
Yes, there are a bunch of variables but in the light of the situation, I'm not looking at this with any optimism what so ever...

I get what your saying but IMO I don't think that justifies a 30% swing... Maybe 10%...
I'm my eyes it looks like 50% of what it should be, not 70%.... On 600/w I'd expect 4k at the lowest with all considered variables reported here...
I just want to clarify my interpretation on "not bad". I ment this based upon what many other UGL are putting out and the poor materials coming out of china currently. If you want to be on Meso you must be better than any run of the mill UGL and it's great to see that members intend to keep it that way.

Just to give an example on why its important to mention when bloods are drawn. 24-36 hrs post inject of testosterone enanthate inject of 500 mg I would expect TT to be between 5000-6250 based upon my previous labs. If split into two injects with bloods taken during the trough period I would expect TT 3000. This of course assumes no AI or HCG is used which will skew results.
To illustrate my point:
Your preaching to the choir here... I think EVERYONE is on the same page concerning blood being drawn with test-c/e 24-36 hrs post injection... Just like we are ALL under the understanding that we should also wait about 5/6 weeks... I am also sure that all in one injection would ring in a higher TT count...
While I do appreciate your chart, that's showing one injection and test decrease... It's cute... I wanna pinch it...[emoji57] How do you come up with 2 injections topping out at only 3k though... That logic puts spetzeses gear at perfection... I thought we both agreed that 3k would be under dosed via your comments on your OP... I thought we were just talking about the severity of how much the gear is under dosed... I don't want to downplay how bunk the gear is by saying "not bad"...

This cat deserves a full refund, nothing less... No escape clauses...

Edit: @iintensity
Your preaching to the choir here... I think EVERYONE is on the same page concerning blood being drawn with test-c/e 24-36 hrs post injection... Just like we are ALL under the understanding that we should also wait about 5/6 weeks... I am also sure that all in one injection would ring in a higher TT count...
While I do appreciate your chart, that's showing one injection and test decrease... It's cute... I wanna pinch it...[emoji57] How do you come up with 2 injections topping out at only 3k though... That logic puts spetzeses gear at perfection... I thought we both agreed that 3k would be under dosed via your comments on your OP... I thought we were just talking about the severity of how much the gear is under dosed... I don't want to downplay how bunk the gear is by saying "not bad"...

This cat deserves a full refund, nothing less... No escape clauses...

Edit: @iintensity
It's not perfection because the example I gave was at 500 mg/week evenly split 3.5 days apart because it give a nice easy to follow example and I have confirmed it with labs. That was about lab tests in general not spetz. You would certainly expect high levels with 600 mg 2 days post inject with the use of an AI and possibly hcg which could easily add an additional 2000 TT. My entire point was not to defend spetz but show why numbers vary so much and the significance of a proper proctool to be followed or we will never have an understanding on the quality.
As to the rest of your post I have yet to see one UGL to provide consistent quality to pharm grade in the past several years. He seems to be on par with everyone else. But as I said that's still not good enough!
sorry at work.

test cyp
Firstly, thank you for posting your results, Can we get a batch number please? From what I'm seeing it has to be an older batch because i barely sell test-c. However, you guys have to understand that a batch of test-c has absolutely nothing to do with a batch of test-e or Test-P, also you guys know I've changed vendors since September. again, a batch and a date will help us find more accurate info.

Regardless @catsupbot please email me and I'll give you your due credit and replace the items you ordered.
This cat deserves a full refund, nothing less... No escape clauses...

Edit: @iintensity
The one thing that will never happen from here on out is a cash refund. He's on his way out. Sure he can replace shit gear with different shit. He's gonna start requiring guys to somehow pay for the shipping.
His wife isn't going to let his hobby get into the family slush fund which is gone and any money used is now getting into the grocery money and their "date night" cash. That shit is coming to an end anyway...the marriage that is. Fighting over money. Does she know you are running a drug lab that actually loses money along with threatens her freedom and seizure could have her taking the kids to her parents.
How can the fucking bitch not know what you're up to? We can't trust her. You should really consider putting her in the ground at some point. Ya think?