USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Following up on a pip comment I made earlier in this thread... pip from spetz's test prop is brutal so far. I'm five days in on ed injections and scared shitless to inject in my other quad. Both delts, right quad, and ass cheeks are all wrecked right now. First time running prop and first cycle in ten years so I was expecting some discomfort but damn!!

Hey on the up side, you'll be able to pin anything after Spetz gear. Should be his slogan.
Study 2&3- hcg users when taken at a certain dosage were higher than those who didn't. Some had test levels up to 1200 ng/dl.
The highest reported serum testosterone value in that study is around 600 as far as I can tell. I grabbed 20.9 nmol/L from the 75th quantile of the 15IU group (the largest of the reported values) and multiplied by 28.84 to obtain 602.76 ng/dL.
You have the reading comprehension of a 10 year old. That's why you don't understand it. I made it very simple for even you to understand. I'll break it down even further-

HCG yields an addition 1000-1200ng/dl testosterone in hypogonadal men (steroid users).
Steroid and hcg users aromatase heavily. Testosterone users have as high or higher testosterone levels than obese men. Hcg increases this even further. Add 800 ng/dl

Pull bloods a day earlier than someone else. ~ 500 ng/dl difference deping upon dosages used as with testosterone.


See, simple math is fun. Do I have to make you look like an even bigger dipshit?
LMAO!!!!! Comedy gold.
You have the reading comprehension of a 10 year old. That's why you don't understand it. I made it very simple for even you to understand. I'll break it down even further-

HCG yields an addition 1000-1200ng/dl testosterone in hypogonadal men (steroid users).
Steroid and hcg users aromatase heavily. Testosterone users have as high or higher testosterone levels than obese men. Hcg increases this even further. Add 800 ng/dl

Pull bloods a day earlier than someone else. ~ 500 ng/dl difference deping upon dosages used as with testosterone.


See, simple math is fun. Do I have to make you look like an even bigger dipshit?
You're wrong.
First, he asked and I responded. It would be rude not too. He has not the slightest clue of the basics.

Study 1- it shows an increase in testostrone with an AI. There was a noticeable increase and testosterone users have far more aromatasation. Similar or even greater than the obese guys. I'll get to that.

Study 2&3- hcg users when taken at a certain dosage were higher than those who didn't. Some had test levels up to 1200 ng/dl. AAS users have no natural test production. HCG also aromatase more than testosterone. That right there is a significant difference that can't be ignored.

Study 4- I coundnt find the one I was looking for in healthy men but it proved its point. Letro users ending up with testosterone in the supraphysiological range. Can't be ignored.

Study 5- Just a reiteration because he asked for it. You see the increase and although it's not producing muscle gains it prove its point. Steroids users produce no testosterone on cycle. With hcg the testes do produce testosterone. 0 to 1000 ng/dl makes a difference when testing to see if what your taking is properly dosed. That's the entire point here.

Study 6- proves my point yet again. An increase testosterone adding 1000 ng/dl. Add an ai you get even more testosterone as shown above. Pull bloods a few days late or early and you fuck with the numbers even more. All of the above proves my point perfectly that a proctool must be followed.
Even wrongerer.
Even wrongerer.
Keep quoting me. These topics have been discuss many of times on this very forum. Swale even went more in depth in the mens health sub. I prove you wrong with facts. All you can respond saying is "you're wrong" without refuting anything. I have contributed more in one post than you have in your entire time here.

You have the reading comprehension of a 10 year old. That's why you don't understand it. I made it very simple for even you to understand. I'll break it down even further-

HCG yields an addition 1000-1200ng/dl testosterone in hypogonadal men (steroid users).
Steroid and hcg users aromatase heavily. Testosterone users have as high or higher testosterone levels than obese men. Hcg increases this even further. Add 800 ng/dl

Pull bloods a day earlier than someone else. ~ 500 ng/dl difference deping upon dosages used as with testosterone.


See, simple math is fun. Do I have to make you look like an even bigger dipshit?

By your expert knowledge this guy should be calling the Perrigo that produced his Test-C cause its obvious that it is waayyy under dosed.
Keep quoting me. These topics have been discuss many of times on this very forum. Swale even went more in depth in the mens health sub. I prove you wrong with facts. All you can respond saying is "you're wrong" without refuting anything. I have contributed more in one post than you have in your entire time here.
Go shoot some hcg and get back to us when your balls drop, softserve.
It's not perfection because the example I gave was at 500 mg/week evenly split 3.5 days apart because it give a nice easy to follow example and I have confirmed it with labs. That was about lab tests in general not spetz. You would certainly expect high levels with 600 mg 2 days post inject with the use of an AI and possibly hcg which could easily add an additional 2000 TT. My entire point was not to defend spetz but show why numbers vary so much and the significance of a proper proctool to be followed or we will never have an understanding on the quality.
As to the rest of your post I have yet to see one UGL to provide consistent quality to pharm grade in the past several years. He seems to be on par with everyone else. But as I said that's still not good enough!

Did you even read what I or the OP in that thread even said. This doesn't take a genius.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but your original argument was that HCG has the capability of increasing total testosterone by up to 2,000ng. So far, none of your "supportive" evidence has shown us this and yet you still keep throwing it back in everyone's face. So either it was an exaggeration, or you are wrong, or you have other evidence somewhere hiding that we have not seen
Well guys.... It's not looking good for this UGL, I have one bottle of test e coming from this guy, and I'll just run it as my cruise dose and get some bloods up in this thread to help out some more. Since I already know what my bloods should be on 500mg cruise this should be a good test of quality. I don't have very high expectations, but I figure one more blood work posted will help my brothers in the community out a little more. I'll let everyone know how it turns out. Hopefully I don't start dropping size quick as shit from doing this, but I guess only time will tell.... And thanks to everyone else who has gotten blood work done and posted it so far. It really helps separate the good labs from the bad ones, and protect and prevent brothers on meso from wasting money on a bad UGL. I'll keep you all posted!

by the way, I'll do a comparison on my bloodwork from a cruise of 500mg of Watson for 5 weeks (Nothing else used, no HCG, not anything) and spetz test e run at 500mgs for 5 weeks(Also run by itself with no HCG, ancillaries, or anything else)
Are you reading what you are saying in this thread?

By your statement he should be upset with his levels as 120mg a week should give him 1200 plus another 1200 for his HCG.
Reread what I posted. There are significant problems with what your comparing.

1. His hcg dose was low as compared to the studies I posted.

2. Hcg has a 24 hour half-life. He pulled bloods 72 hours later.

3. Test injections were split into 2x per week instead of one bolus. I made this point very clear.

All you did was further prove my point. It is important to follow a specific protocol or you may receive very different numbers.
Well guys.... It's not looking good for this UGL, I have one bottle of test e coming from this guy, and I'll just run it as my cruise dose and get some bloods up in this thread to help out some more. Since I already know what my bloods should be on 500mg cruise this should be a good test of quality. I don't have very high expectations, but I figure one more blood work posted will help my brothers in the community out a little more. I'll let everyone know how it turns out. Hopefully I don't start dropping size quick as shit from doing this, but I guess only time will tell.... And thanks to everyone else who has gotten blood work done and posted it so far. It really helps separate the good labs from the bad ones, and protect and prevent brothers on meso from wasting money on a bad UGL. I'll keep you all posted!

Thanks for being willing to help the community. And don't worry about losing size, even if it's half dosed you shouldn't expect any size loss in just a few weeks.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but your original argument was that HCG has the capability of increasing total testosterone by up to 2,000ng. So far, none of your "supportive" evidence has shown us this and yet you still keep throwing it back in everyone's face. So either it was an exaggeration, or you are wrong, or you have other evidence somewhere hiding that we have not seen
Hcg alone absolutely can't. I made this clear. Only in combination with a decent amount of testosterone (it armomatases) and an AI. Just using letro bring testosterone levels in the supraphysiological range.

HCG alone left users with a testosterone level of around 1000 ng/dl if taken at around 500 iu eod. This is a full replacement dose. Those of you who have small shrunken balls that haven't been in use in years shouldn't expect these results.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but your original argument was that HCG has the capability of increasing total testosterone by up to 2,000ng. So far, none of your "supportive" evidence has shown us this and yet you still keep throwing it back in everyone's face. So either it was an exaggeration, or you are wrong, or you have other evidence somewhere hiding that we have not seen
BR himself even says hcg alone can be used as a replacement dose.