USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Well, I'm at a point now where I normally stayed atleast at 750mg test year round. So at 500mgs if it's way under dosed I will definitely lose size. I'm 260 lbs right now again at 6'2-6'3 and fairly lean but I'm not sure what my bf is. I stay on year round except I came off for a few months for surgery not too long ago, and occasionally I'll go down to 250 - 500mg of test by itself to let my cortisol go down and let everything regulate itself again a little to allow more growth when I up my dose again. I'll run this 500mg pw just to let my body regulate a bit and allow for growth again during the next 6 month off season period where I'll run from a gram of test up to 2000ish mg test, dbol 5 weeks on 3 off at 50 moving up to 100 mg per day as I go along and, deca for the last 4 months at about 600 - 1000mg upping from 600 to 1000 the last 2 months, and gh 5-10 iu run eod . Then I'll go back to 750mg of test by itself for a couple months. so I'm no newcomer to gear and I'm a pretty big dude, and if I don't keep test high enough during a cruise I do shrink a bit. So with that being said, hopefully bloods come back good and I maintain without the gh or slin and using such a low test dose by itself.
Btw has anyone had issues as of recent with not being able to get set not giving out tracking I info or sending packs? I'm just doing this to help out and add to the blood work that's been posted on this ugl, from another non. Biased person without an agenda.
Sorry about the bad sentences and lack of good grammar lol. At the end I meant to ask if anyone has been having issues getting a response from spetz, and if everyone has been receiving their packages? It's been a couple days since I heard from him, and I was supposed to have tracking number sent to me yesterday. Always gotta keep a lookout for sources taking money and not sending anything whenthey start to go downhill. II've seen it happen too many times, when the shit hits the fan and ugls go down, they still take money, but stop sending anything and hit a quick lick before they completely go under and people realize whats happening. Im Not saying spetz is doing this, but it's always wise to communicate with each other so we can all identify if this happens and prevent too many brothers from getting taken advantage of and losing their hard earned money unsuspectingly.

thanks everybody,
Sorry about the bad sentences and lack of good grammar lol. At the end I meant to ask if anyone has been having issues getting a response from spetz, and if everyone has been receiving their packages? It's been a couple days since I heard from him, and I was supposed to have tracking number sent to me yesterday. Always gotta keep a lookout for sources taking money and not sending anything whenthey start to go downhill. II've seen it happen too many times, when the shit hits the fan and ugls go down, they still take money, but stop sending anything and hit a quick lick before they completely go under and people realize whats happening. Im Not saying spetz is doing this, but it's always wise to communicate with each other so we can all identify if this happens and prevent too many brothers from getting taken advantage of and losing their hard earned money unsuspectingly.

thanks everybody,
I'm sure he'll have an excuse for you. This guy signs on everyday telling people he will make good and just not got around to sending out packs he owed. Just when you want to give him the benefit of the doubt he pulls some more shit.
Yeah, that sucks. I've emailed him 2 orthree times and I was supposed tto have a tracking number yesterday. I normally use defiance over at AB. But Isaw what all was going on over here with spetz and I'm about to cruise, so I figured I'd take one for the team and place a small order of just test so I could get some bloods up from someone that's been here for almost 2 years and help out some of my bros, with non biased blood work, and help add some more transparency to the potency issues with spetz. Maybe another vet or two will do the same and help out, that way people who ride sources dicks and lie about their results dont have any pull with peoples decisions to send sources money if a bad product has been going out.
I figured a hundred or two bucks to save potentially thousands from newcomers and other bros, or could show good blood work and help prevent people with an alterier motive that are source bashing. It's really a two way street and sometimes good sources can get a bad rap because of this, BUT... I have no opinion on quality from spetz yet, and the only thing negative I think about spetz so far, is i think if people do have legitimate "bad"(and I mean looow test or completely bunk, not 6-7ishx's free test and still making good gains) blood tests he should refund them instead of replace with more test if that is what they want and as a source he should try to right the wrongs as fast as humanly possible when the mistake is his fault or due to negligence and lack of testing his own product.. That just seems like it should be standard protocol when someone gets bunk gear, but hey.... maybe it's just me. Lol
Following up on a pip comment I made earlier in this thread... pip from spetz's test prop is brutal so far. I'm five days in on ed injections and scared shitless to inject in my other quad. Both delts, right quad, and ass cheeks are all wrecked right now. First time running prop and first cycle in ten years so I was expecting some discomfort but damn!!
Most prop just hurts. Especially if its been a year. My body never quite get use to it. Keep us updated on how it goes if it gets worst. The most it should last 5 days at the most. What size pins you using?
Also is this the new or old batch?
Hcg alone absolutely can't. I made this clear. Only in combination with a decent amount of testosterone (it armomatases) and an AI. Just using letro bring testosterone levels in the supraphysiological range.
HCG yields an addition 1000-1200ng/dl testosterone in hypogonadal men (steroid users).
Steroid and hcg users aromatase heavily. Testosterone users have as high or higher testosterone levels than obese men. Hcg increases this even further. Add 800 ng/dl
I think you mean well, but I do not think you made anything clear nor provided evidence for your claims. Without qualification, you said that HCG yields an additional 1000-1200 ng/dL of serum testosterone. The study you cited does not support this. If you it does, I will be happy to eat my words if you would kindly quote the passage.

As a non-obese hypogonadal male who uses TRT dosages of testosterone cypionate, HCG, and exemestane, I should achieve supraphysiological testosterone levels routinely if your claims are correct. I have never achieved such a test result.

I believe you may be conflating intratesticular testosterone and serum testosterone. They are not the same.

Furthermore, you seem to claim that an AI will increase serum testosterone levels by 800 ng/dL. If you are basing this on the letrozole study, I get an increase of 395.11 ng/dL. But I fail to see how obese males and AAS users are supposed to be comparable in their rates of aromatization. AAS may aromatize more than their non-AAS using counterparts, but that is largely because there is more testosterone to aromatize. Obese individuals aromatize more by virtue of actually having more aromatase enzyme. I believe it has been shown in monkeys that AAS usage increases aromatase production, but you should show that they are comparable to obese males' before saying they are pretty much the same, and that the AAS would have comparable estradiol levels absent use of an AI.

In any case, you are the one who asserted the positive. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to support your claim by citing relevant passages in the literature, not by saying Swale or Roberts said so or throwing a bunch of studies out there and demand they be read. And name calling does not help your case, regardless of who started it.
I figured a hundred or two bucks to save potentially thousands from newcomers and other bros, or could show good blood work and help prevent people with an alterier motive that are source bashing.

Chris, is it your belief that people bashing Spetz are doing so with alterior motives? Is this what you have heard? Is Spetz telling you this? Or are you just thinking that might be it? I just want to make sure we understand where that is coming from.

...i think if people do have legitimate "bad"(and I mean looow test or completely bunk, not 6-7ishx's free test and still making good gains) blood tests he should refund them instead of replace with more test if that is what they want and as a source he should try to right the wrongs as fast as humanly possible when the mistake is his fault or due to negligence and lack of testing his own product.. That just seems like it should be standard protocol when someone gets bunk gear, but hey.... maybe it's just me. Lol

Ah, but therein lies the problem, Chris, you are thinking like the good, upstanding person you are - and some of these sources are thinking like scumbags and cheats.:)
^^^^This is getting old yawn
My bro volt almost all the threads in the Ug are fucking yawn material . Between the irrelevant comments and dick riders shit I've noticed I dont care much to even get in the Ug as I once did. Kind of disappointed.
No, I don't think anyone bashing spetz has an alterier motive. I was simply stating that sometimes that is the case In some instances. Do I think that's the case here? No, could it be? Yes. Is it likely? Probably not. lol. I'm just simply stating any possibility, not just the most likely since I personally don't know enough about this source yet.. I have my trusted sources that I use and I only venture outside of those to either prove a point, or to help out thr community. And as far as some sources being scum bags... yeah. It's been that way since the beginning.. for every good source, there's 5 that don't give a shit about the customer and could care less if they sell you cum in a 10 ml vial.. Also, why would I ever take anything a source says for face value? I said my opinion wasn't biased, and you just suggested it WAS biased.....(edit. I think I misunderstood what you were getting at. No I haven't heard anything about anyone's motives being anything other than just unhappy with quality.) I may not have been around as long as some of these guys, but I'd like to think I've been around long enough thay I wouldn't come onto a sources thread and suck his dick because he told me it tastes like salted caramel.... lol :P
I think you mean well, but I do not think you made anything clear nor provided evidence for your claims. Without qualification, you said that HCG yields an additional 1000-1200 ng/dL of serum testosterone. The study you cited does not support this. If you it does, I will be happy to eat my words if you would kindly quote the passage.

As a non-obese hypogonadal male who uses TRT dosages of testosterone cypionate, HCG, and exemestane, I should achieve supraphysiological testosterone levels routinely if your claims are correct. I have never achieved such a test result.

I believe you may be conflating intratesticular testosterone and serum testosterone. They are not the same.

Furthermore, you seem to claim that an AI will increase serum testosterone levels by 800 ng/dL. If you are basing this on the letrozole study, I get an increase of 395.11 ng/dL. But I fail to see how obese males and AAS users are supposed to be comparable in their rates of aromatization. AAS may aromatize more than their non-AAS using counterparts, but that is largely because there is more testosterone to aromatize. Obese individuals aromatize more by virtue of actually having more aromatase enzyme. I believe it has been shown in monkeys that AAS usage increases aromatase production, but you should show that they are comparable to obese males' before saying they are pretty much the same, and that the AAS would have comparable estradiol levels absent use of an AI.

In any case, you are the one who asserted the positive. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to support your claim by citing relevant passages in the literature, not by saying Swale or Roberts said so or throwing a bunch of studies out there and demand they be read. And name calling does not help your case, regardless of who started it.
The last study layer out the numbers for the hcg and so does the long article. In one of the other studies I posted 500 iu eod yielded TT 26% above baseline. " Mean serum hormone levels before vs during treatment were testosterone 207.2 vs 1,055.5 ".

I couldn't find the study on letro I wanted. I remember it being around a 600-800 ng/dl increase but they killed estrogen like many bodybuilders do by dosing it in large amounts everyday. I was saying that estrogen would be equivalent or higher in testosterone using bodybuilders due to the quantity of exogenous testosterone taken . Wasn't referring to the rate of aromatase, although if where talking about a large bodybuilder with an equivalent BMI they might be somewhat close.

Check out the trt forums and you here about them entering the suparphysiological range with dosages such as 150 mg test, 500 iu hcg eod and .5-1mg armimidex eod. They often have to tailor their dosages.

When somebody asks "who do you hear this information from" about hcg and ai replacing/increasing testosterone I answered.
No, I don't think anyone bashing spetz has an alterier motive. I was simply stating that sometimes that is the case In some instances. Do I think that's the case here? No, could it be? Yes. Is it likely? Probably not. lol. I'm just simply stating any possibility, not just the most likely since I personally don't know enough about this source yet.. I have my trusted sources that I use and I only venture outside of those to either prove a point, or to help out thr community. And as far as some sources being scum bags... yeah. It's been that way since the beginning.. for every good source, there's 5 that don't give a shit about the customer and could care less if they sell you cum in a 10 ml vial.. Also, why would I ever take anything a source says for face value? I said my opinion wasn't biased, and you just suggested it WAS biased.....(edit. I think I misunderstood what you were getting at. No I haven't heard anything about anyone's motives being anything other than just unhappy with quality.) I may not have been around as long as some of these guys, but I'd like to think I've been around long enough thay I wouldn't come onto a sources thread and suck his dick because he told me it tastes like salted caramel.... lol :p

Chris, my dude, if I am reading your post correctly then you understand that I was sincerely asking about the alterior motives - and I wasn't suggesting anything. I was sincerely asking if you thought that. I was definitely NOT suggesting that your opinion was biased.
Just wanted to clarify.

I think it's cool of you to take one for the team like that! Look forward to your results.
I'll also keep everyone posted if he ever responds or sends that pack out, but I'm not sure anyone should send him any money right now until we know forsure, both, that he's still sending out product like hes supposed to and not just taking money at this point before the big blow up(if thay does even happen), and that he is currently sending out good product. I'll let everyone know if I ever get my tracking number or my package I planned on testing out to post some bloods up for the community on the ugl in question, but as of now I'd be VERY wary of sending him any money juuuust in case. He may just be busy now and hasn't had time to get it out and update me, but I find it odd that he replied to every email I sent him within a few hours, until I sent him money, and he agreed to send me a tracking number the next day. Now it's been two days since he agreed to get me that tracking number and not one response to any of my several emails. So be careful guys! He may not be doing this, BUT I have seen sources do some pretty crazy shit when the heat gets turned up and people start questioning their quality and business practices in general, and it usually ends in people losing alllooot of $$$. Just a heads up...
The last study layer out the numbers for the hcg and so does the long article. In one of the other studies I posted 500 iu eod yielded TT 26% above baseline. " Mean serum hormone levels before vs during treatment were testosterone 207.2 vs 1,055.5 ".

The abstract for last study shows the affect on men using testosterone replacement and HCG, not just HCG.

I couldn't find the study on letro I wanted. I remember it being around a 600-800 ng/dl increase but they killed estrogen like many bodybuilders do by dosing it in large amounts everyday. I was saying that estrogen would be equivalent or higher in testosterone using bodybuilders due to the quantity of exogenous testosterone taken . Wasn't referring to the rate of aromatase, although if where talking about a large bodybuilder with an equivalent BMI they might be somewhat close.

And they might not. You provided a very specific number without any basis, and then got angry because no one would accept your bold claim. You cannot win an argument that way.

Check out the trt forums and you here about them entering the suparphysiological range with dosages such as 150 mg test, 500 iu hcg eod and .5-1mg armimidex eod. They often have to tailor their dosages.

Thank you, but I have read enough TRT forums to last the rest of my life. I have been there myself trying to get healthy. Those high levels have never happened with me, even with similar dosages.

When somebody asks "who do you hear this information from" about hcg and ai replacing/increasing testosterone I answered.

You respond, but you do not answer. You appeal to authority (like in the previous quote), throw out studies tangentially related to the topic without discussion, or now you cannot find the study you may also have drawn questionable conclusions from.

Like I said before, I believe you mean well, and it is great there are guys like you who want to contribute. The way you defend your arguments should not have you wondering why more are not agreeing with you.
Yeah bud, I misunderstood at first and thought you were implying something else, then I understood and realized you were just curious if i heard anything about that happening the second time I read your post. :) cheers bud
My bro volt almost all the threads in the Ug are fucking yawn material . Between the irrelevant comments and dick riders shit I've noticed I dont care much to even get in the Ug as I once did. Kind of disappointed.
Can't agree more this thread is just shambles. The other 2 sources thread is a noob lovefest and one is borderline cult like. Not sure when it became cool on meso to side with sources.
Chris, my dude, if I am reading your post correctly then you understand that I was sincerely asking about the alterior motives - and I wasn't suggesting anything. I was sincerely asking if you thought that. I was definitely NOT suggesting that your opinion was biased.
Just wanted to clarify.

I think it's cool of you to take one for the team like that! Look forward to your results.

I'm feeling like the ulterior motive is with our boy Chris. Not in a malicious way but in a way that he wants to be given credit for something when maybe he has a fascination with some shit spetz offers?
DFL/Defiant(not defiance) is one of the best UGL's with oral winny that I love more than any other labs. His test cyp has had guys testing higher than pharm(Watson & Phizer, specifically.) test cyp.
D's ta is a bit longer than some spoiled members like but always has been 10-14 days after picking up funds. D's has a security system that is the mark of a real pro.
Maybe it's the $200 min not including shipping that has you not giving your business to a much deserved source as well as a member of the Community.
I don't agree with your giving business to spetz. It's a reward that he doesn't deserve. You can't go wrong with Defiant....ever.
Can't agree more this thread is just shambles. The other 2 sources thread is a noob lovefest and one is borderline cult like. Not sure when it became cool on meso to side with sources.

On the bright side, it seems like more and more members are getting bloods done, so that should help drive the threads in the right direction, and silence some of the guys blindly siding with sources.