USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Nah, no credit or anything like that. He doesn't have anything awesome being offered either, and defiant has always been excellent and my absolute favorite by far. Sorry for the defiance mistype. My auto type corrects defiant to defiance.
It really just came down to needing test to transition into my cruise because I'm almost out, and DFL takes a little while to respond so it's not the quickest, and even Astro is unavailable, so I figured I'd just get some from spetz since i can have it in hand pretty quick, so I don't run out or have to cut my blast short, and I'd get bloods and help the community aswell. But now its looking like my package from spetz may not come at all if he doesnt respond or come back in the next day or two. That's all it was buddy.

edit: I also have a backup order going out with defiant, but like I said I just didn't want to run out or cut my blast short. It's just been a hectic couple months with my fiance getting sick and a bunch of other crap going on so I haven't had time to plan out my cruise and next blast properly. :)
Not sure when it became cool on meso to side with sources.

Sorry Volt - ran outta time to finish replying to this earlier as a I had a rowdy little one needing me.

As far as it being cool to side with sources, man, I dunno - think back to last year here at Meso. You and I were both here for it. It was worse then than it is now, IMO, if my memory is correct.

Think back on Stretch and Bio. That dude had half of the members here on board with him. And i mean truly respected members including some true vets. And then there was PEP - remember how many REALLY respected members were on his side and praising him?

It seemed like the tide shifted some after PEP, and many of us became more demanding and critical of the sources here.

You were here Volt, and Johnny too, and of course Ben and many others. Do you guys think it was worse then or am I remembering it differently than it was?
I jumped in on the bio bandwagon when I first got here. And you are correct, seemed like he was worshipped! Had one legit order, then got burned. Praise the good Lord I didn't get in on Pep. I was too busy running bunk shit from bio.
Yeah, I'd hope people would speak up, not stay quiet. If you got fucked and you don't warn your fellow board members, that's kindof shitty and selfish to let others keep getting screwed.
Well... in all honesty, I hope things aren't as they seem and anyone else also waiting on gear, ends up getting their stuff... but unfortunately it's looking bleek.
No one wants to see anyone who ordered get burned but ordering from this guy after everything that's happened is like driving full speed through every red light you come to without looking either way.

Everything may turn out fine but there is also a strong chance you will crash and burn.
I received mine today fortunately I my order got shipped out b4 he disappeared....

In all fairness to the man, he last posted early yesterday morning here. I wouldn't classify that as "disappeared". Whether or not he follows up on his promises may be another matter, however. Time will tell.
Regardless if he's disappeared again or not . Fact still remains he's disappeared before and left members waiting for a very very long Time before and it's shocking to see people even take that chance . Especially if your in a bind for quick gear spaz wouldn't even be an option. He wouldn't be an option for me on any predicament . There's great sources all around us not only on meso . Gotta step out the box every now and then fellas !!
Yeah, I'd hope people would speak up, not stay quiet. If you got fucked and you don't warn your fellow board members, that's kindof shitty and selfish to let others keep getting screwed.

They've been speaking up for a month!! Fake tracking numbers, underdosed gear, transvestites named "Tiff", crazy story after crazy story from spetz, etc..

I remember you from awhile ago but fuck man, did you read the thread? I'm just not sure:

A) why you'd order, it really doesn't matter what your bloods say because he'll probably be gone by the time you get them done


B) Why you're saying all this shit about how you're going to get burned when it's been what? A few days since you last talked to spetz?

I don't know, all these posts just seem weird as hell..
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He told me he'd send me my tracking number on a specific date. Date passed by a couple days with no response to my emails is why I brought it up... I thought it seemed like a legitimate concern, and I missed the sections where he's disappeared before so, that's on me. I just figured it was a ugl in question, I needed quick test while I wait for my normal source ' s stuff to come since I'm gonna run out, and I could throw some bloods up for others to see. I'm not sure why anyone is making a big deal out of it or why anyone's giving me grief over this????
CW I don't think anyone thinks you've done anything wrong man. I think the general consensus is that this source, and this thread, is done and it's time to move on.
By the way... the post I was responding to said no one's speaking up because their too emberased that they ordered from this guy to admit they'd ordered.. I didn't mean no one had ever spoken up dude.. I meant that, what he was saying was retarded and I'd hope no one would ever just not speak up out of emberassent.