USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Thanks PI, i want to add something, i know i dont have the best history here but as you guys know, i dont have plans to go away, i am really trying to make thing right and Improve on customer service and quality, i feel i have a lot of good products to offer, such as amps and FDA meds, im even willing to stop advertising anabolix line on MESO if that's what it takes but please know i will do whatever is in my power to prove to you guys that your hard earned money is safe with me and my ultimate goals is to offer a quality product. I have a lot invested on this both time and Money.

Shut the fuck up.. I don't know what kind of ghey voodoo shit you did to PI, you have his head spun and I don't freaking appreciate you doing that to our boy..

You're fucking weak, I'd be shocked if you even train or live our lifestyle in any way.. You don't have the mindset or the discipline. Let's say for just a second your bullshit sick kid story was true, you couldn't find 5 minutes to post here?! "My family comes first, blah blah blah", yea mine does too but they sure wouldn't appreciate if I let my business go to shit because I couldn't take 2 minutes to tell my clients what's up.. Weak minded bitch, you caused a lot if people unnecessary grief thinking they lost money they trusted you with..

You said you're dosing prop at 120mg yet your list/labels say 100mg/ml.. Put in the vial what you have on the label!! I run test low for a few reasons and surely wouldn't appreciate that extra 20%.. This is a lie and you also have no problem lying as to what's on the label with your underdosed shit too..

Fuck outta here...
Shut the fuck up.. I don't know what kind of ghey voodoo shit you did to PI, you have his head spun and I don't freaking appreciate you doing that to our boy..

You're fucking weak, I'd be shocked if you even train or live our lifestyle in any way.. You don't have the mindset or the discipline. Let's say for just a second your bullshit sick kid story was true, you couldn't find 5 minutes to post here?! "My family comes first, blah blah blah", yea mine does too but they sure wouldn't appreciate if I let my business go to shit because I couldn't take 2 minutes to tell my clients what's up.. Weak minded bitch, you caused a lot if people unnecessary grief thinking they lost money they trusted you with..

You said you're dosing prop at 120mg yet your list/labels say 100mg/ml.. Put in the vial what you have on the label!! I run test low for a few reasons and surely wouldn't appreciate that extra 20%.. This is a lie and you also have no problem lying as to what's on the label with your underdosed shit too..

Fuck outta here...

You should be able to guess that "ghey shit" pretty easily.
No ghey. No Voodoo. Just having a hard time understanding. I have order 4 times anonymously. And had consist service. Im officially done with this thread. This thread is a dead horse.
No ghey. No Voodoo. Just having a hard time understanding. I have order 4 times anonymously. And had consist service. Im officially done with this thread. This thread is a dead horse.

Your success with this source does not by any means discredit your reputation PI. We all have a right to voice our opinions. For example... Kubrick who I have a lot of respect for has had great success with naps. While there are many other disgruntled customers. It's up to the users to read this thread and formulate an opinion for themselves.
Im not defending a source but speaking in truth. The truth I see is unjust how is it ok for other sources to mess up here who are still here. But this situation is different? Im talking about truth in balance. If a source is treated as source it needs to be the same across the board.
I am going to take a wild guess and say the biggest difference between spetz and everyone else is that spetz is hooking you up with gear or cash... either that or you are an idiot- and I don't think you are, so I hope you are being compensated well for the credibility you are incinerating with your posts.

You know what kills me? I don't give a fuck of anyone buys this shit and dies from an infection or gets beat for their cash- you fucking deserve it if you can't read the signs here. The shitty part is that this lying, theiving sack of shit is gonna get paid (and well) by everyone retarded enough to send him cash. If he wasn't making money I would sit back and watch stupidity reign supreme.

I wouldn't buy a drop of oil from anyone on this board- but if a gun was to my head this fucking piece of shit would be my last choice... and that douchebag selling counterfeit pharm gearline is almost as bad.

The worst are these fucking idiots defending him... if you aren't getting paid for it do the world a favor and kill yourself- or become a lawyer and defend pedophiles since you seem to be willing to do anything for cash.
I am going to take a wild guess and say the biggest difference between spetz and everyone else is that spetz is hooking you up with gear or cash... either that or you are an idiot- and I don't think you are, so I hope you are being compensated well for the credibility you are incinerating with your posts.

You know what kills me? I don't give a fuck of anyone buys this shit and dies from an infection or gets beat for their cash- you fucking deserve it if you can't read the signs here. The shitty part is that this lying, theiving sack of shit is gonna get paid (and well) by everyone retarded enough to send him cash. If he wasn't making money I would sit back and watch stupidity reign supreme.

I wouldn't buy a drop of oil from anyone on this board- but if a gun was to my head this fucking piece of shit would be my last choice... and that douchebag selling counterfeit pharm gearline is almost as bad.

The worst are these fucking idiots defending him... if you aren't getting paid for it do the world a favor and kill yourself- or become a lawyer and defend pedophiles since you seem to be willing to do anything for cash.
You seem to have a very positive outlook on the world, Brutus :D
Ok. Well that is not the case brother. I dont operate that way. I just stating my opion and my veiw and my experience. Which is what meso is about although we do not have to agree. I respect you brother always have. But we are diffrent is some degrees see you wouldn't mind all source eradicated. Be cause you have yours and your good. Do you plan to share your source? I didn't think so. I am on the other spectrum I am trying to find a good source for meso for all members. For some of us this is are only way getting a hold of it.* I am not saying Spetz is it. But you see why yes I am more open to giving chances if the Scoc has been followed.
I believe that is a fair statement.
Thanks PI
FWIW I'll be getting bloods sometime around 8am Monday. Last pin was 10am this morning... I couldn't get out of bed at 7am on Sat. I'm 8 weeks in on cycle of spetz var and test e. I posted before what my cycle was, but I'll add it when I post bloods. I'm on my phone in the sauna and don't feel like typing it all out atm.
Fuck it, don't have anything else to do right now.
Week 1-14 Anavar 50mg ED
Week 1-2 Test e 375mg E3D
Week 3-12 Test e 250mg E3D
Week 13 Test p 50mg EOD
Week 14-15 Test p 75mg EOD
Week 16 Test p 100mg EOD
Well, incase anyone was curious spetz did email me back late last night with the info I had requested. If anyone cares, I'll put up some blood work in a few weeks for the fuck of it I suppose.
He told me he'd send me my tracking number on a specific date. Date passed by a couple days with no response to my emails is why I brought it up... I thought it seemed like a legitimate concern, and I missed the sections where he's disappeared before so, that's on me. I just figured it was a ugl in question, I needed quick test while I wait for my normal source ' s stuff to come since I'm gonna run out, and I could throw some bloods up for others to see. I'm not sure why anyone is making a big deal out of it or why anyone's giving me grief over this????
Dude, how in the fuck could you possibly miss the part where he wasn't aroun? Really? If I buy gear I read ALL AND ANY info on the lab. This guy has had some lretty fucked up excuses and lies but he did come back and at least on the surface make things look better. Who really knows but at least he did show back up. The reason people (Johnny) said anything and gave you "grief" is because the shit you're saying is pretty lame after all the shit. Like I said, I read ALL the info on a lab before I buy. I wish you the best of luck, you just might need it. Cheers
And I'm not talking shit just a couple observation.
To summarize for you... he was around when ordered. I was well aware of his past issues. I have another order in with a well known source on ab... i am about to run out of gear and needed something quick, and this was my only"potentially quick" option that could aarrive sooner than 2 weeks..
By the way, before you jump on the fact I might run out of gear and need to plan better. I cruise and blast.. I don't come off. My wife got breast cancer, and planning my next cruise has been the least of my worries, and I didn't even realize I was almost out of test.