USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Chris - I think you should do what you planned on doing with the bloods and posting them. Most guys here have made up their mind about Spetz anyways, and after everything that has been documented in this thread (the nonsense Spetz has pulled here), the warning signs are already there for any potential buyer who is even slightly trying to gather info and assess Spetz as a possible source.

Like I said previously, I do appreciate you being willing to share your bloods (as we need more members doing so). The unfortunate qualifier here is that if you get a really high test result back, most guys here will attribute that to the source KNOWING you were planning to post results, so I anticipate Spetz sending you the best of the best test he can possibly brew.

Good luck with everything with Mrs. H. Her form of cancer has a very high success rate for treatment when caught early, so hopefully it all goes well for her and yourself.
Chris - I think you should do what you planned on doing with the bloods and posting them. Most guys here have made up their mind about Spetz anyways, and after everything that has been documented in this thread (the nonsense Spetz has pulled here), the warning signs are already there for any potential buyer who is even slightly trying to gather info and assess Spetz as a possible source.

Like I said previously, I do appreciate you being willing to share your bloods (as we need more members doing so). The unfortunate qualifier here is that if you get a really high test result back, most guys here will attribute that to the source KNOWING you were planning to post results, so I anticipate Spetz sending you the best of the best test he can possibly brew.

Good luck with everything with Mrs. H. Her form of cancer has a very high success rate for treatment when caught early, so hopefully it all goes well for her and yourself.

Thank you for helping me explain my point. The fact that we'd attribute high test levels to spetz knowing you were gonna be testing I believe is what you wanted...the ulterior(not alterior) motive I posted about. You want spetz to hook your shit up. I really don't mean to disrespect or fuck with you cuz if I did I'm known to just get at it.
@ChrisWarrenH I'm going on the record and saying don't post any bloods. You are the sacrificial junkie. Where I grew up when the pic on the bundle changed the first few packs would be at 30-40% instead of the standard 7-10%... new packs always hit on the first or the 15th and when a junkie ended up needing narcon or took a dirt nap the rest of the zombies would hand over their foodstamps with their firstborn for more. Don't perpetuate the scam- I dont mind the whole not buying anonymously bit but I do mind the brainwashed scramble to spend money with douchebag when you post a 2200 on 200mg a week.
@ChrisWarrenH I'm going on the record and saying don't post any bloods. You are the sacrificial junkie. Where I grew up when the pic on the bundle changed the first few packs would be at 30-40% instead of the standard 7-10%... new packs always hit on the first or the 15th and when a junkie ended up needing narcon or took a dirt nap the rest of the zombies would hand over their foodstamps with their firstborn for more. Don't perpetuate the scam- I dont mind the whole not buying anonymously bit but I do mind the brainwashed scramble to spend money with douchebag when you post a 2200 on 200mg a week.

Brut, I guess my thinking is that anybody putting even an ounce of effort into trying to validate Spetz as a source would discover quickly that Chris H's bloods were a non-factor compared to the three ring circus that Spetz's operation has been from the start. But I get your point - I guess maybe I was giving too much credit to the masses? Spetz knew plenty of times before that guys would be "sharing their experience" yet he still choked and spit up before the head of the cock even reached the back of his tongue.
Also, I waited about 3 days after I had allready payed him before I said anything on the forums about bloodwork, and 2 days after the date I was supposed to receive a tr #. But I suppose it is still possible(especially since I didn't get a tracking number when I was supposed to). Either way, I'll just leave it be.
By the way, before you jump on the fact I might run out of gear and need to plan better. I cruise and blast.. I don't come off. My wife got breast cancer, and planning my next cruise has been the least of my worries, and I didn't even realize I was almost out of test.
Hey bro, I'm not saying ANYTHING about your cruaie and blasts. What I am saying is that this cat has been here lying and manipulating for a ling time. Actually from the beginning when he said he was a pharmaceutical worker. Haha, funny. Anyways, if guys read this thread and then still get pissed about a fake tracking #or non existing one I don't really blame Spetz. I blame the guy that actually thinks this will be an easy order. Yes it seems like spetz is honestly trying to make things right and I also wouldn't be asking for a tracking #after a day or two but that's me. I hope that he takes all of the lead on this and continues to make the appropriate adjustments in order. To help the guys that are calling fir his services. Now to you Chris. Good luck in all of your endeavors. I am also on a blast, cruise schedule and it will become a little hectic as the yrs go by I'm sure . Hope your wife is well.
Is spetz still poppin ? I haven't been on this thread for awhile ... thinking about ordering some stuff . I have alot's of reading to do now lol.
Is spetz still poppin ? I haven't been on this thread for awhile ... thinking about ordering some stuff . I have alot's of reading to do now lol.
Put the time in and read the post. HINT: You are making a mistake if you order from him now.
Running spetz's dbol and test prop right now... received my order about two weeks ago, shipping was quick. Pip on the prop was BRUTAL for the first few injections, running the pin under warm water for a minute helps a ton. Alls good now, some gains starting to kick in. I'm on day 7, only running a 2 weeker. I'll report back at end.
Running spetz's dbol and test prop right now... received my order about two weeks ago, shipping was quick. Pip on the prop was BRUTAL for the first few injections, running the pin under warm water for a minute helps a ton. Alls good now, some gains starting to kick in. I'm on day 7, only running a 2 weeker. I'll report back at end.

Why would you only run a 2 week cycle?
Nope, Haven't gotten my package yet either, and I was under the impression it went out Wed last week. It's only Monday though, so we'll see.
I'm in the process of working things out with spetz. I'll make an update here if/when it is truly resolved, which should happen within the next week. I don't want to post any speculative info just in case someone reads that and thinks "oh great, this guy's PROBABLY going to be taken care of, guess I'll go ahead and order."