USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Running spetz's dbol and test prop right now... received my order about two weeks ago, shipping was quick. Pip on the prop was BRUTAL for the first few injections, running the pin under warm water for a minute helps a ton. Alls good now, some gains starting to kick in. I'm on day 7, only running a 2 weeker. I'll report back at end.

Same story here, shipping quick and PIP has raped my glutes
dunno. he's gone mia again. I heard from him Friday, then no response to any of my emails again since then. I'm sure he'll pop back up again at some point lol He tends to do that I guess.
Really weird. I've had absolutely NO pip from this guy's prop.
It has a Black top, right?
The prop I got from him is Black Top, but I haven't used it yet as I'm using Mike Strong Prop. No pip at all fwiw with Mikes Gear, even with 2cc's of Prop in my delt or my quad.
The prop I got from him is Black Top, but I haven't used it yet as I'm using Mike Strong Prop. No pip at all fwiw with Mikes Gear, even with 2cc's of Prop in my delt or my quad.
yeah, black top. Couldn't walk normal for the better part of a week after hitting my quad!
I had conversed with spetz over several days and he said that he was going to replace The test cypionate. (batch number 170421330) The batch I had deemed unworthy to run for any longer is being replaced by five test props. I've had very good luck with his line of test prop, my friends and I also had great success with his anavar, Deca, and Tren
My experience with him hasn't been the best but I've dealt with a lot worse.
Pros and cons
Communication is great until you give him the money and then it takes awhile to get a tracking number. Some people even had to wait weeks for their tracking number due to a problem on his end. I've had good runs using the aforementioned compounds and a bad run while on his test cypionate Hes suppose to be making me whole with the prop and I admire that. When it comes in though we're going to test the shit out of it and see how it truly runs.
The delay after gaining the funds and recieving the tracking number is what everybody stays on edge about including myself. Maybe he's just trying to create distance between hisself and the package. Or maybe he has to brew some gear in a hurry to fill the order. . Whatever the reason it has to be addressed!!!
Pulling a Houdini in the underground drug trade is not a good idea but sometimes it can't be helped. Which brings me to my next bullet point of this power point presentation, if you can't be there at all then why can't you have a very close confidant to be a mediator between yourself and the lovely customers of meso. I think the deal you had with TIFF was just under planned. She had no idea how to go about helping people and answering their questions. A confidant would need to be trained in every aspect of the game. You can admit Tiff was your doing because nobody is buying that she wasn't yours. She knew too much about you to not be yours.
If there's ever gonna be a delay for whatever reason just tell the truth. It's a lot better than having people in the dark angry and flaming your thread up and making everybody else worry about their packages and the liquid that's going into their bodies. It rolls into a snowball!!!

So the gear that my people and I have run is good with the exception of the t cyp. That issue is being resolved.
Now the other issues need to be addressed or its only going to get worse.
I like you spetz and so do others on here but fix these issues for the buyers, the haters, and for yourself!!
if you don't try to fix these issues then it's never going to get any better. You'll lose a lot of customers including myself if you don't try to address these!!!!

If I missed any issues that you guys think that need to be addressed go ahead and tell all!!
If there's something wrong being done by a man you have to tell him what he's doing wrong and give him a chance to fix it. If he doesn't fix it then by all means burn this mother down!!!! But you have to give him a chance to correct his actions!!!
Sourcing here is a privelage. Many have tried most have failed and usually head south.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily legitimate once they're established. It also doesn't mean that a source that doesn't gain this board's approval isn't legitimate.

Since we're talking about reddit, tone of this board reminds me of /r/hailcorporate on reddit, which is routinely made fun of because in trying to question everything, the members read motivations into posts which are not there. There was a hilarious post about breadsticks where someone thought a joke about "unlimited breadsticks" meant that a poster was an Olive Garden shill. Every other board made fun of them for this.

Posters here have negativity bias. In other words, one negative comment will be given inordinate amounts of trust, because posters are so wary of being scammed. Usually one claim of "this gear is bunk" is enough to cause panic about a particular product.

You should take neither negative NOR positive comments at face value.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily legitimate once they're established. It also doesn't mean that a source that doesn't gain this board's approval isn't legitimate.

Since we're talking about reddit, tone of this board reminds me of /r/hailcorporate on reddit, which is routinely made fun of because in trying to question everything, the members read motivations into posts which are not there. There was a hilarious post about breadsticks where someone thought a joke about "unlimited breadsticks" meant that a poster was an Olive Garden shill. Every other board made fun of them for this.

Posters here have negativity bias. In other words, one negative comment will be given inordinate amounts of trust, because posters are so wary of being scammed. Usually one claim of "this gear is bunk" is enough to cause panic about a particular product.

You should take neither negative NOR positive comments at face value.
Who the hell are you? You've been here a minute and you are already making assumptions about board members? WTF?
Yeah, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily legitimate once they're established. It also doesn't mean that a source that doesn't gain this board's approval isn't legitimate.

Since we're talking about reddit, tone of this board reminds me of /r/hailcorporate on reddit, which is routinely made fun of because in trying to question everything, the members read motivations into posts which are not there. There was a hilarious post about breadsticks where someone thought a joke about "unlimited breadsticks" meant that a poster was an Olive Garden shill. Every other board made fun of them for this.

Posters here have negativity bias. In other words, one negative comment will be given inordinate amounts of trust, because posters are so wary of being scammed. Usually one claim of "this gear is bunk" is enough to cause panic about a particular product.

You should take neither negative NOR positive comments at face value.
I don't give a fuck about any other board. Intake what I need from members I respect. I'd relax a bit before jumping on anyone around here. We try to stick together. I understand sources may slip a bit but that shit doesn't fly here and I'm ok with that. It is a privilege to source here if you can weather the storm
That comes with it. Keep in mind meso is NOT a source board.
Who the hell are you? You've been here a minute and you are already making assumptions about board members? WTF?

How exactly is my account lifespan related to the amount of time I've spent reading your posts? (It isn't.)

You may or may not have made a post on, say, 4chan. This does not mean that you're unaware of the board's tone.
IMO the tone is just fine around here. I'd have It no other way. It can get over the top at times but hey welcome to the free world!
I deal with it, because this is one of the few boards (along with /r/steroidsourcetalk) that attempt to avoid sponsors. The very idea of a sponsor creates bias. However, paranoia is far from ideal, and I've read way too many threads here where two people get into personal fights with each other when the fight itself is completely off-topic and I'm just trying to get information about a goddamned source.

The domestic-supply thread comes to mind. Jesus christ I do not give a shit about the people who run it, I just wanted to know if the gear was good.

Anyway, if spetz was banned from reddit's steroidsourcetalk board that says a lot, so that's all I'm going to say on that.
I think your confused ! How can we attempt to not have something here when it is not present ! Sponsored is non existent and this will always be our board where we can be paranoid as we damn please !