USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

He told me he'd send me my tracking number on a specific date. Date passed by a couple days with no response to my emails is why I brought it up... I thought it seemed like a legitimate concern.
He's full of fucking shit. He speaks simply to do so and will say anything to put himself in a better light. He has no retarded kid that ever suffered from problems stemming from his appendix.
Things go terribly wrong, no tracking or fake tracking, underdosed gear, he goes missing time and again... But then he's given chance after chance and shit is brushed under the rug. The thread is clouded in recent pages with whatever, because everyone wants to put that shit behind them and then someone comes in and reads the most recent pages and thinks Spetz is legit for the time being, when really he has not worked out the kinks and continues to NOT follow through on promises. But again, Spetz will be back on with some excuse and I'm sure people will push it under the rug for what? Mediocre gear from an unreliable source who happens to have FDA meds?

I mean, it is everyone's responsibility to read the whole thread and come up with their own conclusion, but the bottom line is his issues as a source are far from over and those who don't want to see this are either blind or unwilling to accept this truth
Come on the guy got kicked off of Reddit for bribing members for good reviews...

I asked about some pharma test of his and he offered to send it to me for free, no strings attached. He then followed up by saying all he wants is a "fair review".

I believe the Reddit story. The guy is completely dishonest. I'll say it again. Why anyone would order from this guy is beyond me. Even if he does come back here, he needs to be run off.
Can't agree more this thread is just shambles. The other 2 sources thread is a noob lovefest and one is borderline cult like. Not sure when it became cool on meso to side with sources.

Yeah I don't even like going into the cult one. You'd think most of those guys would have killer forearms swinging from the dick for so long.
Hey guys, i'm here, had issues with internet till now.
Let me guess. You were with your kid in the hospital and on the way home, you nearly hit Tiff who was crossing the street in front of your car. You swerved to avoid her and in doing so you hit a transformer which knocked your power out and you haven't had Internet until now. That about right?
Let me guess. You were with your kid in the hospital and on the way home, you nearly hit Tiff who was crossing the street in front of your car. You swerved to avoid her and in doing so you hit a transformer which knocked your power out and you haven't had Internet until now. That about right?
LOL you got it sir! thanks for clarifying for everyone.
Ive held my tongue for as long as i could. this thread has gotten ridiculous. I know he messed up. But no more than what going on other sources thread currently. At this point I dont care if I lose respect I call it how it is period. I see tons of sheep on here. There are some that have the right to complain. But to a point some of you sound like the wife that bitches about the mess up you did a month ago and never lets go. No source is perfect and never will be. And there will be mess up and problems from the chinese. Spetz has some making up to do yes. What I do see is a source will to work with us. One that we can mold to what we want at meso. Most are not willing Spetz is. Lets stop the nagging and bitching. And start molding to our liking.
Thanks PI
Thanks PI, i want to add something, i know i dont have the best history here but as you guys know, i dont have plans to go away, i am really trying to make thing right and Improve on customer service and quality, i feel i have a lot of good products to offer, such as amps and FDA meds, im even willing to stop advertising anabolix line on MESO if that's what it takes but please know i will do whatever is in my power to prove to you guys that your hard earned money is safe with me and my ultimate goals is to offer a quality product. I have a lot invested on this both time and Money.
Thanks PI, i want to add something, i know i dont have the best history here but as you guys know, i dont have plans to go away, i am really trying to make thing right and Improve on customer service and quality, i feel i have a lot of good products to offer, such as amps and FDA meds, im even willing to stop advertising anabolix line on MESO if that's what it takes but please know i will do whatever is in my power to prove to you guys that your hard earned money is safe with me and my ultimate goals is to offer a quality product. I have a lot invested on this both time and Money.
Just keep trying to make things right and if u stay u will eventually be what ur trying to prove. After all that's went on it just gonna take consistency.
Ive held my tongue for as long as i could. this thread has gotten ridiculous. I know he messed up. But no more than what going on other sources thread currently. At this point I dont care if I lose respect I call it how it is period. I see tons of sheep on here. There are some that have the right to complain. But to a point some of you sound like the wife that bitches about the mess up you did a month ago and never lets go. No source is perfect and never will be. And there will be mess up and problems from the chinese. Spetz has some making up to do yes. What I do see is a source will to work with us. One that we can mold to what we want at meso. Most are not willing Spetz is. Lets stop the nagging and bitching. And start molding to our liking.
Thanks PI
If you mean to say Spetz will get better when the forum stops criticizing him and customers should not expect what they paid for, I disagree.
Maybe some can just get over a person being a blatant liar. Some are also probably pretty comfortable with a source while they are sitting on their personal info and can shake them down at any point. I too don't care if I lose any respect. I'll gladly lose it in defense of members. I damn sure won't in defense of a source.

Some people in this thread sound like the dumbass wife that gets her ass beat all the time and then blames herself. "I deserved it", "I shouldn't have made him mad." It's easy to sit on a high horse when you're guaranteed quality gear with great TA.

If he's going to make it here, he can do it just like every other source has. By doing right by ALL members. Not just the ones with a voice willing to speak up. Have I ordered through Spetz? Nope. I was even willing to give him a shot and he blew that.

Honestly, I don't hope any source fails but this one has a long way to go before he can be trusted.
Maybe some can just get over a person being a blatant liar. Some are also probably pretty comfortable with a source while they are sitting on their personal info and can shake them down at any point. I too don't care if I lose any respect. I'll gladly lose it in defense of members. I damn sure won't in defense of a source.

Some people in this thread sound like the dumbass wife that gets her ass beat all the time and then blames herself. "I deserved it", "I shouldn't have made him mad." It's easy to sit on a high horse when you're guaranteed quality gear with great TA.

If he's going to make it here, he can do it just like every other source has. By doing right by ALL members. Not just the ones with a voice willing to speak up. Have I ordered through Spetz? Nope. I was even willing to give him a shot and he blew that.

Honestly, I don't hope any source fails but this one has a long way to go before he can be trusted.
Im not defending a source but speaking in truth. The truth I see is unjust how is it ok for other sources to mess up here who are still here. But this situation is different? Im talking about truth in balance. If a source is treated as source it needs to be the same across the board.
Im not defending a source but speaking in truth. The truth I see is unjust how is it ok for other sources to mess up here who are still here. But this situation is different? Im talking about truth in balance. If a source is treated as source it needs to be the same across the board.

I think the problem with Spetz is, he came in with the attitude he is more qualified then other ugls because of his "pharmacology schooling" and had access to some pharma drugs.

He was warned multiple times not to bite off more than he can chew by senior members and he still did because he got greedy. I think that is the bottom line.

We are all here to make sure we receive the product they say they can deliver from these guys and the product we do receive is correctly dosed and more importantly, safe. He seems to be failing in a few of these regards.

I know you know all this and respect you immensely, but if we give too much leeway, I think Meso loses some of it's edge. And that edge is who we are.

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Here is how I see it the other sources did not lie and make a big charade of things when oversubscribed. He did this within t be first 90 days of business here. He should of just closed and been straight up.

I can handle the underdosed gear and replacements we know that happens everywhere but that Shit he pulled makes me see a flight risk.

IMO he has yet earned the right to be treated the same as the other two he has to earn it or be gone. Which means no mistakes. BTW nobody is rehashing or crying this guys gear keeps coming up underdosed. So I am tired of the crying well other sources Shit. Spetz has been here not even four months and with what has happened he deserves no benefit of the doubt.
Im not defending a source but speaking in truth. The truth I see is unjust how is it ok for other sources to mess up here who are still here. But this situation is different? Im talking about truth in balance. If a source is treated as source it needs to be the same across the board.
If you think there is a source here who is getting off easy, why are you not in their thread chewing them out instead of pleading for kid gloves for this one?
One other item,
As Colt said (somewhere in this convoluted thread), some of the responsibility lies with the members of MESO to recognize the situation and realize is not stable and NOT too order from these src's.

I understand we all want what we want, but if you jump in wily nilly, then you get this situation handed back too you.

I could have ordered from this guy. But I waited and read his words carefully and decided he didn't seem honest (especially when he was whining he had to feed his kids, bs).
I ended up ordering from someone else here.

People, you have the power of choice and you need to use it wisely. There is no guarantees, that I understand, but naivety is not an excuse.
I don't think they have a motive. They just look at Astro as some god because they need something to have faith in. It doesn't even matter what he does at this point. He even had shipping problem although he didn't take it to the extent of leaving everyone in the dark and fake tracking.
My comment was not directed to you but those who constantly hype him when he pulls the same shit. The identical numbers can't be great for astro buy terrible for spetz. There needs to be an established criteria. People get way to attached to their source and in the end are leaving themselves wide open to be fucked over. Just wait for the flame comments but you have to be blind not to see it.

Found this interesting..... For one particular matter. Particularly how you're bringing astro into the picture. First and foremost whenever I have an issue with someone, I don't ever throw anyone else under the bus in order to glorify my attack. I think it's a weak approach.

But anyways regarding astro.. There is a huge difference between astro and Spetz. Ordering from astro you should already know the TA is forever. If you have an issue with that it's your own fault for not reading the thread. As far as this thread source is concerned. A lot of people are not expecting disappearances with delivery inconsistencies across the board and even much more garbage gear. In general there is a difference between astro and Spetz and that is consistency. I think consistency is really all that matters in this game we all play with these purchases. And while I have yet to order from Spetz the biggest issue here the majority are having is no doubt in consistent "lack of consistency".