USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I fucking lurk, fuck off. Im just trying get in contact with spetz. You're so fucking cool cuz you post all over the place with your worthless opinion, get over yourself.....
There's this crazy invention, don't know if you've heard of it, it's called "e-mail" which is short for "electronic mail", it's usually used to conduct matters of business where you have a request from a supplier. You might want to look into it, fuckboy.
There's this crazy invention, don't know if you've heard of it, it's called "e-mail" which is short for "electronic mail", it's usually used to conduct matters of business where you have a request from a supplier. You might want to look into it, fuckboy.
Obviously you didn't read my first post....
Honestly I don't remmeber the color. I don't rememebr it being yellow though, and was pretty thick. Not overly thick though.

No pip today which is a nice change from the last lab.

I don't think there is a set protocol for when to test after switchin labs. I just figured 2-3 weeks is enough time for last labs test to clear system
What ester of test are you running?
Hey spetz what ever happened to those test e replacements you were going to send out on the 12th? I have the same batch as @cetae back from September that bloods didnt look very good. Sent a couple follow up emails a week ago and havent heard back.....
please email me again. cetae got his replacements.
I'd go with 4 weeks just to be safe. That is if it works out for your cycle layout. You're already a couple months in, right?

Yea I'm like 10 weeks in now. I'll prob do it at the 3 week mark cause I'm Goin on a cruise ship and would like results before then.
Damn! wasn't that an overdue situation?
Good to hear tho. At least he's correcting it
I was out of town for a bit, so I didn't end up asking for a status until after 12 days or so. It was missed originally, but after I followed up, it was sent with a tracking number the very next day. I'm okay with that, he apologized for missing it.
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