USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

@spetz.. hey buddy.. got a lil delimma here, I got a nice supply from you back in October. I just attempted to start my 2nd from that order and the anabolix sust I pin'd is horrible with pip, pain came on immediately, and with in 12 hrs Spot was swollen fevered and looked like it was infected.. that happened at both glute and thigh.. batch#150420534 got 2 vials of that and your test cyp is crazy also.. only difference with the cyp is there's no infection look, but I still get immediate inject pain and it swells up within hrs??
I shot them separately the 2 ns pin and still same results.. so I said screw it ain't worth all that. I'll address it with you. however the first cycle I did from your line was great. test e deca and your vet npp and dbol.. quality may not be top notch, but I loved the results I was got from that first cycle. however we gotta do something about this sust and cyp ?? I emailed you also with same info in text. get at me man. let's figure this out. thanks

Yea he's out the game so don't get Ur hopes up. He might replace it but don't hold ur breath. I spoke w him yesterday so he may respond but not sure how he'll handle Ur situation.
Yea he's out the game so don't get Ur hopes up. He might replace it but don't hold ur breath. I spoke w him yesterday so he may respond but not sure how he'll handle Ur situation.
Hey Luca - have you or are planning on getting blood work done for the amps?
Hey Luca - have you or are planning on getting blood work done for the amps?

Already did. I was on another source test and switched to spetz bayer. Was on it for 3 weeks. I assumed it was long enough for old source to be out of my system and spetz bayer to be built up. At 500mg split in 2 doses I was at 2385 i think. I made a thread in testing area. Blood was after 24hr
Already did. I was on another source test and switched to spetz bayer. Was on it for 3 weeks. I assumed it was long enough for old source to be out of my system and spetz bayer to be built up. At 500mg split in 2 doses I was at 2385 i think. I made a thread in testing area. Blood was after 24hr
Thats really shitty man. I hope things work out
Already did. I was on another source test and switched to spetz bayer. Was on it for 3 weeks. I assumed it was long enough for old source to be out of my system and spetz bayer to be built up. At 500mg split in 2 doses I was at 2385 i think. I made a thread in testing area. Blood was after 24hr
Ok, thank you.
Thats really shitty man. I hope things work out

Is what it is. The only thing that sucks is I wanted to run pharma everything cause I don't want to put mystery substance in me anymore.

I'm Gettin bloods in another month Prob so maybe it'll be different then. Doubt it needed more time to stabilize but who knows.
It takes 5 half lives before blood levels stabilize.

The literature states anywhere between 7-15 days for the half life.

We use the short end of one week, it is 5 weeks before we stabilize blood levels.
It takes 5 half lives before blood levels stabilize.

The literature states anywhere between 7-15 days for the half life.

We use the short end of one week, it is 5 weeks before we stabilize blood levels.
I know this is true when going from physiological levels, is it also true when changing test producers and when levels are already supra-physiological?
I know this is true when going from physiological levels, is it also true when changing test producers and when levels are already supra-physiological?
it shouldn't matter, if you're using the same ester, you've already had it built up, changing suppliers shouldn't fuck with that, unless of course one of them wasn't what it was advertised to be, then yes, you're going get fucked up results and bad values
it shouldn't matter, if you're using the same ester, you've already had it built up, changing suppliers shouldn't fuck with that, unless of course one of them wasn't what it was advertised to be, then yes, you're going get fucked up results and bad values
This is what I thought
it shouldn't matter, if you're using the same ester, you've already had it built up, changing suppliers shouldn't fuck with that, unless of course one of them wasn't what it was advertised to be, then yes, you're going get fucked up results and bad values

In my case I was using the same Ester different brands. Started w mike strong and tested at 1,900 I believe. 3 weeks later was 2,385 on spetz bayer. My bro science tells me after 3 weeks and already starting at 1,900 I should be saturated and testing at max levels
In my case I was using the same Ester different brands. Started w mike strong and tested at 1,900 I believe. 3 weeks later was 2,385 on spetz bayer. My bro science tells me after 3 weeks and already starting at 1,900 I should be saturated and testing at max levels
yeah, both are shit, sorry bro. but, if it makes you feel better, you had about the same values i had and i was running 750mg a week, so you have that going for you at least, which is nice.
yeah, both are shit, sorry bro. but, if it makes you feel better, you had about the same values i had and i was running 750mg a week, so you have that going for you at least, which is nice.

Hahaha gotta love these ugl.
The problem is the pharma fakes on top of the shitty brewing practices and low purity powders. You pay for pharma from these guys and end up getting fakes. Yea, they might have something in them, but isn't what you are paying for and more often than not it isn't what it states it is either. If they sell fake amps they need to go on the shit list the same as if they are selling underdosed crap.
I recently hard that bioniche is going to be only selling amps in the near future. If we choose to believe astro that they gave him shit that looks pretty bad.
In a backwards way, I think I trust labs even less when they offer amps - it seems like a shady way to garner trust in their product. "Hey look at us, we offer amps, you know amps are legit, they're amps".
We have seen more than enough faked/underdosed amps.