USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Thanks PI!
Did you say you have his Test C, E, and tren A? Any leads on MS yet?

p.s. Your carryin' the team right now in this thread. I need to step my game up ;)
I know. Is anyone else going to be doing lab max? It would be nice to have comparison. This needs to be a group effort. In order to be conductive.
Now lets get down to business so now you have prop in the mix how can you get an acurate reading if you do a test 10 days in. Right??

In the bold after initial injection you are pinning more then once every 12 days I assume. You will have multiple injections over 5 weeks therefore building up your test levels. Typically 5 weeks is the spot where your levels start to stabilize and have stopped increasing. Think about it you are constantly introducing new hormone over 12 days you might have 3 pins in this period these levels are overlapping and building to reach a point where it stabilizes.

Your bodybuilder friend maybe he was referring to the prop a different ester and yes you can get a good reading around 2 weeks. Take a look around I have never seen anyone suggest to run bloods less then 5 weeks on Cyp or Ent the multiple pins and overlapping of half lives causes a build up

Your quote does not even refer to how to do labs.

BTW I don't care if you want to jump the gun and spend your money it is yours but if you want to be a guinea pig at least do your blood work the way everyone else does so we know. You see if you would have just did it at ten days it offers no help and doesn't help anybody here decide if this guy has a quality product and forgetting to mention the prop doesn't help much either.

Hope this helps you understand.

yea it did actually, i understand what ure saying,just for my curiosity ill do both tests to compare
10 days and 5 weeks
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Hey Team, I have found a good source for AMPS, they're Sustanon 250, the manufacturer is MSD Merck which in case you dont know is the same as Organon. So, if you're interested i have alimited stock, and if demand is good then i will carry more. Pricing is $120 for 10 amps, so $12 per amp. I did try one and the oil is VERY thick, very transparent and smooth.

Well the so called faked anavar was 39% but I have been interested in getting a large amount of raws, and 170 isnt too badd for atleast 100 days of use
Most anavar is has low purity % but do you guys think tha because you dont need much of real potent pharma anavar? Pharma comes in like 2.5mg tabs but we buy 10mg 20mg 50mg pills.. do you think it kind of balance out somewhat for the fact we get less potent but much more vs very potent and less mg .. with real anavar a man can take a max of like 20mg a day and get results and women take about 5mg .. or something like that.. like with real anavar 20mg can do what 80mg or 100mg of ugl anavar can do .. so i heard .. just throwing numbers out not if anyone wants to school me plz do im learning just like you guys lol
The mods and the guy who actually had it tested have pretty much said that the mass spec was no good. It's supposed to be going out to a different mass spec place. There is a couple threads over on reddit discussing it

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Most anavar is has low purity % but do you guys think tha because you dont need much of real potent pharma anavar? Pharma comes in like 2.5mg tabs but we buy 10mg 20mg 50mg pills.. do you think it kind of balance out somewhat for the fact we get less potent but much more vs very potent and less mg .. with real anavar a man can take a max of like 20mg a day and get results and women take about 5mg .. or something like that.. like with real anavar 20mg can do what 80mg or 100mg of ugl anavar can do .. so i heard .. just throwing numbers out not if anyone wants to school me plz do im learning just like you guys lol

Yes these heroic 100mg doses that dudes take are used to compensate for the fact that the product is simply underdosed across the board...

Which is not a bad thing in and of itself.. but people need to not be naive and realize that across the board anavar is underdosed... 100mg of real anavar would be like taking 2grams of test a week... it would be unnecessary