USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I did. I'd love to get that var.......never ran it and I'm in a sponsors most improved 10 week contest. Would love to run it the last 6 weeks or so to harden up

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Guess what my good people of MESO? Mr. Usaspetz doesn't like it when someone waits for the vets to post their Labmax for g2g confirmation. Apparently, preventing getting burned is not as important as his "security" (His words, not mine) Proceed with caution.

Kinda twisting words, not telling the whole story with this post?
Nothing wrong with waiting for more feedback before ordering but IMO you should have waited for that feeback before you contacted him to begin with.

Spetz has no way of knowing if you are LE and just trying to gather information on him or if you are a potential customer.
Yup. Don't take it too personal, this is par for the course imo.
Kinda twisting words, not telling the whole story with this post?

Were you part of my private conversation with PumpingIron22 an usapetz? There's nothing twisted and that's the whole story If you want to believe it or not I don't really care. I asked P.I.22 for his opinion about this dude's gear, he suggested I should wait until he posted further Labmax for test E. which he did, unfortunately by the time he did, Usaspetz had gotten back to me earlier in the day with his payment info. to which I responded I rather wait until those results were made public which happen A-F-T-E-R he sent me his info. I know you like drama but, um, Do me a huge favor and try to leave the drama off my post. I'm sure you enjoy lecturing others since you have a perfect life right? Can you do that? I'm sure if you try really hard you can. The subject is been taking off topic as if what I did was a world crime. I'm not doing business with him and he's not with me and that's cool. Nothing personal. as I mentioned plenty of times before, innocent first timer mistake. Live and learn. End of the story.
Why even post about this if you don't want Drama?

You made it sound like USA didn't want his products tested, and there was something shady going. " proceed with caution ".? I believe you said.

And I'll post where ever I like.
Guess what my good people of MESO? Mr. Usaspetz doesn't like it when someone waits for the vets to post their Labmax for g2g confirmation. Apparently, preventing getting burned is not as important as his "security" (His words, not mine) Proceed with caution.
yeah you're way over thinking shit and acting like a noob.
sometimes you gotta be a man and throw the first punch.
you that worried about losing 200-300 dollars? if so you probably shouldn't be playing this game.

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Were you part of my private conversation with PumpingIron22 an usapetz? There's nothing twisted and that's the whole story If you want to believe it or not I don't really care. I asked P.I.22 for his opinion about this dude's gear, he suggested I should wait until he posted further Labmax for test E. which he did, unfortunately by the time he did, Usaspetz had gotten back to me earlier in the day with his payment info. to which I responded I rather wait until those results were made public which happen A-F-T-E-R he sent me his info. I know you like drama but, um, Do me a huge favor and try to leave the drama off my post. I'm sure you enjoy lecturing others since you have a perfect life right? Can you do that? I'm sure if you try really hard you can. The subject is been taking off topic as if what I did was a world crime. I'm not doing business with him and he's not with me and that's cool. Nothing personal. as I mentioned plenty of times before, innocent first timer mistake. Live and learn. End of the story.

There's nothing "private" going on when you post a public thread... Turn your hat forward and you'll mature by at least 5 years. Jk Relax
All right you had to have known you were gonna get some shit for that, mistakes happen but now you know and hopefully some new guys learned that this is common practice. I learned something as well, Spetz is here and he's serious about his business. I actually think he handled that more tastefully than I've seen some other shit go down in the past.

@usaspetz will you let us know when you get more Sust amps in stock? Any plans of bringing some more HG gear through here in the near future?
Were you part of my private conversation with PumpingIron22 an usapetz? There's nothing twisted and that's the whole story If you want to believe it or not I don't really care. I asked P.I.22 for his opinion about this dude's gear, he suggested I should wait until he posted further Labmax for test E. which he did, unfortunately by the time he did, Usaspetz had gotten back to me earlier in the day with his payment info. to which I responded I rather wait until those results were made public which happen A-F-T-E-R he sent me his info. I know you like drama but, um, Do me a huge favor and try to leave the drama off my post. I'm sure you enjoy lecturing others since you have a perfect life right? Can you do that? I'm sure if you try really hard you can. The subject is been taking off topic as if what I did was a world crime. I'm not doing business with him and he's not with me and that's cool. Nothing personal. as I mentioned plenty of times before, innocent first timer mistake. Live and learn. End of the story.

Get fucked
Like I have said in a few other posts my experience was positive with USA. Communication was good and fast, shipping was fast about 3-4 days and the product looks the part. Im one week into Tren-A. I will be trying his test and more tren next.
Do I have the OK to begin "officially" posting some products? I dont want to turn this into a HUGE mess because honestly i don't think its too productive and it confuses "potential" customers. I have plenty of gear in stock and I'm eager to offer them to the MESO community. I stand by my products and even if there was an issue i will make things right.
[USER=67707 said:
@usaspetz[/USER] will you let us know when you get more Sust amps in stock? Any plans of bringing some more HG gear through here in the near future?
Yes sir, i have MUCH more amps coming, not only the MSG's i posted but some Organon and Schering amps from Karachi, i have a good contact there who will get us LEGIT amps, nothing fake, however they take about a momth to arrive and of course quantity will be limited to 80-100 amps, so i might keep sime kind of waiting list.

About my private label, i have so much in stock I don't know what to do with it, So i'm eager to begin offering as my previous post. with your blessing i would like to offer pricing and begin taking orders.
I'm just one member with one opinion...
-However with that being said I think initially some of the vets here seemed to be apprehensive about you selling your UGL line here because you admittedly were not testing your raws. The fact that you pulled them from your list for the time being seemed to appease a lot of guys. We have seen some initial labmax testing from PI, and hopefully more will follow as well as bloods. Many members are continuing to order the ugl line regardless of the community approach so it may be time to revisit the idea and hear others opinions.

-as far as your pharma meds I think you can provide a good service and I don't think anyone has a problem with you sourcing these here. As far as I'm concerned I welcome the opportunity for myself to find quality ancillaries. In my mind the human grade aas falls in this same umbrella of goods, a reseller of these pharma meds/aas is a different animal than a UGL lab.

This is a gray area that I haven't really navigated yet in the short time I've been here but hopefully some guys will give some input and opinions on where to go from here. Personally I will commend you for treading lightly here and going out of your way to really try to work respectfully with the views/wishes of the community. As with any large body of people it will take clear and concise communication, as well as some give and take to find a happy medium. And there will always be outliers....but hopefully we can all get on the same page here.
NO, the other one.
Just checked that out, my little girl is sick so I've been offline most of the weekend. The beats are cool. I have a pair of the earbuds for the gym but not the over the ears version.
I've been following along here and over on reddit and you seem to be stand up guy who is trying to go about this right. I hope everything keeps testing good and we can see the rest of your line for sale here to.

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OK let me see some gear porn already I just had a pot full of oysters I'm rock hard pit the pic up already
I agree. He has more than complied. Just make sure you are test your powder. Be honest and truthful when you mess up. Make sure member are credited for labmax and blood work. Packages are seal and wrapped properly. And do not hold on to members personal info after shipping has been made. Would be my suggestions.
OK Guys, here is my Price list.

Arimidex:1mg x 30 $90
Aromasin: FORGET IT, we can't afford it!
Nolva: 20mg x 30 $90
Clomid 50MG x 30 $150
Prami: 1mg x 30 $90
Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 OUCH! but its Watson brand.
Accutane 10MG x 70 $150.
Letrozole 2.5mg x 30 $120

Injectables & Orals:

TEST-E 250 $50
TEST-C 200 $50
SUST 250 $50
Winny 60x25MG $60
Dbol 60x25MG $70
Anavar 60x25MG $120
Anavar for woman 60x5MG $55
Deca 200 $60
NPP 100 $60
EQ 200 $50
Masteron p 100 $60

HCG / HGH and Vitamins
B12 Injections 5Vials of 1ML
Pregnyl 10000iu (pharma grade) $80
HGH Omnitrope 5.8MG $225
HGH Saizen 8.8MG $350
HGH Omnitrope 10MG $400

Minimum order requirement is $150, Payments though WU and sometimes via Paypal.

Email: usaspetz [at]

NOTES: Please contact me when you are ready to purchase, I ship DOMESTIC ONLY, turnaround time after funds are picked up are usually 3-4 Days. If you are not ready to purchase, please do not ask to payment instructions, You MUST pay within 24 Hrs., Failure to do so will get the order canceled and I will no longer be able to do business with you, so again, please make sure you’re ready to commit.