USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Sorry i didnt post them. Ive followed this forum for awhile now, but i just made an account yesterday because all of the negative stuff about Spetz. I thought maybe he went commando and i wanted to let the guys know about the situation i was having. I labmaxed everything because i wanted make sure i wasnt putting some other shit in my body besides the shit that i wanted lol. I will post some bloods and labmax on the next batch i get. Im 6 weeks in on my cycle, im running an 16 week cycle, so 2 weekss from now will be my mid cycle and thats when im doing blood. I suggest that everyone should labmax and do bloodwork and not rely on others info. Also, i think pumpiniron posted his labmax a few weeks ago. Sorry to name people.
He did but as we all know raw changes rapidly and its different for every individual not saying spetz is bad but a lot of guys don't know how or when to get there blood done i will keep my eye out for the test
Yeah thats true. I will definitely post my work. We need some true info on Spetz and I cant wait to do mine. I can say that the test e and deca seem g2g. I have all the usuall symptoms, oily skin, acne, bloat etc... I started this cycle at around 220, im up to 238 now. Bodyfat is around 10%. My strength is up but not like tren strength lol.
Yeah thats true. I will definitely post my work. We need some true info on Spetz and I cant wait to do mine. I can say that the test e and deca seem g2g. I have all the usuall symptoms, oily skin, acne, bloat etc... I started this cycle at around 220, im up to 238 now. Bodyfat is around 10%. My strength is up but not like tren strength lol.
Wait, did somebody say Tren ? :)
Yeah thats true. I will definitely post my work. We need some true info on Spetz and I cant wait to do mine. I can say that the test e and deca seem g2g. I have all the usuall symptoms, oily skin, acne, bloat etc... I started this cycle at around 220, im up to 238 now. Bodyfat is around 10%. My strength is up but not like tren strength lol.
I have never really had bloat from Test and Deca keep my estrogen and diet in check.

Tren is good for strength??? Better then Deca???
In my opinion tren is better than everything lol. I use deca mostly for size more than strentgh. I think you put that nice full size on with deca. My diet is in check also but idk about my estro. I dont get bad estro sides so i usually dont worry about it untill i get my bloods back. If its bad then i put it in check
Alright then...If we put "TEAM ASTRO" to bed let's get back to business here.

Spetz customers are free to do what they want, but a lot of these guys myself included will likely place anonymous orders from emails not associated with these handles. I want to give an honest unbiased review, and I hope you provide honest unbiased service to all members. You have the right to blacklist guys that you feel are info-collecting, or don't pay within your time window, that's your right. However, you can't expect everyone to divulge their handle because it leaves you open for skepticism as a potential selective scammer. Everyone who's dollar is green deserves the same good service, for all you know I may have placed an order already ;)
I didnt mean it this way, i meant it because sometimes ill get a pm with hey what is the status of my order and i just dont know who they are so i have to ask for an email or other info to know whom they are, this safes time, that is all. I dont give anyone priority orders are handled and treated the same, at the end of the day all money is green :)
Is it me or does that middle amp look underfilled compared to the other two?
The oil is very thick i have all amps in a big bag and none will be standing straight, when i took this pic i placed the amps and took a shot 30 secs later, therefore not all the oil has trickled down.
Sorry i didnt post them. Ive followed this forum for awhile now, but i just made an account yesterday because all of the negative stuff about Spetz. I thought maybe he went commando and i wanted to let the guys know about the situation i was having. I labmaxed everything because i wanted make sure i wasnt putting some other shit in my body besides the shit that i wanted lol. I will post some bloods and labmax on the next batch i get. Im 6 weeks in on my cycle, im running an 16 week cycle, so 2 weekss from now will be my mid cycle and thats when im doing blood. I suggest that everyone should labmax and do bloodwork and not rely on others info. Also, i think pumpiniron posted his labmax a few weeks ago. Sorry to name people.
I am going "commando" right now as a matter of fact ;) but they're gym pants so no one cares.
The oil is very thick i have all amps in a big bag and none will be standing straight, when i took this pic i placed the amps and took a shot 30 secs later, therefore not all the oil has trickled down.
Got it. Fill levels are one of the first things I look for on "replicas"... curious re: your labmax results
I wish you wouldn't. I really, really wish you wouldn't.

Sorry i didnt post them. Ive followed this forum for awhile now, but i just made an account yesterday because all of the negative stuff about Spetz. I thought maybe he went commando and i wanted to let the guys know about the situation i was having. I labmaxed everything because i wanted make sure i wasnt putting some other shit in my body besides the shit that i wanted lol. I will post some bloods and labmax on the next batch i get. Im 6 weeks in on my cycle, im running an 16 week cycle, so 2 weekss from now will be my mid cycle and thats when im doing blood. I suggest that everyone should labmax and do bloodwork and not rely on others info. Also, i think pumpiniron posted his labmax a few weeks ago. Sorry to name people.
No, you're not sorry. Don't apologize unless it's sincere.
"Commando"? Isn't that the practice of not wearing underwear under pants? How is that relevant?
Labmax slabmax...shut up.
You're in no position to suggest anything to anyone. You'll eat what's served . This isn't a restaurant.
You say we all should get bloods and labmax and not count on others for repo then say that pumpinirion posted he "u know what"....labmax. Your posts are pointless and insincere.

Wait, did somebody say Tren ? :)
Another classic. Your time is gonna come.

Nah canadian money ain't green
You're a traitorous sell out for all things French and have sympathy for those forced into our lame democracy all the while preaching the wonders and workable miracles of Socialism while standing in line for your food stamps while repeatedly chanting "We could use some Klan in here."

The oil is very thick i have all amps in a big bag and none will be standing straight, when i took this pic i placed the amps and took a shot 30 secs later, therefore not all the oil has trickled down.
I expected nothing less from a first class operation. I imagine that you and your bag travel by shopping cart?