USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

You callin me gay slick?
If you're sucking a dick you may as well own it. The only thing you love about our great nation and its once mighty military is the "Don't ask Don't Tell" directive that this racist interprets as having to do with where, when, and how he, as a traditional "Top" in the Gay Community is able to satisfy his own disgusting needs first with different lovers while sharing a shower at Flying J's.
Yeah $120 seems pretty reasonable if its real pharm grade from my experience i have seen under-dosed bunk gear go for around the same price
old spetzs got a sense of humor, I liked the San Franciscos commandos jokes.. . Notice the way I put "S" on all my words.... "Sufferin succotash-heavens to Betsy!!!!!
Latest Price list.

Tren 250 (125a/125e)- $100
This is a new blend i got working really well, limited production only.

Vet Grade EQ 50mg/ml 50ML Jug. $140 Limited stock only imported from Colombia.

*Vet Grade NPP 50mg/ml 100ML Jug $250 * Limited stock only imported from Argentina.

*Aburaihan Test-E Amps 10x1ml amps $120 * Limited stock only imported from Pakistan.

Email: usaspetz and don't forget my encryption key is in my sig.

Items are regular pricing:

  • AI/PCT all AMERICAN FDA Certified unless otherwise Specified.
  • Arimidex:1mg x 30 $110
  • Aromasin: FORGET IT, we can't afford it!
  • Nolva: 20mg x 30 EDIT: Back in stock. $110
  • Clomid 50MG x 30 $150
  • Prami: 1mg x 30 $110
  • Caber: .5mg x 8 $150 OUCH! but its Watson brand.
  • Letrozole 2.5mg x 30 $120
  • T3/Cytomel 50mcg x 30 $120
  • Injectables in 10ML Sterile Vials
  • Test-P 100 - $35
  • Tren-A 100 - $50
  • TEST-E 250 $50
  • TEST-C 200 $50
  • SUST 250 $50
  • Deca 200 $60
  • NPP 100 $60
  • EQ 200 $50
  • Masteron p 100 $55
  • Orals:
  • Winny 60x25MG $60
  • Anavar 60x25MG $120
  • Anavar for woman 60x5MG $55
  • Dbol 60x25MG $70
  • HCG, HGH and Others
  • HCG Pregnyl 10000iu (pharma grade) $80
  • HGH Omnitrope 5.8MG $225 (new item)
Minimum order requirement is $200, Payments though WU.

Order Instructions

When placing an order, please email me how many of each you would like, and add $5 to the total for shipping, this IS MY LIST, so please don't ask me to send you an updated price list. Please make sure you are serious about ordering orders not paid within 24 hrs are canceled and you get "blacklisted" from future purchases!

If you're looking for something not listed such as Blood Pressure Meds or Voltaren Gel for those muscle aches please Email me for pricing and Availability.
Thanks for the update Spetz! !! If I could buy it all, I WOULD!! ! I will be getting more pure EQ within the next week, keep doing what you be doing. PS. I gotta give you props, I know that I just placed my 3rd order and everything-but same day tracking number is pretty damn awesome!!!
Just played an order with Spetz excited! I'll start a log as soon as it lands & get bloods done over in the cycle log section.
Oh and AlphaCapa you made an account here just to suck Spetz one cares about what you have to say. Come back when you have proof with bloods not "YEA ME N MY BOYZ RUN DIS SHIT AND WE'RE SWOLE AS FUCK BRO"
aha..he's got jokes. Good to see you got a sense of humor b/c based on that avi you ain't making it far on looks alone my friend. And you can keep my girl warm until I hit stateside, but I gotta warn you she's a bit of a "size queen" so don't get your feelings hurt.
Haha! The problem is, I don't like fat chicks. You can keep her ;)