USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

If you're sucking a dick you may as well own it. The only thing you love about our great nation and its once mighty military is the "Don't ask Don't Tell" directive that this racist interprets as having to do with where, when, and how he, as a traditional "Top" in the Gay Community is able to satisfy his own disgusting needs first with different lovers while sharing a shower at Flying J's.
How ironic Mr spetz I just posted that and you chime in with yours.I'll be happy to post my bloods and get some more gear.I got the t# its on way again great communication. can't wait to finish cycle and hit that test p.I'll do more bloods then.than great job so far keep it up....
that's great, i wonder how bloods look on sustanon since the prop of course wont last that long yet the ISO and Deca have a long half life.
I as wondering that myself bro I'm at 750ml going to 1000 next week so I'll have to do the math but should show something 250 EOD IM gonna be pinning in every muscle I've got..with prop being in there and I'm gonna end with your prop towhen u think it should be started iI'm thinking a week after last pin right .that's if I don't cruise into a cyp eq cycle first.been pondering that
I as wondering that myself bro I'm at 750ml going to 1000 next week so I'll have to do the math but should show something 250 EOD IM gonna be pinning in every muscle I've got..with prop being in there and I'm gonna end with your prop towhen u think it should be started iI'm thinking a week after last pin right .that's if I don't cruise into a cyp eq cycle first.been pondering that
I've seen numbers around 1500 on prop alone, don't ask me how because i really cant understand the logic of that maybe someone smarter can chime in. this was on a product called TESTOGAN which is Colombian vet grade test-p.
Well I certainly can't tell u I'm a dummy from in new Orleans.came here to roof after Catrina .big mistake I roofed for 20 yes till I moved here had to go back to school.the dam HEAT almost killed me
I never post here, but I'll take this deal. Im mostly on reddit but follow this thread watching for issues. after I saw Joocey's reddit post on the 7 ng/ml return on 5iu from Spetz's omnitrope I went and did bloods also on the omnitrope (this was all on reddit but quoted in this thread Joocey also later confirmed the omni result was good as compared to Astro's whitetops which came back at 6.9 for 5iu). i didnt know the gh curve isnt linear so got concerned. I did 10iu, 3.5hrs to draw and it came back 22.4 so in range for pharma gh.

How does the omnitripe come? less than 100iu right? is it a pen ?
Will have blood drawn 9/30, nearly 6 weeks into Spetz's test e. Been pinning 250mg every Mon/Thur. Test is on a Tuesday. Should I pin the day before or wait? Any guesses what TT should be? Where is @rambosmurf? Wasn't he getting blood work done?

I believe you can and should pin the day before, looking forward to results. Thanks

Edit: And correct me if I'm wrong, but numbers over 4,000 are good
@ spetz your a class act brother @ usaspetz community, this man is on point I won't say what he did as far as product but he did send a note saying take this till I ship your desired gear to keep me going on cycle .as I'm sure he knew I had enough. he just shipped me a bunch.Very good customer service almost not needed but a great job non the less...I'm impressed and so is all the guys on mike strings thread Cuz my FUCKING STUOID ASS JUST POSTED THIS on his thread by accident..I'm an phone bit me in the ass.
QUOTE="boston597, post: 1113068, member: 67200"]Well I certainly can't tell u I'm a dummy from in new Orleans.came here to roof after Catrina .big mistake I roofed for 20 yes till I moved here had to go back to school.the dam HEAT almost killed me[/QUOTE]
Yo Boston, You are telling my Story, I roofed about 10-15 years, no gear till just recently, working on gulf coast: heat and humidity is KILLER!! ! You gotta be born in it, it kills people Every year! ! Whoever was inquiring about Spetz vetgrade EQ- forget about it! Its all mine!!! Lol Its Good, I am running100prop daily, 50 pureEQ and some of TL's cyp here and there(for the girls ) losing bodyfat ,strength up, muscles looking good - and finding myself extremely hungry at times. ..I loaded Eq for 2&1/2 weeks before I got the pure eq
QUOTE="boston597, post: 1113068, member: 67200"]Well I certainly can't tell u I'm a dummy from in new Orleans.came here to roof after Catrina .big mistake I roofed for 20 yes till I moved here had to go back to school.the dam HEAT almost killed me
Yo Boston, You are telling my Story, I roofed about 10-15 years, no gear till just recently, working on gulf coast: heat and humidity is KILLER!! ! You gotta be born in it, it kills people Every year! ! Whoever was inquiring about Spetz vetgrade EQ- forget about it! Its all mine!!! Lol Its Good, I am running100prop daily, 50 pureEQ and some of TL's cyp here and there(for the girls ) losing bodyfat ,strength up, muscles looking good - and finding myself extremely hungry at times. ..I loaded Eq for 2&1/2 weeks before I got the pure eq[/QUOTE]
How you using that vet grade eq? I got some of spetz 50mg/ml eq also( more of an impulse buy:)) just wondering how you plan on adding it to ur stack.
Yo Boston, You are telling my Story, I roofed about 10-15 years, no gear till just recently, working on gulf coast: heat and humidity is KILLER!! ! You gotta be born in it, it kills people Every year! ! Whoever was inquiring about Spetz vetgrade EQ- forget about it! Its all mine!!! Lol Its Good, I am running100prop daily, 50 pureEQ and some of TL's cyp here and there(for the girls ) losing bodyfat ,strength up, muscles looking good - and finding myself extremely hungry at times. ..I loaded Eq for 2&1/2 weeks before I got the pure eq
How you using that vet grade eq? I got some of spetz 50mg/ml eq also( more of an impulse buy:)) just wondering how you plan on adding it to ur stack.[/QUOTE]
Keep us updated im very curious about the EQ I might just take the plunge on that one. Seems to be one of the few things that eats that bf up.
Started with 2mls a day, but i only had enough stock for 9week run(including loading period) so iI talked to Spetz and decided that longer is better(1ml a day for 14weeks, I got 2bottles) so I bumped it down. But I am liking the results I am getting with this test, so I will try to get more and. probably Bump up the dose to 1&1/2 Mls daily maybe 2, but I still think 1ml of this stuff is good enough. if one is good, two is GREAT right ??? LOL