USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

i asked my dr to test my test levels cause i was on test.
doc told me im thru the roof, but what numbers off the test are whats used for guys n the site i don't know... let me know and ill ask him, im gettin ready to be deployed coastwise and i feel great though, my strengthand weight are both up. sorry havent been back n the site in a while, i been busy.
You should get a copy of the test from your doc. Just mark out any identifying info about yourself take a pic of the test on post it on the board. You should have 2 test numbers, one is your regular test and the other is your free test. I think regular test numbers on good gear is about 9x the amount of milagrams your taking. A good number on free test is 700 to 1500 are higher but getting close to 1500 is rare.
def gtg in my humble opinion!!![/QUOT
Raw test enanthate powder shouldn't be jelly in the freezer, correct?

I've gotten raw test Enanthate before and it might get soft at room temp but never jelly like EQ. This stuff is still pliable even after being in the freezer.
I've been wondering about the var myself. I placed a test order on a few few things var included. I guess we will see.
I remember he was sending some for testing but I haven't heard anything about it for awhile now.
QUOTE="boston597, post: 1113068, member: 67200"]Well I certainly can't tell u I'm a dummy from in new Orleans.came here to roof after Catrina .big mistake I roofed for 20 yes till I moved here had to go back to school.the dam HEAT almost killed me
Yo Boston, You are telling my Story, I roofed about 10-15 years, no gear till just recently, working on gulf coast: heat and humidity is KILLER!! ! You gotta be born in it, it kills people Every year! ! Whoever was inquiring about Spetz vetgrade EQ- forget about it! Its all mine!!! Lol Its Good, I am running100prop daily, 50 pureEQ and some of TL's cyp here and there(for the girls ) losing bodyfat ,strength up, muscles looking good - and finding myself extremely hungry at times. ..I loaded Eq for 2&1/2 weeks before I got the pure eq[/QUOTE]
At stacking that eq should have u
Eating ur fingers off if ur doing titan cyp flush it or shoot it all in like 5 shots. under dosed shit he gave to guys for his other under dosed test the word.u got a good ugl now good luck.I'm on the miss river & gulf coast now BTW.
Started with 2mls a day, but i only had enough stock for 9week run(including loading period) so iI talked to Spetz and decided that longer is better(1ml a day for 14weeks, I got 2bottles) so I bumped it down. But I am liking the results I am getting with this test, so I will try to get more and. probably Bump up the dose to 1&1/2 Mls daily maybe 2, but I still think 1ml of this stuff is good enough. if one is good, two is GREAT right ??? LOL
i doubt you will need that much, if you're not in a rush id say see what 400 will do, then go from there.
Thanks 4 the advice Boston. Hungry like a beast!!! TE="boston597, post: 1113807, member: 67200"]Yo Boston, You are telling my Story, I roofed about 10-15 years, no gear till just recently, working on gulf coast: heat and humidity is KILLER!! ! You gotta be born in it, it kills people Every year! ! Whoever was inquiring about Spetz vetgrade EQ- forget about it! Its all mine!!! Lol Its Good, I am running100prop daily, 50 pureEQ and some of TL's cyp here and there(for the girls ) losing bodyfat ,strength up, muscles looking good - and finding myself extremely hungry at times. ..I loaded Eq for 2&1/2 weeks before I got the pure eq[/QUOTE]
At stacking that eq should have u
Eating ur fingers off if ur doing titan cyp flush it or shoot it all in like 5 shots. under dosed shit he gave to guys for his other under dosed test the word.u got a good ugl now good luck.I'm on the miss river & gulf coast now BTW.[/QUOTE]
Spetz, whats the break down on amount and cost of ur gh .. iu/ price etc.
hi, that depends, at the moment i have 10mg omnitrope that's $400 so you're looking at $13.3 per IU.

but i only have 2 and honestly im going to keep them for me :) not to mention the expiry date is 2 months old, but i know they're good to go becasuse of previous experiences, so... ill update you guys when i get more in, i have some Genotrope from Pfizer from venezuela arriving in a few weeks, and should have some Saizen before that. pharma gh isnt easy to come by so i dont always keep an inventory sorry for that.
hm guess i was way off.. god damn yeah 30iu for 400 bills fuck that would be alot of dough for a year. i get the reliability of it, just dont have that kind of flow
Hey guys hope I'm not derailing but I had a question and being that I'm injecting spetz gear I think it relevant. Anyway, for some reason I've done a combined 4 injections and the ones in my delts are fine and even the one in my left glute but for whatever reason the one on my right glute has started getting swollen and I'm afraid it might be getting an infection. At the current state it is about the size of a golf ball (maybe smaller) and red with a little warmness.

I used a sterile needle, wiped the area with alcohol swabs and injected. Again thought it strange that my other sites were fine but this one has turned into what it is.
I've had similar symptoms. Some of the issues in my case could be poor injection technique, however, I was pinning Watson test c about 8 weeks before Spetz's test e and PIP was virtually non existent. I had a few incidents of PIP with Spetz's gear that lasted five days with visible lumps in my glute. Infection crossed my mind but then the swelling subsided. All I can think of is maybe I don't tolerate ethanate as well of cyp. Maybe someone else more knowledge able than myself can jump in in regarding the symptoms of an infection.

Edit: heating the vial up in warm water seems to help a bit.
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I've had similar symptoms. Some of the issues in my case could be poor injection technique, however, I was pinning Watson test c about 8 weeks before Spetz's test e and PIP was virtually non existent. I had a few incidents of PIP with Spetz's gear that lasted five days with visible lumps in my glute. Infection crossed my mind but then the swelling subsided. All I can think of is maybe I don't tolerate ethanate as well of cyp. Maybe someone else more knowledge able than myself can jump in in regarding the symptoms of an infection.

Edit: heating the vial up in warm water seems to help a bit.
Yeah that's why I'm not being quick to call it dirty gear. Now even though my delts have been sore, there have been no 'lumps' as of yet. Again it could be error on my part but I don't know why my delt would be fine then I get a golfball size lump on my ass?
Pinned my left glute on Monday and the lump subsided yesterday - five days. Pinned my right on Thurs and very little PIP as of this evening.
Yeah that's why I'm not being quick to call it dirty gear. Now even though my delts have been sore, there have been no 'lumps' as of yet. Again it could be error on my part but I don't know why my delt would be fine then I get a golfball size lump on my ass?
circle the outer perimeter with a sharpie to keep track of growth, if you get a pip it will be hot and sore for 4-5 days then it will go away, usually due to subq leaking, again my gear is dosed strong but NO WAY DIRTY, i have 4 stages of sterilization including autoclaving at the end so no way... :) please keep us updated i had a client get a fever and it turns out he was allergic to COTTONSEED oil, thats why on a first cycle its always a good idea to do a tiny shot and make sure you don't have allergies to carrier oil. Pharma gear usually has a disclaimer on the box.