USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Not me personally but I gave some of spetz tren to my friend when I bought a few things. (I'm kinda hesitant to do it) but he's loving it. And he's way more experienced in gear than me. He Says it's really good and I'm gonna have to get him more. This time I'll charge him though ;)
No more freebies!
again with this "friends" shit?

At this point I trust you so little I'd likely believe Spetz more if I just asked him point blank if he can confirm/deny you're his schill, sad really. I want to believe you're that stupid, to just come in and innocently ride the first SRC dick you can hop on. However, judging by your personality profile I think it's quite likely your superiority complex is at work here. Let me ask you then Sir (and I use that title quite loosely), do YOU think I am that stupid? The only piece missing is I'm not yet sure if you are just a guy that knows Spetz and whores on the boards for free gear, or if there is another reason why you and him are never online at the same time, and share an overzealous use of emojis o_O
How do you miss the Imuscle ?
In the glute...easily it is hard for my ass to turn around and get to it. I am looking in the mirror and thinking I am going straight in and actually more of a side angle. Shit I am wrenching that
barrel all over the place especially my
left side. I have pulled a nicely bent pin out several times. VG site now glutes are hard for my big ass shoulders and torso to get around to.
What up man. I'm not sure what "shill means" but I do know you're pretty damn disrespectful and not capable of having a real conversation. Superiority complex? You don't even know me and for some reason have decided to waste energy contemplating my position in the forum.
If you want a conversation, then speak to me like like an adult.
You're reading into things too much, and it seems as though you're kind of a creeper. Checking the times me and Spetz are on the forum? Wtf? You need help man.
In the glute...easily it is hard for my ass to turn around and get to it. I am looking in the mirror and thinking I am going straight in and actually more of a side angle. Shit I am wrenching that
barrel all over the place especially my
left side. I have pulled a nicely bent pin out several times. VG site now glutes are hard for my big ass shoulders and torso to get around to.
The mirror always gets me fucked up.
What up man. I'm not sure what "shill means" but I do know you're pretty damn disrespectful and not capable of having a real conversation. Superiority complex? You don't even know me and for some reason have decided to waste energy contemplating my position in the forum.
If you want a conversation, then speak to me like like an adult.
You're reading into things too much, and it seems as though you're kind of a creeper. Checking the times me and Spetz are on the forum? Wtf? You need help man.
Hey, you're the one disrespecting my boy Bieber. You don't even know him. [emoji20] He's the best performer of this century and I am his biggest shill!
I got word that a pack hit, preliminary exam they stated everything was beautifully packaged for both product/customer security. All items intact except for 1-2 damaged amps, very good packaging though and likely damaged b/c of the weight of the other items. Vet grade products had been repackaged and boxes/inserts included. T/A was within stated window (as fast as it gets). Spetz would have provided next day tracking but I stated not necessary (partially as a test), and true to his word it hit when he said. Someone with more experience will follow up tonight and report back, I will post any new pertinent info.

Keep in mind I HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT PRODUCT QUALITY OR LEGITIMACY at this point. That being said, Spetz has fielded any questions/concerns I have raised since he showed up here, and everything that he has put his word on so far has worked out to be true in my experience. I'm pleased thus far and looking forward to incorporating some of these products into my winter bulk.
Well I'm the fng and had a disaterous first day posting yesterday but I'm back in the saddle and sent this guy an email and I'm going to order
I got word that a pack hit, preliminary exam they stated everything was beautifully packaged for both product/customer security. All items intact except for 1-2 damaged amps, very good packaging though and likely damaged b/c of the weight of the other items. Vet grade products had been repackaged and boxes/inserts included. T/A was within stated window (as fast as it gets). Spetz would have provided next day tracking but I stated not necessary (partially as a test), and true to his word it hit when he said. Someone with more experience will follow up tonight and report back, I will post any new pertinent info.

Keep in mind I HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT PRODUCT QUALITY OR LEGITIMACY at this point. That being said, Spetz has fielded any questions/concerns I have raised since he showed up here, and everything that he has put his word on so far has worked out to be true in my experience. I'm pleased thus far and looking forward to incorporating some of these products into my winter bulk.
Sorry about the broken amps :( i will pm you and arrange for a re-ship of the amps.
Are tren sides really that bad? It seems people are split, some say the sides are terrible, and some say they're blown way out of proportion and you can run it low(ish) dose with next to no sides
start low and taper up each week. I luv the sides u feel like a freakin caveman.
Sorry about the broken amps :( i will pm you and arrange for a re-ship of the amps.
Actually from the description I rec'd sounds like your packaging was top notch, I don't fault you at all but I do appreciate the quick response and reship offer. From what I was told when opened right side up the large vials had shifted on top of the amps and considering those things have some weight 38/40 is pretty damn good. Nothing was leaking, safety is paramount to all. I have nothing negative to say did exactly as you said every step of the way. Hope the gear is as good as your business model, keep doing what you are doing and you should have an opportunity to be quite successful here.
Actually from the description I rec'd sounds like your packaging was top notch, I don't fault you at all but I do appreciate the quick response and reship offer. From what I was told when opened right side up the large vials had shifted on top of the amps and considering those things have some weight 38/40 is pretty damn good. Nothing was leaking, safety is paramount to all. I have nothing negative to say did exactly as you said every step of the way. Hope the gear is as good as your business model, keep doing what you are doing and you should have an opportunity to be quite successful here.
I might have missed it, but are you gonna do a log and bloods?
I might have missed it, but are you gonna do a log and bloods?
I personally am not in a position where I can do bloods, labmax at the moment. However, I won't be starting my bulk for a little while and I will post an update closer to my start date, I should be able to obtain bloods then. I'm trying to work out the possibility of MS some of Spetz' UGL line products that I have on hand now for the community. The other products are just being rat-holed until a later date but I won't forget to update when my plans are more concrete.
I personally am not in a position where I can do bloods, labmax at the moment. However, I won't be starting my bulk for a little while and I will post an update closer to my start date, I should be able to obtain bloods then. I'm trying to work out the possibility of MS some of Spetz' UGL line products that I have on hand now for the community. The other products are just being rat-holed until a later date but I won't forget to update when my plans are more concrete.
What you gonna run for your bulk, if you don't mind sharing?