USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

In the glute...easily it is hard for my ass to turn around and get to it. I am looking in the mirror and thinking I am going straight in and actually more of a side angle. Shit I am wrenching that
barrel all over the place especially my
left side. I have pulled a nicely bent pin out several times. VG site now glutes are hard for my big ass shoulders and torso to get around to.

Yeah it's hard especially since I have more fat on my ass :D But then again most human should have more adipose tissue on their asses/glutes than they do on their shoulders (myself included).

Edit: thought I'd note that although my glute is still a little worrisome, the small lump on my shoulder has all but gone away and isn't even noticeable/healing up. The lump on my ass has also shrunk, however it's still really sore.
Sorry about the broken amps :( i will pm you and arrange for a re-ship of the amps.
It's nice not to be left in the dark holding your dick wondering what you're gonna do!!!!
I hate when some people will take your money and never answer back to any of your emails or messages !!!!!
He seems legit as of now, he's had good success on Reddit and here after a bit of a rough start not really complying with our SCOC. Given that you've just joined today I'm assuming you just want a clearcut answer but.. I suggest you thoroughly research before you do anything. Read the whole thread, and read up on reddit
Had a issue with my order(was missing some winny) I sent him a email and got this as the response "ahh! thats my bad sir, i apologize!! ill send out the other winny tomorrow" . Kind off made me feel better I got them today two days after my complaint. I'm happy it was that easy.. Soooo there's that
So far communication with Spetz has been top notch. Can't say anything about quality of his gear as I have yet to run it because Im stocking up for my next cycle. But so far so good, I will start a log when I have everything in place. Im looking to start around the beginning of November. Well see!
Gents, i have 3 Saizen kits in stock, i know I've been getting inquiries on those however since i flush emails often i have no way or remembering who was interested in them.

Saizen 8.8MG $350, first come, first serve!
@ alphacapa.That's really good to post.about charging ppl for your your selling gear for spetz.reseller
Huh? Well me and a few buds went in on an order last month but I was time for me to do pct from a previous cycle. So I got some nolva and some test for myself for another cycle later. He threw in a tren and I didn't want to do it so I just gave it away. Since then, I've just been waiting to do another cycle.
Is that what you meant? Or you're saying I'm re-selling?
Does it matter?
Honestly,I'm confused. It seems like people here like to attack other people for whatever reason. I'm just a dude who's here like everyone else. I like the source or two that I've found and I wanted to help spread the word. But I dunno, sorry if I went around it the wrong way.
Huh? Well me and a few buds went in on an order last month but I was time for me to do pct from a previous cycle. So I got some nolva and some test for myself for another cycle later. He threw in a tren and I didn't want to do it so I just gave it away. Since then, I've just been waiting to do another cycle.
Is that what you meant? Or you're saying I'm re-selling?
Must have got more than "some" for Spetz to throw in free tren.
@tmac34 how did it go with your blood tests brotha? When do you get results? :) sorry in advance if I missed any post where you might have been talking about it. Though I been keeping up with the thread so I doubt it but i have ADD so maybe I read it and it went right thru to another thought >.<