USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

playing with you my boy that sust is nicely packaged that's a first for me I always get my amps taped together with duct tape lol.really thow nice
Guys i just wanted to take a moment to thank your for your support, I've gotten about 7 emails today and I'm surprised how many of you get amazed that your package arrived, i think even at this point many of you are scared that i will "rip you off", you have to know this, this is a lot of hard work and sleepless nights but the reward is there, i make decent money doing this, there is a LOT of risk involved however I have a deadline if you will set in place, i will do this until i have enough for a business (outside of USA) and then i'm off, of course i will let you know in advanced and we're a long way from there but slowly we come close to this goal.

But... thank you so much for your support, I'm here to stay for a while and i'm content with my business plan, no need to be greedy, under-dose or scam anyone.
New items for sale.

Sustanon AMPS $120 for 10 amps. remember the minimum of $200 per order, that still applies.

I think he did not take the time to click your avatar :cool: ... If he had he would realize you were covering tatoos with microsoft paint.
Hey guys so thought I'd post on how it's going with @usaspetz spetz test E and had a few things I wanted to say. The first being that the lump in my ass has finally subsided and after thinking it over I'm confident I injected the whole ML subQ and that's why that happend. That means that it had nothing to do with spetz gear necessarily and I'm happy to report actual gains.

Now being that this is my first time running injectable steroids (I fucked around with orals when I was younger like a dumbass), I am amazed at how strong I am starting to feel. Now admittedly I was feeling like 'wtf when is the strength coming!' in the first week or two because anavar felt like it kicked in that early. Then seemingly out of nowhere all the weights started feeling light as can be. As it is, my bench has already gone up from 355-365ish natty to 385. And that's from one week of not 'feeling' it to feeling it. Just as well my squat went up too. Just thought I'd report the good news and say I look forward to what the peak will bring.

Also @usaspetz I think it's about that time for me to make another order. :D
Hey guys so thought I'd post on how it's going with @usaspetz spetz test E and had a few things I wanted to say. The first being that the lump in my ass has finally subsided and after thinking it over I'm confident I injected the whole ML subQ and that's why that happend. That means that it had nothing to do with spetz gear necessarily and I'm happy to report actual gains.

Now being that this is my first time running injectable steroids (I fucked around with orals when I was younger like a dumbass), I am amazed at how strong I am starting to feel. Now admittedly I was feeling like 'wtf when is the strength coming!' in the first week or two because anavar felt like it kicked in that early. Then seemingly out of nowhere all the weights started feeling light as can be. As it is, my bench has already gone up from 355-365ish natty to 385. And that's from one week of not 'feeling' it to feeling it. Just as well my squat went up too. Just thought I'd report the good news and say I look forward to what the peak will bring.

Also @usaspetz I think it's about that time for me to make another order. :D
385? That's a good lift man.
Hey guys so thought I'd post on how it's going with @usaspetz spetz test E and had a few things I wanted to say. The first being that the lump in my ass has finally subsided and after thinking it over I'm confident I injected the whole ML subQ and that's why that happend. That means that it had nothing to do with spetz gear necessarily and I'm happy to report actual gains.

Now being that this is my first time running injectable steroids (I fucked around with orals when I was younger like a dumbass), I am amazed at how strong I am starting to feel. Now admittedly I was feeling like 'wtf when is the strength coming!' in the first week or two because anavar felt like it kicked in that early. Then seemingly out of nowhere all the weights started feeling light as can be. As it is, my bench has already gone up from 355-365ish natty to 385. And that's from one week of not 'feeling' it to feeling it. Just as well my squat went up too. Just thought I'd report the good news and say I look forward to what the peak will bring.

Also @usaspetz I think it's about that time for me to make another order. :D
Good to hear!! was the Var from me or another vendor? Also, be careful my friend bruised his delt doing 405 (on my var yes) and he's yet to fully recover, i prefer doing 2 plates 30 reps but that's just me :)
@usaspetz no man the var was when I was 18 or 19 IIRC and was because a friend of mine who was juicing said if I 'wanted to know how it felt'. And me being a dumb ass kid agreed and so he gave me a bottle of what he told me was var (could have been anything really) and my bench shot up 60lbs in 3 weeks. However, as soon as I stopped I crashed my test hard and all my gains went away. I felt tired, lethargic and didn't even want to go to the gym. Learned my lesson from it though, I learned 1) steroids aren't 'supplements' and 2) never take steroids and/or hormones without PCT (which is ironic because even though I have it I'm just going to blast and cruise).

Anyway yeah, @usaspetz as long as you keep making what seems like potent test, I will be a happy camper and a return customer. As I said before, I have no problem paying what you ask even if it is a little pricey so long as you aren't fucking me over with fake or under dosed gear. There needs to be some level of trust on both ends for the customer as well as the seller to make the most of the transaction!
Sounds good, ill order 100 amps this week, 3-4 weeks turnaround time :)
As long as my word is still good around here...I won't stick the Primo up your ass. If you want a little extra assurance roll me a few dozen of those Sust amps I've been waiting on and everything's coming up roses.

@Mark_alan will you be running that Primo w/ the NPP on the backend to close out your blast?
As long as my word is still good around here...I won't stick the Primo up your ass. If you want a little extra assurance roll me a few dozen of those Sust amps I've been waiting on and everything's coming up roses.

@Mark_alan will you be running that Primo w/ the NPP on the backend to close out your blast?

No! The primo will be for my next cycle, around spring/summer im going to be running some test/Mast/tren/primo/winny. I have everything so far but the primo. What do think would be an added benefit of running primo on the back end of my bulk?
@Mark_alan I like using Test/EQ/Mast for a slower but quality bulk. I figured Primo would sub quite nicely in this stack for Mast. I'm unsure If I would see better results running it lower the whole run under the EQ or a higher blast just on the tail 10 when I will be phasing into the short esters. That's why I asked, I usually throw some weight on real quick but then focus on keeping the gains quality as I get rolling and end tight. Something like dbol kick until the test/EQ gets rolling, then the last 8-10 wks run Prop/NPP/Win/(primo) over/while clearing out.