Gents, i have spoken to 2 of my Endo customers today, as you can prob. imagine i have a few doctor friends since i have to call often to confirm scripts, you would be surprised how many people add a zero to a script to get a bunch of pills
, especially oxy or vics.
anyway, i called 2 of my endo doctors and asked them as if were for myself about the blood results, and i got basically the same answer, the range is "acceptable" there are many factors that could affect this level and further tests are welcomed.
now, i'm not a doctor so i can only repeat what i heard, and i'm not setting any excuse of changing my mind, i prefer to do a recall and fix things and move on, but this is i think food for thought, i personally think the bloods should have been at 3k because i'm putting an extra 50mg, this is where bloods from other members come in play and we can compare data.