USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Last time I've encountered brand name AI's and SERM's was in the Balkans.
Nice to see a source Stateside that supplies brand name FDA Pharmaceuticals.
Ya its definitely the real deal. Im stoked about it. At least I have the reassurance if i do end up using it. This attribute alone makes spetz g2g to me. I AM NOT VOUCHING TO HIS own label of oils I HAVEN'T USED EM
this is the way i see it guys, i've received $150 orders and $3500 orders, i almost feel like some guys want to be THE FIRST ones to get ripped off, i dont get it, if i dont rip off a $3500 order I'm NOT going to rip off a $200-400 order, im not ripping off ANYONE at all!! i plan to be here until i save enough to buy a pharmacy in another country (not saying where) and that's it, im out, if i get busted before that, Saul Goodman has my retainer and hopefully it wont be too bad.

that's it.

by the way.. i am considering "donating" a mass spec to a local university as long as i can test my raws within 48 hrs. still in the works but they seem interested!! :)

one more thing, i've invested in a high end press which means in 30 days or less i will no longer be carrying gelatin capsules but actual pills, ill color code, im thinking winny=yellow, anavar blue, Dbol pink, and we'll see what else i order. what do you guys think?
this is the way i see it guys, i've received $150 orders and $3500 orders, i almost feel like some guys want to be THE FIRST ones to get ripped off, i dont get it, if i dont rip off a $3500 order I'm NOT going to rip off a $200-400 order, im not ripping off ANYONE at all!! i plan to be here until i save enough to buy a pharmacy in another country (not saying where) and that's it, im out, if i get busted before that, Saul Goodman has my retainer and hopefully it wont be too bad.

that's it.

by the way.. i am considering "donating" a mass spec to a local university as long as i can test my raws within 48 hrs. still in the works but they seem interested!! :)

one more thing, i've invested in a high end press which means in 30 days or less i will no longer be carrying gelatin capsules but actual pills, ill color code, im thinking winny=yellow, anavar blue, Dbol pink, and we'll see what else i order. what do you guys think?

You take it kinda personal. Were leery thats all. We have had g2g sources here that go to shit quick...cough dgs. I wouldnt of funded your project if i didnt have some level of trust in you. Just relax play it straight like your doin and stick around:)
You take it kinda personal. Were leery thats all. We have had g2g sources here that go to shit quick...cough dgs. I wouldnt of funded your project if i didnt have some level of trust in you. Just relax play it straight like your doin and stick around:)
ill be honest, i dont know anything about MESO politics, other than what ive learned the past 2 months, i don't know about other vendors or past history, so yeah i take everything personal because ultimately that's all we've got, our word. I've invested a lot of sleepless nights and stress over this, and quite frankly other than paying bills, i haven't made a penny yet because i keep doubling up and investing, so... :) yeah lots of work ahead!!

thanks for the trust and business you guys.
Way to go Spetz, I am loving those Amps I got and Col. EQ!! - body fat is freaking falling off of me... Dude I have had 4 orders- No Complaints!! I LOVE PURE GEAR!'! I hope you score in China, Remember until you get your pharmacy and get out - I am definitely down with you. Keep doing what you do!! !
Way to go Spetz, I am loving those Amps I got and Col. EQ!! - body fat is freaking falling off of me... Dude I have had 4 orders- No Complaints!! I LOVE PURE GEAR!'! I hope you score in China, Remember until you get your pharmacy and get out - I am definitely down with you. Keep doing what you do!! !
thanks, i hear its easy to score in china ;)
I'm no Dr but those numbers do not scare me off at all. We are all individuals and all respond to things differently. I am really looking forward to seeing what yours come back like Marcus. Problem is I really wanna know about the prop and tren. Maybe I will have to be the next one up to bat and find out for myself. I go to the VA so my bloods are free, as long as I don't mind waiting a month for my appt. SMDH
I have seen several members asking about the TREN-A. I have been running the product along with TEST for 6 weeks now averaging 450-700mg a week. I have experienced numerous effects that are recognized as side effects with the product such as night sweets, acne breakouts on arms back and chest, aggression. I have had positive results such as fat loss, muscle gains, hardening of muscles, overall improved physique. IMO I would order more TREN, I would use his TREN, I do use the TREN.
Alright guys so while I would not want to necessarily say anything bad about spetz test E, for some reason I reacted very badly to it and although my lifts have been shooting up I have developed an allergic reaction wherein almost my whole body is covered in a thick rash. I went to the doctor and have been on a concoction of drugs to fight it off yet though I've discontinnued it is still spreading.

Again, not bashing spetz, but certainly warning people of my experience as they may also have such an allergy. The gear IMO is good, but the oil is not liking me whatsoever. It pains me to do this but I'm probably going to can the rest as I cannot take much more. Here it is, and admittedly the pictures don't capture how bad it is due to low resolution.
Alright guys so while I would not want to necessarily say anything bad about spetz test E, for some reason I reacted very badly to it and although my lifts have been shooting up I have developed an allergic reaction wherein almost my whole body is covered in a thick rash. I went to the doctor and have been on a concoction of drugs to fight it off yet though I've discontinnued it is still spreading.

Again, not bashing spetz, but certainly warning people of my experience as they may also have such an allergy. The gear IMO is good, but the oil is not liking me whatsoever. It pains me to do this but I'm probably going to can the rest as I cannot take much more. Here it is, and admittedly the pictures don't capture how bad it is due to low resolution.
Damnnnn that sucks man... Try out the Cyp next time man, like I mentioned in another thread. Hope it gets better though, good luck!
Alright guys so while I would not want to necessarily say anything bad about spetz test E, for some reason I reacted very badly to it and although my lifts have been shooting up I have developed an allergic reaction wherein almost my whole body is covered in a thick rash. I went to the doctor and have been on a concoction of drugs to fight it off yet though I've discontinnued it is still spreading.

Again, not bashing spetz, but certainly warning people of my experience as they may also have such an allergy. The gear IMO is good, but the oil is not liking me whatsoever. It pains me to do this but I'm probably going to can the rest as I cannot take much more. Here it is, and admittedly the pictures don't capture how bad it is due to low resolution.
Fuucckkk. Get well soon man. What antibiotics did you get?
Question, you didn't take amoxicillon did you?
Damnnnn that sucks man... Try out the Cyp next time man, like I mentioned in another thread. Hope it gets better though, good luck!
Yeah man I'm looking into getting some cyp from someone else and would like to have got some from spetz but as you know he doesn't offer it. More than anything it's just scarey when your body reacts like that and the drugs don't do anything to stop it.
Yeah man I'm looking into getting some cyp from someone else and would like to have got some from spetz but as you know he doesn't offer it. More than anything it's just scarey when your body reacts like that and the drugs don't do anything to stop it.
that is DEFINITELY an allergic reaction, if so an antihistamine will do the trick right away, cortisone cream in the area and benadryl, you shouldn't need antibiotics unless you develop an abscess or high fever. a few things pop into my head, one, make sure you aren't allergic to the items inside the vial, tren, cottonseed oil, benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzyl benzoate. there is for sure a small % of the population whom are allergic to CSO, they end up switching to Grape Seed oil, there are much more positive factors and I've honestly considered many times switching, my only concern was that GSO doesn't last as long as CSO, it becomes rancid over time, however im moving my batches in 1-2 weeks, so months for me isnt a concern but it could be for customers.

if you guys want it ill do the switch and gladly not have to worry about allergic reactions, GSO is a bit more expensive and more "stressful" on the filters but i rather spend more $ doing that then worry about a reaction. the other factor is aesthetics, GSO is green and people expect tren to be nice and golden :( see where I'm going with this?
that is DEFINITELY an allergic reaction, if so an antihistamine will do the trick right away, cortisone cream in the area and benadryl, you shouldn't need antibiotics unless you develop an abscess or high fever. a few things pop into my head, one, make sure you aren't allergic to the items inside the vial, tren, cottonseed oil, benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzyl benzoate. there is for sure a small % of the population whom are allergic to CSO, they end up switching to Grape Seed oil, there are much more positive factors and I've honestly considered many times switching, my only concern was that GSO doesn't last as long as CSO, it becomes rancid over time, however im moving my batches in 1-2 weeks, so months for me isnt a concern but it could be for customers.

if you guys want it ill do the switch and gladly not have to worry about allergic reactions, GSO is a bit more expensive and more "stressful" on the filters but i rather spend more $ doing that then worry about a reaction. the other factor is aesthetics, GSO is green and people expect tren to be nice and golden :( see where I'm going with this?
Well I'd def be interested if it was hosted in GSO as I use it to cook and have never had any reactions to it. I am also taking Benadryl and hydrocortisone but honestly they have only helped with itch and irritation as it continues to spread. It's sad too because unless you get enough support from similar customers I will have to buy my gear elsewhere :/


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