as if the name Joedoe doesn't make it a 99% chance of being a scam anyway

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that user name was a little telling. I read it and immediately thought of that guy a few days or make a week ago. His screen name was @Fuckyoudeep and was just looking for a little advice on where to trade some pharma grade he just happened to come across.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that user name was a little telling. I read it and immediately thought of that guy a few days or make a week ago. His screen name was @Fuckyoudeep and was just looking for a little advice on where to trade some pharma grade he just happened to come across.
Fuckyoudeep=Ironwill1999 is what people remember :)
@jaymaximus I am new to the steroid internet forums. I'm still learning how meso works. When he PM'd me I didn't know if I should call him out or not. I didn't know if it was legit or not. Obviously id never send him money. Ill make sure to let the community know if shit like that happens again.

You live and learn.

It is against the rules here to PM to sell gear. Its gonna happen regardless. I would advice anyone to report as Millard has said.

But if youre not going to, at the very least, find someone who's been around, send a PM and ask about the person. I guarantee if they are legit someone has heard of them.*

*But sourcing through PM is not allowed!
I also received PM from him telling me about his private source and how correctly dosed they are, he sent me even price list, but when i searched on his name and found he was asking to buy some pharma-grade steroids, i knew immediately that something going wrong there. so i didn't response to his messages.
I didn't know about the rules in the beginning , but any one who reads (active member) under his name, will think that this guy should be trusted here, he tells the members, he sends his stuffs from a country where no customs needed, this what any one looking for if you live in Europe!
He deleted also all PMs he sent to me..
Thanks for your warning any way.
Yeeeeah my niggaaa. Without a trace muh fucka. Uh.
This one got comfortable awfully quick, huh? You ok, bill? You need anything or have a question or 2 go ahead and hit me up. Being as you're new, its easy to get distracted. You and I could get you squared away without all the extra racket and without drawing all the extra attention to yourself.
I'm serious. Hit me up. You can understand my wanting to settle things down some? You being frustrated is being expressed in such a way that it looks like you're insulting members and friends of mine. I'll help you get on the right track.
He deleted also all PMs he sent to me.
Whenever someone is banned for sending unsolicited PMs, MESO wipes all of their PMs. This removes all of the spam that was sent from their account to other members.

Keep in mind, most of the PM spammers don't just send unsolicited PMs to a single member. They may send the PM spam to hundreds of newbies. Members who report PM spam give MESO to opportunity to prevent recipients from being victimized.

This is why it is imperative for members to take action and immediately report any unsolicited PM spam they receive.
Joedoe approached me two weeks ago claiming he was a private source on meso. He gave me a whole sales pitch. I researched thru every single one of his posts and read EVERY single comment. Looked ok so I said, I'll make a small order. The order was supposed to arrive no later than last friday....no such order has arrived and he has not answered my messages since last Wednesday....just a warning. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS DUDE.
you're not very bright, are you
you're not very bright, are you
Good you came out of hiding, and welcome back! We need more levelheaded people like you here.

@Millard Baker we all salute you for what you do to keep Meso a great place, and the community here is also glad to help keep this place safe and clean!
Good you came out of hiding, and welcome back! We need more levelheaded people like you here.

@Millard Baker we all salute you for what you do to keep Meso a great place, and the community here is also glad to help keep this place safe and clean!
thanks, been a long summer, lots happened
If I may, can anyone tell me if joedoe is still active? His message count hasn't changed from 377 messages in a couple weeks or so and he's made it so I can't pm him. Has he been booted yet??
I don't know what it is you think you can solve through pm's now anyways man. It's over and done with.

Honestly we all thank you for calling the bastard out, but this thread this was pure gold bro hahaha please stick around
Whenever someone is banned for sending unsolicited PMs, MESO wipes all of their PMs. This removes all of the spam that was sent from their account to other members.

If I may, can anyone tell me if joedoe is still active? His message count hasn't changed from 377 messages in a couple weeks or so and he's made it so I can't pm him. Has he been booted yet??
I could be wrong @Bill Bixcer but the way that Millard stated this reply to the other member about PMs being deleted had me to believe he has been banned.
I don't know what it is you think you can solve through pm's now anyways man. It's over and done with.

Honestly we all thank you for calling the bastard out, but this thread this was pure gold bro hahaha please stick around
I know it's over. It's just I figured and see what he's been up to and when I look at his profile nothing has changed and he block me from pming. Really I was just curious as to if he was still out there being a fuckface
Most likely tho, he is already on with another account to run the same scheme. If you're catching fish do you up and move to another spot?