What are the best spots to inject?

Where are ideal spots on quads? What length needle?

I hit the top of the rectus femoris with a 1" 30ga needle when I'm cruising:


I also hit the delts. When I'm blasting, I have more problems with PIP in the VG than I do in the quads. Used to land lower in the rectus femoris and I'm pretty sure I've put a couple of injections between the muscle bellies causing PIP.
I hear many guys pin with half inch there, others say at least 1 inch. I don't have enough fat there, it's almost like in my pecs and that definitely goes IM. You think it's worth trying it with slin pins or only 1 inch?

I don't mind pinning slow or wait a lil longer to draw. It was definitely a pita with castor oil but now with MCT it flows well. Also, I have some 27G made by PIC and they're absolutely horrendous. I just love my BD microfines. Do you hit lats with slins?
Yup I do. No problem, I just raise my arm over the back of my head and pin the lat at the nipple line. I use the Easy touch brand of insulin syringes on Amazon. The 29s and 27s have been great to me. I use their 31s for peptides too
I hear many guys pin with half inch there, others say at least 1 inch. I don't have enough fat there, it's almost like in my pecs and that definitely goes IM. You think it's worth trying it with slin pins or only 1 inch?
Pin with what you use for glutes. VG are meaty like that
Pecs: I used to pin it a lot, its easy, smooth, you can watch it closely.

Then saw couple pictures when injected muscle got infected (some had holes in it and one said doctor drained like 1 liter of waste from the muscle). It might be a good idea to keep it further away from vital organs.