What are your thoughts bro on my cycle?


New Member
Hey bros, I am 5'9'' (M)

Before starting my bulking cycle for this winter , I have drawn all my bloods and checked all the values for liver, thyroid, hormones, blood panel, kidneys and lipids. Everything came back normal, except Lh and FSh being on a lower side, which i expected since I didn't use HcG during my last PCT.

So for my winter bulk I am planning to run the following cycle. Test e at 600 mgs for 1-16 weeks, along with npp at 300 mg 1-8 weeks and then up the dosage to 400 mg at 8-16 weeks. Along with that I plan to cycle anadrol so starting week 5 , I will use 25mg sublingualy as preworkout and 25 orally later in day. Anadrol is gonna be used 2 weeks on, 1 week off, 2 weeks on, 1 week off and finally 2 weeks on. Along with that I plan to run mk677 to metigate suppresion of hunger from anadrol, gonna dose at 25 mg ED and run it for 100 days starting the first day of the cycle. From week 12 - 16 gonna run Provirion to get rid of all the excess fat and water, will dose it at 25 mg ED.

On hand will have both caber and aromasin. Starting week one i plan to run 12.5 mg of asin E3D and see how my nipples feel. Not gonna deploy caber, unless I see signs of high prolactin aka dick not working, lactation, sore nipples. At week 8 gonna get my bloods drawn to see if everything checks out.

For diet gonna eat at aproximatly 3300 calories. With 30% protein, 25% fats and 45% carb split.

My question for you is, how does this cycle look. What liver and kidney protection supplements should I take. I know about TUDCA, NAC, Milk Thistle for liver, but I am not sure about the proper daily dosages. For lipids I gonna start Fish Oil the first day of the cycle, since anadrol severly crashes your lipids. Also will have an ARB on hand if my blood pressure gets out of hand.
All this trickery and cycling and drug selection is unnecessary.

Ontop of that, none of this matters if you’re gonna eat the same cals all the way thru the cycle.
All this trickery and cycling and drug selection is unnecessary.

Ontop of that, none of this matters if you’re gonna eat the same cals all the way thru the cycle.
Shoul I up my calories, at what point should I increase them and by what margin.
I normally find a 500cal surplus at the start worse well, when the weight gain slows down I'll add another 2-300cals. Keep doing that and you cant go far wrong
Ok thanks man, I have noticed that in my previous and first cycle that was the case, where I just ate at the determined amount of calories and platteued for like 3 weeks, towards the end. Will definietly utilize incrising the calories in my upcoming cycle.
If you're consistent and weigh yourself everyday at the same time you can get pretty in tune with your body and your weight gain. I go with first thing in the morning before you eat and drink, keeps food weight out of the equation.
All this trickery and cycling and drug selection is unnecessary.

Ontop of that, none of this matters if you’re gonna eat the same cals all the way thru the cycle.
this, this shit should be simple, not super complicated

2 compounds, pick two you like

assuming your very lean to be bulking, aim to gain 1-2lbs a month, lift heavy, gain strength, up food and drugs when you stall out
I prefer just taking the oral continuously then dropping it completely. Yo-yo'ing it for 10 weeks doesn't sound like any fun. On this one I'd take it for the last 4 weeks since youre not taking anything that will tax your liver, for a tren run i have to take it at the beginning. On weeks 14 and 15 you'll look badass and be smashing PR's
Why split up the anadodrol dose if you are essentially pulsing it just take it all pre workout. Also just run the NPP at 400mg from the start for 15 weeks (assuming you bought 6 bottles)
I have 3 dosed at 200 mg/ml each.
Sounds painful.. But 400mg for 15 weeks plenty for NPP don't see a point in upping it 100mg and you wont be left over with 2ml.
May not need the mk677 with nand it is usually great at making you constantly hungry
are you cursing after?
Sounds painful.. But 400mg for 15 weeks plenty for NPP don't see a point in upping it 100mg and you wont be left over with 2ml.
May not need the mk677 with nand it is usually great at making you constantly hungry
are you cursing after?
On top they both fuck with prolactin and mk is really a bitch with insulin resistance
Yes, ofc. Last time I did a nand cycle my roomate threw out my roids and had to immediately pct off. It was terrible experience .
Sounds painful.. But 400mg for 15 weeks plenty for NPP don't see a point in upping it 100mg and you wont be left over with 2ml.
May not need the mk677 with nand it is usually great at making you constantly hungry
are you cursing after?
On top they both fuck with prolactin and mk is really a bitch with insulin resistance
How bad insulin resistance is on mk. I heard that if you cycle it for like 3-6 months it should be fine. It’s only when you run prolonged cycles that you start developing insulin resistance. I also got like 4 bottles of caber on hand to counteract prolactin and gonna dose p5p daily.
How bad insulin resistance is on mk. I heard that if you cycle it for like 3-6 months it should be fine. It’s only when you run prolonged cycles that you start developing insulin resistance. I also got like 4 bottles of caber on hand to counteract prolactin and gonna dose p5p daily.
Just take berberine or metformin with it and check your blood sugar regularly.
I got caber

how do Ik when to stop bro. What are general markers I am looking out for.
Just check your blood sugar (before starting MK), in the morning (while fasted) so you have a baseline. Then check post meal. Now you know where you should be while fasted and post meal. When you start the MK, use berberine or metformin (1.5 daily or 1g daily, respectively), and check your blood sugar again.

While using berberine or metformin, you should be right around the same blood sugar as MK. It's fine to sit lower, you just don't want to be higher.

You can look up the reference range, but everyone will vary a bit.
Just check your blood sugar (before starting MK), in the morning (while fasted) so you have a baseline. Then check post meal. Now you know where you should be while fasted and post meal. When you start the MK, use berberine or metformin (1.5 daily or 1g daily, respectively), and check your blood sugar again.

While using berberine or metformin, you should be right around the same blood sugar as MK. It's fine to sit lower, you just don't want to be higher.

You can look up the reference range, but everyone will vary a bit.
Ok man will do, I have to buy blood sugar apparatus first tho.