What did you inject today?

We all know that one friend who can drink or take a lot of medication without any problems. It's just a matter of getting used to it. I know guys who have issues with 250 mg of testosterone a week, but then there are others who take that much every day and have no problems.
Yeah people respond differently to different things.

Comparing 250mg testosterone/week to 100mg of superdrol ed isn't even the realm of a close comparison.

250mg test/week won't kill you. 100mg of superdrol definitely can. If not from the blood pressure, then from the negative effects on your health markers (superdrol is one of the most toxic orals out there)
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Yeah people respond differently to different things.

Comparing 250mg testosterone/week to 100mg of superdrol ed isn't even the realm of a close comparison.

250mg test/week won't kill you. 100mg of superdrol definitely can. If not from the blood pressure, then from the negative effects on your health markers (superdrol is one of the most toxic orals out there)
Hey man maybe he is one of those guys who trained themselves to be immune to sdrol toxicity just like some snake charmers being a little more resistant to snake venom, it’s a possibility or he’s ingesting baking soda labeled as sdrol lol.
Yeah there's just no way he's taking 100mg of actual superdrol. He'd be having nosebleeds from the blood pressure just standing up, too lethargic to get out of bed, unable to put any food down, assuming it doesn't kill him first.

Like you said he's either taking bunk stuff, severely underdosed stuff, or straight up lying.

10mg superdrol is my sweet spot. 20mg is tolerable for 3 weeks, maybe 4 weeks, 30mg I just can't do. The sides of 30mg are way too bad to justify it being worth it
using a pretty reputable Source on meso and many other boards…
We all know that one friend who can drink or take a lot of medication without any problems. It's just a matter of getting used to it. I know guys who have issues with 250 mg of testosterone a week, but then there are others who take that much every day and have no problems.

I get this perspective entirely. I am sure there are rare people out there who can run shit like high dose M-Tren or DNP for months on end and miraculously encounter no issues. And call us all whiny pussies for our weak approach to gear too naturally. They might be 1 out of every 10K guys out there, but they exist.

On the flip side of this coin, I would wager the other 99% of us lowly peasants who dosed Superdrol that high would land ourselves in the ER.
I get this perspective entirely. I am sure there are rare people out there who can run shit like high dose M-Tren or DNP for months on end and miraculously encounter no issues. And call us all whiny pussies for our weak approach to gear too naturally. They might be 1 out of every 10K guys out there, but they exist.

On the flip side of this coin, I would wager the other 99% of us lowly peasants who dosed Superdrol that high would land ourselves in the ER.
I agree with you. There’s a reason why the pros can get so big you know, sure they have great muscle building and insertion genetics but the ability to tolerate drugs is the real deal breaker. If Ronnie Coleman couldn’t handle high doses no one would know his name.
I agree with you. There’s a reason why the pros can get so big you know, sure they have great muscle building and insertion genetics but the ability to tolerate drugs is the real deal breaker. If Ronnie Coleman couldn’t handle high doses no one would know his name.
You mean to say he didn’t only use 500 test, 400 deca and 20mg dbol. Common bro, it’s common knowledge it’s those bbq sauce is what gave him the edge lol.
You mean to say he didn’t only use 500 test, 400 deca and 20mg dbol. Common bro, it’s common knowledge it’s those bbq sauce is what gave him the edge lol.
No he didn’t use 20 mg dbo and 500 test 400 deca, THAT WOUKD BE CRAZY RECKLESS.

He quartered off a female var tab on training days only, took trt dose and 50mg deca for joints
Split between left and right glutes:

150mg Test E
165mg Bold U
127.5mg Mast P
120mg Tren A

Swallowed split into 3 doses (every 8 hours):

105mg Superdrol
100mg Winstrol

14 days until offseasy
12iu hgh pre bed
10iu novo morning & 20iu novo post workout
150 Test E
200 EQ
200 Mast E

pre bed:
100mcg T4
80mg Telmisartan
20mg Cialis

next step bump EQ up to 300 or add 70mg npp per shot
more fullness after 5 days GH but nothing crazy like cramping hands / cts like in the past.. but in the past i combined 12iu gh with 2-3g roids
Boring stuff today:

40mg Test-C (Right delt)

Got bloodwork taken this morning before the injection (8 weeks at 140mg test/week) and will decide what to do next based on results, not that I've taken too much before this, but just want to be on the safe side.

I was thiking to increase Test to 350mg a week (split in EOD) for the next 12-16 weeks to check if I can handle that, maybe throw some Primo if E2 goes high. MAX Test I ran with no issue was ~280mg a week split EOD
Split between left and right ventro glutes:

150mg Test E
165mg Bold U
127.5mg Mast P
120mg Tren A

Swallowed split into 3 doses (every 8 hours):

105mg Superdrol
100mg Winstrol

13 days until my offseason starts
Split between left and right delts:

150mg Test E
165mg Bold U
127.5mg Mast P
120mg Tren A

Swallowed split into 3 doses (every 8 hours):

105mg Superdrol
100mg Winstrol

12 days until we start to fukin growww