What happened to READALOT?

@ all you mf that think LE works like what I just read, socializing with forum members in the open etc, you are thick as a cement wall and add some.

LE operations first and foremost don't give two shits about end users, unless a local officer has a hard on on someone and wants to make headlines in the local paper.

LE operations involve long periods of time that includes surveillance, ordering and figuring out operational structure of the organization that is into dealing LARGE amount of gear.

LE operations care about the money, when there is LOTS of them because the confiscated funds go proportionally to THEIR operational funds.

@iris simply likes to mingle with strangers that have SOME brain capacity, that make fun of each other, act as dumb mf most of the time without the need to be on a social media site that the first thing she will receive is a dick pic and a "nice shoes wanna fuck?" dm.

Now, all you two brain cell twats that waste oxygen on this planet, go pound dirt.
Great points. The popo must know this site is strictly for entertainment purposes only, and all discussions here are purely of a theoretical nature.

strangers that have SOME brain capacity, that make fun of each other, act as dumb mf most of the time without the need to be on a social media site that the first thing she will receive is a dick pic and a "nice shoes wanna fuck?" dm.

You know, come to think of it, I haven't received even one of this type of direct message. Even when times got heated. Truly Meso has a code of honor. Appreciate the perspective.
Great points. The popo must know this site is strictly for entertainment purposes only, and all discussions here are purely of a theoretical nature.

You know, come to think of it, I haven't received even one of this type of direct message. Even when times got heated. Truly Meso has a code of honor. Appreciate the perspective.
You should try Reddit, it's hell on earth.
endotoxin awareness in my life but also your insanely high IQ is downright intriguing to say the least.
That's the ghoul plug-in I use for this site. All my posts get sent through a massively parallel set GPUs running a proprietary neural network model of ghoul's gray matter for cleanup and enhancement. There is also a pharma toggle that really makes it exciting.

Easily ups the perceived IQ of each post somewhere between 26 to 43 points (99% confidence interval). Mean +/- SD is 34.5 +/- 2.83.

Highly recommend. When this comes out of beta its going to be wild! Appreciate the kind words Paint, but I gotta give credit where it's due!
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LE operations involve long periods of time that includes surveillance, ordering and figuring out operational structure of the organization that is into dealing LARGE amount of gear.

As the most inconspicuous undercover copper in the history of this esteemed site, I can hereby confirm you are totally correct. You always are.
Ergo, you also know this is why I have had my eye on you for a looooooong time,
Narta Labs Inc.

that the first thing she will receive is a dick pic and a "nice shoes wanna fuck?" dm.
That's because they all think I am Declan's alt account, so no such offers received.
But the one that thought I was a tranny did ask for pictures, because he is a dumbass

waste oxygen

Moving on,

Unless you are like me: Even in Reddit I was so annoying that was deemed unfuckable :cool:

Not a chance in hell.
However, it's possible somebody that shall remain anonymous may have spread misinformation, to ensure they don’t know you are the sexiest man alive.
Pure speculation, but it was probably Ghoul.
I owe him a debt of gratitude.

And finally:

Mira, Senor: :) :) :) :) :)
Lol, lol, lol, lol, lol.

Haven't forgotten the snaglist I have with you.

We missed you (we = everyone but me).

But enough about you.
How are the canines?

It was totally necessary. After I stopped logging in for a bit I came back specifically to see what was up with you. To my shock I saw you didn’t post in months. Legitimately top 3 favorite members and you were gone. I’m glad I found you on PM, but more importantly glad you’re back. Now I log in every day lol

I need some heavy metal/endotoxin awareness in my life but also your insanely high IQ is downright intriguing to say the least.

This was a cool thing to do, PD.
I think we all have you to thank, for contributing in luring Monsieur Readalot back..... :)

Many of us kept asking about him but you were the one that actually created a thread centred on this gentleman, as soon as you came back from being unwell.
And it was all out of affection and concern for him.
It's great you are both back on Meso.
This was a cool thing to do, PD.
I think we all have you to thank, for contributing in luring Monsieur Readalot back..... :)

Many of us kept asking about him but you were the one that actually created a thread centred on this gentleman, as soon as you came back from being unwell.
And it was all out of affection and concern for him.
It's great you are both back on Meso.
I got a little teary-eyed
Wrong lab you got there little oink
View attachment 296714

Yeah, yeah, you try throwing me off the scent.
I got you.
I am coming for you.

I know you pretend you live in Mexico and instead you've been spotted living it large in Marbella. And with the party people in Magalouf. And in Siberia in the summer because you are so hot you need a cooler climate.

Happy like pigs in a mud pool

Happy pooches = happy Narta


P.S. I love the label. The never expiry date makes me love it even more
I am coming for you.
*15yr old narta: bring lube
*50yr+ old narta:
You Are GIF