What is the verdict on Janoshik?


New Member
Hey everyone, I was doing a quick research on Janoshik on the web, and it seems that many ppl on other boards and on reddit have come to the conclusion that it's not in fact a legit testing facility and is a scam instead. Yet I see that sources still use it's services for their "tests". What's the deal with that? Is indeed jano a scam, and can sources using Janoshik tests for their products even be trusted in the first place?
In my experience the only people who called him a scammer are guys who product tested like shit.
As far as I know, Jano had one issue long ago regarding HGH. There’s a thread here describing it by Mands. That sucked. Suck ass UGLs blame him all the time. He’s had a couple death threats too as a result of that

Since then, he has taken steps to repair his reputation. He’s licensed in the country he operates. So that’s something. But more importantly, SymBiotics sent duplicate blind samples to Jano and and another lab. The samples matched. He’s not guessing or making up numbers. For this reason, I believe that his results are legitimate.

Try it for yourself, take duplicate samples and send one to Jano and send one to Lab4Tox. The results should be the same.

Jano has been good for the community over the past several years. He provides a lot of useful advice.
As far as I know, Jano had one issue long ago regarding HGH. There’s a thread here describing it by Mands. That sucked.

Since then, he has taken steps to repair his reputation. He’s licensed in the country he operates. So that’s something. But more importantly, SymBiotics sent duplicate blind samples to Jano and and another lab. The samples matched. He’s not guessing or making up numbers. For this reason, I believe that his results are legitimate.

Try it for yourself, take duplicate samples and send one to Jano and send one to Lab4Tox. The results should be the same.
I wish I had the funds for that man. That's why I'm trying to make sure that the testing and my gear are legit, so I don't waste money for no reason. Yeah, that's the thread I stumbled upon, the hgh incident
As far as I know, Jano had one issue long ago regarding HGH. There’s a thread here describing it by Mands. That sucked. Suck ass UGLs blame him all the time. He’s had a couple death threats too as a result of that

Since then, he has taken steps to repair his reputation. He’s licensed in the country he operates. So that’s something. But more importantly, SymBiotics sent duplicate blind samples to Jano and and another lab. The samples matched. He’s not guessing or making up numbers. For this reason, I believe that his results are legitimate.

Try it for yourself, take duplicate samples and send one to Jano and send one to Lab4Tox. The results should be the same.

Jano has been good for the community over the past several years. He provides a lot of useful advice.
This covers it. End of the day only a few individuals had direct (and justifiable) issues with him in the past and the rest took one side or the other. I find it similar to a UGL; no matter how good a UGL is they eventually fuck up. What you decide to do after that is individual.
The sheer quantity of blind tests he's completed make for a pretty convincing case that he has complete capability to perform the services he offers. Anyone can send him 3-5 different raws or oils and see that for themselves pretty quick. IMO it's very easy to check off the box for "capable".

Afterwards the question becomes integrity, is it possible that Jano may sometimes get lazy and return a sample that was labelled 'Testosterone Enanthate 250mg' as 'Testosterone Enanthate detected, 263.5mg/ml'? Totally possible. Is it possible that Jano would accept a bribe to say that this bad GH product is 98% pure? Totally possible. But ultimately you have to ask yourself what the motivation for this would be? He's running a business that nets 5-6 figures a month by my guess. He's seemingly capable of performing the tests. There's no evidence of deceit or tomfoolery thus far, so what reason would there be to doubt his integrity?

That's just my 2 cents. Also I like the guy so there's my bias. I think it's very clear that when his affordable and accessible testing services became available a lot of very large operations were immediately threatened. Suddenly 'trust your source' became a lot sketchier sounding when you could trust the empirical evidence that shows some of these former 'top labs' weren't actually delivery as good a product as they and the vets on boards promised.
He works. Tested multiple unlabelled samples and know what the product was and accuracy. And if he didn’t know what it was, he was honest- Sometimes he doesn’t have a reference or time to venture a guess.
I know that that one slip up is what it took to damage his reputation but he has made amends for that as noted by all the test reports posted and which many people have even verified using other testing services to see if results match. In my view he has more than redeemed himself.

Currently Jano seems to be the only game in town right now for AAS testing, considering Analyzer and Weights & Measures have left the testing scene.

Props to @SkankHunt and others for their work in getting products tested.
Send him three different unidentifiable samples and he’ll send you 3 different results. Do it ten times and it’ll match every time. If he’s somehow guessing, then he is the luckiest motherfucker in the universe and needs to quit fucking around in a lab and go to Vegas.
I believe he does legit testing and is a legit lab however, there was the incident and that’s the only one we know about by chance. If there was one that came out there’s no way I can believe there hasn’t been other faked results we don’t. If Jano was a source he would’ve been ran out of here long ago. The only reason Jano is given another chance is because he provides a unique and what should be a very valuable service.
Do I think he’s slimy scum bag? Absolutely
I believe he does legit testing and is a legit lab however, there was the incident and that’s the only one we know about by chance. If there was one that came out there’s no way I can believe there hasn’t been other faked results we don’t. If Jano was a source he would’ve been ran out of here long ago. The only reason Jano is given another chance is because he provides a unique and what should be a very valuable service.
Do I think he’s slimy scum bag? Absolutely
why do people always say it like this? "there was an incident". Why not just say exactly what happened if its so bad that you're labelling him "slimy scum bag" for life?

like everything is made to sound so doom and gloomy vague. If a source has a floater in their gear we say "i bought some mast from him once and there was a floater". With jano it's always "we all know what happened, it was the worst thing ever, he can never be trusted again. oh you trust jano? funny I wonder if kenneth smith's (RIP) uncle would feel the same way after what what jano pulled".
Regardless of past issues, there is no way he could keep up his testing and name for the past couple years if he was bullshitting tests. WAY too many people if not all people will send him blind samples, he would take his psychic abilities and go make millions if he was just guessing/making up results.

Could he accept bribes? Sure, but then someone could send in a blind sample of GH/Steroids/Whatever that he accepted the bribe for and get the real/true result.

ie. Lab A bribes him for a nice GH result, people start buying it sending it in blind (Pull the top off/label etc.) and it comes back as garbage. @janoshik would have a shit show of epic proportions on his hands very quick.

I believe his testing at least these days is accurate and fair to the point that the shadier sources are probably not happy with the more sensitive GH testing he implemented, he had no reason to implement something that gives an even better result but he did.

Like others say you could also blind test him against Lab4Tox as many times as you want and I don't think you're going to uncover any shady testing.
I believe his testing at least these days is accurate and fair to the point that the shadier sources are probably not happy with the more sensitive GH testing he implemented, he had no reason to implement something that gives an even better result but he did.
I don't have any special knowledge, but given the upset that the new testing method has caused, and how predictable it was that the new tests were going to be different and thus cause confusion and upset among customers and even posting here, there was no real incentive to do so except to offer a better service.
I don't have any special knowledge, but given the upset that the new testing method has caused, and how predictable it was that the new tests were going to be different and thus cause confusion and upset among customers and even posting here, there was no real incentive to do so except to offer a better service.
My thoughts as well, and well if you offer a good product you should have nothing to fear from HPLC. I wonder how many labs/GH providers slowly backed off testing since 2021 started lol.

It's not hard to decipher either, just look at the high quality providers new % purity under the new test and go from there. Saw a few people freak out after reading stuff in the 96%'s but that's actually a very good result on the new one afaik, all the 98-99s dropped to that level from what I've seen.
I have tested Raws that came back 98% Pure, then I deliberately overdosed the gear by 10% and the dosage was 10% over what it should have been.

I think that concludes any doubt.

All blind tests.
I see. Thanks for the input everyone, I'm going to bite the bullet and give a go to a source from the forum, that seems to have good things said about it here, tested by jano as well.
I know that that one slip up is what it took to damage his reputation but he has made amends for that as noted by all the test reports posted and which many people have even verified using other testing services to see if results match. In my view he has more than redeemed himself.

Currently Jano seems to be the only game in town right now for AAS testing, considering Analyzer and Weights & Measures have left the testing scene.

Props to @SkankHunt and others for their work in getting products tested.
Lab4tox and ChemTox.

Why do you insist on chiming in when you don't know what you are talking about?
I remembered Simec was the gold standard (and most likely still is) until they no longer accepted any samples from outside the EU. Thus the game changed nowadays.
Once I sent those 2 blind Pharmacom mixes it’s no doubt he’s got the equipment. There’s no guessing in those blends.