What is the verdict on Janoshik?

Jano is #1 in my book when it comes to PED testing. Read around and you'll figure it out.
why do people always say it like this? "there was an incident". Why not just say exactly what happened if its so bad that you're labelling him "slimy scum bag" for life?

like everything is made to sound so doom and gloomy vague. If a source has a floater in their gear we say "i bought some mast from him once and there was a floater". With jano it's always "we all know what happened, it was the worst thing ever, he can never be trusted again. oh you trust jano? funny I wonder if kenneth smith's (RIP) uncle would feel the same way after what what jano pulled".
Say exactly what happened? He faked lab reports and acted like it didn’t matter and still to this day will just laugh it off. Yeah that’s a fucking scum bag. The rest of your rant I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. If he did it once that we know about and it was only by chance that he was caught, then is anybody really gonna say that he won’t or hasn’t done it since? Or that was the only time? He literally produced a false report. That’s exactly what happened, it’s pretty easy to find if you’d look for 5 seconds on this fucking board. If we had a lab that sent out oil instead of gear then no they should never have another chance.
Say exactly what happened? He faked lab reports and acted like it didn’t matter and still to this day will just laugh it off. Yeah that’s a fucking scum bag. The rest of your rant I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. If he did it once that we know about and it was only by chance that he was caught, then is anybody really gonna say that he won’t or hasn’t done it since? Or that was the only time? He literally produced a false report. That’s exactly what happened, it’s pretty easy to find if you’d look for 5 seconds on this fucking board. If we had a lab that sent out oil instead of gear then no they should never have another chance.
I wouldn't say I went on a rant so much as I made a little bit of a joke, but as a comedian I gotta play my audience so if you didn't get a chuckle out of it or interpreted it as a rant then I guess it was poorly crafted.

Regarding faked lab reports, we're still talking about the 1 alleged faked report for a #17 vial of TP GH in 2016, right? Or am I missing different accusations of faked reports? All I know of is the one that @mands claimed. Correct me wherever I'm wrong
I wouldn't say I went on a rant so much as I made a little bit of a joke, but as a comedian I gotta play my audience so if you didn't get a chuckle out of it or interpreted it as a rant then I guess it was poorly crafted.

Regarding faked lab reports, we're still talking about the 1 alleged faked report for a #17 vial of TP GH in 2016, right? Or am I missing different accusations of faked reports? All I know of is the one that @mands claimed. Correct me wherever I'm wrong
That’s the one that we know about. There’s no way I’m going to believe that was an isolated incident. Janos reaction to it is the same as labs on ASF that have been called out on selling fake or underdosed gear. He treats it like a huge joke. I also don’t like his personality on here. Obviously all of his reports aren’t faked so I equate him to a selective scammer.
Seems to me like Janoshik is our frontline defence for keeping UGL’s in check.

I’m not here to get easy steroids. I’m here to get safer steroids, as I hope we all are also. So I believe Janoshik is more important to us than we acknowledge.
Seems to me like Janoshik is our frontline defence for keeping UGL’s in check.

I’m not here to get easy steroids. I’m here to get safer steroids, as I hope we all are also. So I believe Janoshik is more important to us than we acknowledge.
Oh, I think it’s definitely acknowledged which is why he was able to get away with sending out a fake lab report.
Say exactly what happened? He faked lab reports and acted like it didn’t matter and still to this day will just laugh it off. Yeah that’s a fucking scum bag. The rest of your rant I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. If he did it once that we know about and it was only by chance that he was caught, then is anybody really gonna say that he won’t or hasn’t done it since? Or that was the only time? He literally produced a false report. That’s exactly what happened, it’s pretty easy to find if you’d look for 5 seconds on this fucking board. If we had a lab that sent out oil instead of gear then no they should never have another chance.
Well what happens to UGLs that send out bunk trash? Im sure they just go away and never do anything with steroids again…. Nah, they rebrand and repeat. Over and over.

Jano is still Jano. He has that one incident against him. That was 5 years ago. If it weren’t for blind samples sent to other testing labs confirming the results then it would be hard to wipe that incident off of his reputation.

Feel free to send a sample to him and an identical sample to Lab4Tox. Let’s see if he’s making up lab reports.

Look, it’s one thing to point out the obvious and say Jano is a scumbag for what he did but you didn’t provide a solution. Are we just going to keep complaining about the same thing over and over. The day someone catches him making up sample results because they have a double sample sent to Lab4Tox (or another HPLC lab) is the day we can burn him. But that day hasn’t come yet.
Does Jano provide a valuable service to us, yes.

Has Jano scammed a meso member and falsified a report, yes. Is Jano a high and mighty, self righteous prick, yes.

The fact that people still use this sack of shit instead of lab4tox just blows my mind! This motherfucker scammed a well know, stand up fellow brother and everyone just gave him a fucking pass. Now the douche bag puffs his chest and struts his bullshit attitude all over meso :rolleyes:

Well done chaps!
Does Jano provide a valuable service to us, yes.

Has Jano scammed a meso member and falsified a report, yes. Is Jano a high and mighty, self righteous prick, yes.

The fact that people still use this sack of shit instead of lab4tox just blows my mind! This motherfucker scammed a well know, stand up fellow brother and everyone just gave him a fucking pass. Now the douche bag puffs his chest and struts his bullshit attitude all over meso :rolleyes:

Well done chaps!
I heard something like “ @LAB4TOX its more expensive!! “
I'd rather pay more for lab4tox than pay less and support a fucking scammer and lying sack of shit. All this "Well it was just the one time" nonsense is horseshit.

Your girl cheats on you do you A, give her another chance or B, kick her dumb cunt to the curb?

Once a scammer ALWAYS a scammer and that's a fucking fact!
Make an informed decision. He is capable of the testing, theres the history O.P.

Does Jano provide a valuable service to us, yes.

Has Jano scammed a meso member and falsified a report, yes. Is Jano a high and mighty, self righteous prick, yes.

The fact that people still use this sack of shit instead of lab4tox just blows my mind! This motherfucker scammed a well know, stand up fellow brother and everyone just gave him a fucking pass. Now the douche bag puffs his chest and struts his bullshit attitude all over meso :rolleyes:

Well done chaps!

Well for starters they only accept bank transfers. They are more expensive. They also can’t test everything. I went to send them that Beligas sus 500 and they’re like oh we can’t test for Sustanon.
I'd rather pay more for lab4tox than pay less and support a fucking scammer and lying sack of shit. All this "Well it was just the one time" nonsense is horseshit.

Your girl cheats on you do you A, give her another chance or B, kick her dumb cunt to the curb?

Once a scammer ALWAYS a scammer and that's a fucking fact!
Have you sent any items to janoshik?