What is the verdict on Janoshik?

I'd rather pay more for lab4tox than pay less and support a fucking scammer and lying sack of shit. All this "Well it was just the one time" nonsense is horseshit.

Your girl cheats on you do you A, give her another chance or B, kick her dumb cunt to the curb?

Once a scammer ALWAYS a scammer and that's a fucking fact!
Did you send anything to Lab4Tox?
How exactly is that relevant?

Using Jano is supporting a scammer simple as that!
It’s relevant because if you used Lab4Tox then you could share your experience in doing so.

There’s not many options. If Lab4Tox can provide the same service for a similar price and you’re happy with them then that’s a viable testing option.

But @SkankHunt pointed out some of the issues. There’s a number of reasons why Jano gets a great amount of business. Pointing out one issue that occurred 5 years ago without presenting a viable solution isn’t productive.
Like a few other people have stated. I have my concerns with Jano. I’m not fully aware of the situation from 5 years ago. But seeing as he’s on a lot of boards *paid boards at that* I can definitely understand putting him into question as a selective scammer. I wouldn’t doubt it. Sadly he’s the only option we have to get things tested. I know a few other people have mentioned Lab4Tox but he has his limitations.
It’s relevant because if you used Lab4Tox then you could share your experience in doing so.

There’s not many options. If Lab4Tox can provide the same service for a similar price and you’re happy with them then that’s a viable testing option.

But @SkankHunt pointed out some of the issues. There’s a number of reasons why Jano gets a great amount of business. Pointing out one issue that occurred 5 years ago without presenting a viable solution isn’t productive.

If you feel comfortable supporting a scammer then that's your choice. Me, well I'm old school and believe scammers should be burnt alive!

And not having used the service doesn't mean I don't get an opinion!
It seems like there should be way more competition in this market. I understand why we dont have them domestically but coming out of somewhere else the market should be wide open.
If you feel comfortable supporting a scammer then that's your choice. Me, well I'm old school and believe scammers should be burnt alive!

And not having used the service doesn't mean I don't get an opinion!
Your opinion is a parroted one and holds no weight. Put your money where your mouth is or shut up.

What a waste of time
Your opinion is a parroted one and holds no weight. Put your money where your mouth is or shut up.

What a waste of time
the goal of these people is never to elevate another testing service, it's always to tear down the best possible option. Almost as if they prefer a world without accountability for UGLs...
If you feel comfortable supporting a scammer then that's your choice. Me, well I'm old school and believe scammers should be burnt alive!

And not having used the service doesn't mean I don't get an opinion!
No testing is better than using Jano?

And you’re definitely welcome to have an opinion. That’s what the forum is all about. I’m just trying to understand your opinion.
A bunch of hormonal diva bitches whining about Janos services, then don’t use him. Don’t use gear that’s tested by him either. You can go back to throwing knives in the dark and feelz reports like 2005.
Your opinion is a parroted one and holds no weight. Put your money where your mouth is or shut up.

What a waste of time
How about you go suck his dick, you internet pussy. I will not ever give Jano a penny, what I will do is express my opinion on the situation. You’re a waste of air.
By your logic no one should have anything to say about naps gear unless they order from him.
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No testing is better than using Jano?

And you’re definitely welcome to have an opinion. That’s what the forum is all about. I’m just trying to understand your opinion.

I said I understand why people use him, but if possible people should use other service providers like Lab4Tox as they've never scammed anyone as far as we know plus Lab4Tox doesn't act like a stuck up cunt like Jano consistently does!

I don't do business with scammers and I don't know what's hard to understand about that.
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A bunch of hormonal diva bitches whining about Janos services, then don’t use him. Don’t use gear that’s tested by him either. You can go back to throwing knives in the dark and feelz reports like 2005.
I wasn’t involved in steroids in 2005. Matter of fact, my balls hadn’t even dropped and I was still rocking the sketchers. But wasn’t obtaining steroids of any kind easier in 2005 and prior? I just always remember my father and his friends never had a difficult time getting what they needed. Can’t remember if it was underground or not. All I know is it fucking worked haha
A bunch of hormonal diva bitches whining about Janos services, then don’t use him. Don’t use gear that’s tested by him either. You can go back to throwing knives in the dark and feelz reports like 2005.
How is it whining if it’s an honest opinion? I said I understand why he’s useful and was given such grace but there’s a caveat. He wouldn’t have been If he didn’t provide such a unique service. He’s untouchable because he’s pretty much cornered that market.
How is it whining if it’s an honest opinion? I said I understand why he’s useful and was given such grace but there’s a caveat. He wouldn’t have been If he didn’t provide such a unique service. He’s untouchable because he’s pretty much cornered that market.
Because your opinion is wrong and you have nothing to back it up. Hundreds maybe thousands of positive identifications of AAS samples by Jano and you have sent nothing yet parrot old arguments. If we weigh the evidence, it’s 99.9% positive for Jano. Gold star for bringing up the .01%

What is your real motive here?
I don’t even trust Simec. Pharmacom sent them that Arimidex and supposedly it tested as Arimidex. Jano and Lab4tox both got Letrozole. So what makes you think a massive company like Pharmacom didn’t slip Simec money under the table? This is a very unique game we’re all in, trust nobody.
No need to fight and throw insults over an opinion. Everybody is entitled to one.
I can see both sides on this, but for right now, there's not much of a choice. True, Jano fucked up but that was over 5 years ago. No that doesn't excuse what he did, but he has come through on 100's if not thousands of blind tests since that time.
I would hate to rely on feelz and bonerz like we had to in the recent past.
I think competition for him would be a good thing but we don't really have that at this time. Lab4Tox is good but they have limits from what I'm understanding.

Its the individuals choice to do what they want. Don't feel comfortable with Jano? Send it to Lab4Tox.
How about you go suck his dick, you internet pussy. I will not ever give Jano a penny, what I will do is express my opinion on the situation. You’re a waste of air.

Shaky ground. i edited out the part that may earn you a ban. You still have time to do the same.