What pre workout ingredients worsen the painful lower back pumps?


It's one thing that I'm currently on test/tren, but I'm adding in anadrol now, and I'm working on my deadlift and squat, and my lower back gets annihilated with a pump from this.

I'm adding in anadrol as well now, and want to alter my preworkout to minimize the pain without too severely reducing the effectiveness.

My current pre workout stack is:
6g beta alanine
12g citrulline malate
10g Taurine
8g beetroot powder
20ml vegetable glycerin
150mg niacin

I already take 10g Taurine to assist the pumps, but is there anything I should remove on deadlift and squat days so I don't aggravate the issue while I'm running orals too?
Anything that adds to a pump. Tips for making the back pump go away are rolling it out when it gets wicked or hitting another body part like calves just to pump the blood somewhere else.
I only tend to get back pumps if my lower back is still sore and not fully recovered, Dbol obv makes them worse too.
Had my first workout today with it, did 3x8 deadlifts @70%, lat pulldowns, then weighted glute raises on the back extension. After that, my lower back was so pumped I had to lay down for 15 minutes after until it went away. My pre workout was only 10g taurine, protein powder, and some niacin. I also had a banana for potassium and drank plenty of water, but the pump still killed me.

Any thing else I can do to minimize it? I tried rolling it out but it seemed to make it worse.
Try lowering your anadrol dosage, your better off taking less and getting a good workout vs more drugs bad training. Or dose your anadrol throughout the day vs all pre workout. Taking it throughout the day can minimize side effects
Well it comes in 25mg pills and I take 50mg a day, so I could just take one in the morning, one later afternoon. On days I'm not squatting or deadlifting I'll still use it as a pre workout then.