What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

I'm fine without straps on deads, but for shrugs my grip gives out at around 7 or 8 reps on the later sets. I don't think there's any shame in using straps when you're isolating traps, and it allows me to really load up the bar. Those extra few reps bring the pain big time :D

I used to use them religiously about 6yr ago. I wouldn't mind picking up a set for deadlift PR I don't know what happened to mine.
Brought dinner to work....Sweet potatoes cubed, diced tomato, bell pepper and jalapeno raw late red with plain Greek yogurt and chopped baked chicken breast...topped with liberal amounts of siracha. The nursing staff dug into it And then demanded I become their personal chef lol0425171848a.jpg