Went through some crazy shit a few weeks back that left me pretty shook up bro. We ended up in icu due to a kidney infection she got. She almost past away smfdhThe Nurse lady told ke she was a very sick uoung lady an if we would have waited another day to come in....She would have never made it!!!!! Her blood pressure dropped real low an the infection actually spread through her intire body an started to shut down all her major organs!!!!! Her bloodpressure was so low they couldnt even giver her any pain medication cuz it would have bottomed her out, whatever that means. They had to put one of those iv's that goes up her entire arm an ends real close to her heart so when they flooded her with medication it wouldnt blow out her viens. Thank god she finally pulled through an over came it all!!!! They took us back up stairs when they got her stable. On top of all that shit when we got back upstairs she developed pneumonia
..... Yoh never know what you got until somethig like that happens. Gives yiu a whole new perspective on life!!!!!
Hope Moe gets better . Dont wanna mess around with the kidneys ...
Take care of her bro