What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Man, you eat like a boss

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Is it weird that I get the urge to lick my computer screen every time you post in this damn thread? Seriously... You eat better than I do in my dreams, and I like to think that I eat damn good 'healthy' food.

I'll snap some more pics later you guys will like. I'm hungry for more of those coconut shrimp... they were damn good.

Might try making some on Sunday.
Son.... you are killing me.

Why oh why am I compelled to click every time Eman posts...
I'm between sets and checking out what he eats....
Such a distraction lol

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Eman must be challenging us to up our game . Thats got to be it .
Im goin down to the harbor and fetch some fresh shrimp off the docks .
There !! :mad:

@Eman, you got me.... I'm tapping out and reducing myself to this kind of garbage.

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@Eman, you got me.... I'm tapping out and reducing myself to this kind of garbage.

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Ha.. you're still the man around here far as I'm concerned my friend. Most of what I posted today I didn't even cook myself... I like hotdogs too. :)

Once this PCT ends, going to clean things up. Try and lean down and get blood pressure into a good range. Going to try and make for an epic winter bulk though...