What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Very few people (and even fewer Caucasians) are affected by dietary cholesterol.
Eating high cholesterol foods does not cause atherosclerosis or high endogenous cholesterol... Genetics and carbs are the main cause of it.

So don't be shy of the dairy!

People who drink whole milk consume fewer calories overall than those who consume skimmed, or so I've read.

Ive seen a cpl shows now where cardiologists have said cholesterol numbers are irrelevant. Its the size of the cholesterol particles, NOT The number itself. Large particles good small bad. There is a name for it but im a simple man and thats WAY above my paygrade.
Ate these earlier this evening.


Stuffed Salmon and Steak (One Porterhouse, one NY strip)

Not shown is chicken flavored rice. Made some white rice using chicken broth. I'll NEVER make rice without it!

There is two ends of the spectrum here
...perfectly grilled surf and turf, beautifully arranged plate and classy dinner ware and now....without further ado, i present....sweet potato out of a ziploc bag on the city bus going to the gym hahahsha20160818_075206.jpg
20g Whey, 8 egg whites (250ml) and 20g oatmeal, blended. Pre workout shake.

Not near as exciting as Chef Eman, Chef Rubisean and Many other of these great looking meals!
Last day on vacation today unfortunately... ice cream seemed fitting. Espresso ice cream with chocolate chips, called iced blended.

Coming back in a few weeks for the oyster festival, close your ears trukk.

Yeah...but you've never had my meat, mr. Airplane
What's up Trukker! I haven't been around in awhile, it's the extremely busy season for movers. I shot you a PM and never heard back. A BIG "What's up" to the guys that remember me. I'm hanging around when I get a chance, got my second cycle pretty dialed in. (Sorry to be hijacking the food thread) My contribution is- WHATEVER you're eating, sprinkle some "Slap ya mamma" cajun seasoning on to make it fantastic...
What's up Trukker! I haven't been around in awhile, it's the extremely busy season for movers. I shot you a PM and never heard back. A BIG "What's up" to the guys that remember me. I'm hanging around when I get a chance, got my second cycle pretty dialed in. (Sorry to be hijacking the food thread) My contribution is- WHATEVER you're eating, sprinkle some "Slap ya mamma" cajun seasoning on to make it fantastic...
I cleaned house a while back
You could always start a new pm
Good to see you back
Chicken thighs and spinach doused in hot sauce. Frozen chopped spinach is the new go to for me, barely have to even chew it, goes down nice and easy haha.20160818_163630.jpg
I've got a craving something fierce for cereal... it's been eggs and/or oatmeal every morning for the last 2 months. I don't want to make a habit of it, but I need a recommendation... something high in protein, low/no sugar. If I don't curb this, I'm going to devour a big surgery bowl of Reese's puffs. Ugh!