What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Annnnnnnd this is how im gonna cut it
*pic doesnt include lunch, dinner or preworkout&post workout grub*
Gonna get down to 3500 cals and see how much protein i can pull outta that. See where im at then reduce to 3000. See how it goes. Never ran winny. Thatll be the wild card
I've been eating at least 1.5-2lbs + of steak (round) per day cooked in grass fed butter and maybe 1+ liters of organic whole milk with a good variety of carb sources. Sometimes I will replace 500g of red meat with 500g of chicken thigh for the fuck of it.

Making dramatic changes in body composition and blood pressure is now normal. 120/60 instead of 150-160/80 on a blast and HR isn't in that dangerously close to tachycardia #.

Feels good man.
I've been eating at least 1.5-2lbs + of steak (round) per day cooked in grass fed butter and maybe 1+ liters of organic whole milk with a good variety of carb sources. Sometimes I will replace 500g of red meat with 500g of chicken thigh for the fuck of it.

I reread this three times because of how good it sounded...

Chicken thighs are something I recently started. I've cut back on them now as I've dropped calories but I cant believe I've missed out on using chicken thighs more often when trying to bulk up. I got great results with opting for thighs over breast meat and was kicking myself for it not hitting them sooner.
Time to bring out the ground turkey
Only thing i dont get sick of.
Cook 5lbs at a time and its only 2.18/lb at sams

Also shrimp and fish
Wallys sells cheap ass shrimp for $5/bag and its the most protein dense food ive found
Chicken thighs are something I recently started. I've cut back on them now as I've dropped calories but I cant believe I've missed out on using chicken thighs more often when trying to bulk up. I got great results with opting for thighs over breast meat and was kicking myself for it not hitting them sooner.

Dude chicken thighs are all i fuck with, sooooo much better than the breast even the skinless variety, and they cook quicker.
X 2

I'm at 3000 calories though... FML. Still eating tasty food, just a lot fucking less of it than I would like.

Yeah, well you and trukk are eating like pigs compared to me 2200-2400[emoji16] sept fridays.... I love fridays. Still got bout 6 weeks left.
Alright you foodie fuckers can quit posting up delicious grub now
Im gonna finish the last 6 weeks of my cycle bringing the cals down to 3500. With the winny should be a nice finishing touch

What happened to your theory of growing while on, and cutting/maintaining while off? I personally think you should keep up the food intake, especially now that you're introducing a new drug into your body. Won't be able to reap its full benefits if you are in a caloric deficit, but obviously you know your body best. What is your reasoning?
Usually im at 6k cals. Right now Ive only been able to take in about 3.5k for the last 2 months. Down to 235 :(

Funny story though. Today I went to see a nutrionist and we went over my diets. All my portions were on point (except veggies) but her eyes bugged out when I told her about my regular 6k diet. She didnt have anything to add but good luck. Said the most she's ever given advice on is 2600.
What happened to your theory of growing while on, and cutting/maintaining while off? I personally think you should keep up the food intake, especially now that you're introducing a new drug into your body. Won't be able to reap its full benefits if you are in a caloric deficit, but obviously you know your body best. What is your reasoning?
I want the winny to show thru
I thought i looked better at 260 the first 4 weeks of the cycle than i do now at 270 with water
I dont like tren E. Its not violent and physique changing like tren A. Very mild. Sides are mild. Pumps and vascularity are more mild. First and last time running this. Ill go back to acetate when i run tren again

I also dont like my test this high. 1500mg isnt hardly any better than a gram. If it is its very minimal. Ill go back to a gram of test or lower after this cycle. Its either that or doubling or tripling my test dose to get the same effect from say 500mg to 1 gram of test. Just wasted $$$.

Live n learn. I wanted to try big doses and turns out i dont think its worth it

My 2 cents
I've been eating at least 1.5-2lbs + of steak (round) per day cooked in grass fed butter and maybe 1+ liters of organic whole milk with a good variety of carb sources. Sometimes I will replace 500g of red meat with 500g of chicken thigh for the fuck of it.

Making dramatic changes in body composition and blood pressure is now normal. 120/60 instead of 150-160/80 on a blast and HR isn't in that dangerously close to tachycardia #.

Feels good man.

I did the Vince Gironda "Steak & Eggs" diet for a month last year . Expensive but worth it , I really dropped the chub. Everything cooked in butter ...might do it again .

I did the Vince Gironda "Steak & Eggs" diet for a month last year . Expensive but worth it , I really dropped the chub. Everything cooked in butter ...might do it again .


I also had salads and an apple a day towards the end . Vince would also add protein drinks made with cream milk (half & half)
I did the Vince Gironda "Steak & Eggs" diet for a month last year . Expensive but worth it , I really dropped the chub. Everything cooked in butter ...might do it again .

Damn it. Pretty simple
3/4 - 1.5 lb steak and 4-6 whole eggs twice a day, lol.
Might try it. It DOES fit the macros. But holy shit only twice a day.:mad::mad:
Thanks for bringing it up OGH.
I think im gonna scrap my typical low(er) cal diet and give this a try
I dont think itll be too bad. Sams sells the cheaper steaks for $5/lb and thats what i buy any way. The strips and tbones arent real good on the stove anyway and its just a waste unless you grill them. The cheapies are good in butter in the skillet medium rare.

2 concerns with this particular diet:

1) adequate fiber intake. Because as written there is ZERO!!!
2) the long fasts between meals seems extreme. And i need some sort of carbs preworkout. There isnt any way i can make myself productive on my program lifting at 75, 80 & 85% of 1rpm with no carbs prewo. I tried. I was thinking my usual granola cereal prewo. Its loaded with fiber, carbs and 20g protein.

Otherwise i do like it
Time to go to the store!!!
Might be cheaper to just buy half a side of beef and a couple of laying hens ...:rolleyes: lol

I ate it 3 times a day . Works the same as twice/day.
If i was to substitute the beef steak for deer steak would I need to use more butter or what to add the fat? Spoon full of crisco?