What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

If i was to substitute the beef steak for deer steak would I need to use more butter or what to add the fat? Spoon full of crisco?

Definitely more butter....deer is really lean compaired to beef . Just like Moose/Caribou/Elk , I would add more fat to the diet . I cheated last time with cottage cheese added , but it works perfectly...




Kids have been asking for protein pancakes, and I was supposed to make them yesterday as a back to school special, but couldn't. So I made up for it this a.m.
Cookies and cream muscle milk pancakes, STUFFED WITH a Smores Pop tart, and topped with peanut butter, washed down with a tall glass of moo juice ;) and no I did not partake

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Kids have been asking for protein pancakes, and I was supposed to make them yesterday as a back to school special, but couldn't. So I made up for it this a.m.
Cookies and cream muscle milk pancakes, STUFFED WITH a Smores Pop tart, and topped with peanut butter, washed down with a tall glass of moo juice ;) and no I did not partake

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Thats it VG, send the kiddies a packin all carbed-up on sugar ....
let the teachers deal with em :confused:
It is pretty common here, every mexican joint has the green and red... very tasty though

Dbol breakfast of champions
There's 2 Walmarts in this town and only one em carries the neon green goodness. I only got a months worth. [emoji20]

I've ate pigeon as well it was in stew/Caldo pretty delicious. I get a lot shit when I tell ppl I have one dude for example was like you ate a rat with wings lol but it was good though
I dont like tren E. Its not violent and physique changing like tren A. Very mild. Sides are mild. Pumps and vascularity are more mild. First and last time running this. Ill go back to acetate when i run tren again

I also dont like my test this high. 1500mg isnt hardly any better than a gram. If it is its very minimal. Ill go back to a gram of test or lower after this cycle. Its either that or doubling or tripling my test dose to get the same effect from say 500mg to 1 gram of test. Just wasted $$$.

Live n learn. I wanted to try big doses and turns out i dont think its worth it

My 2 cents

Now you got it[emoji4] i learned a while ago that diet, training and modest doses of aas, are all i need to make any changes i want to my physique. Running high doses doesn't have nearly the effect as increasing intensity of my training and eating properly for whatever my goals are. Plus i dont feel like shit.
Last nights meal. Boring AF, but its the required meal for the task at hand. Thank god tomorrow's friday [emoji509][emoji512][emoji510][emoji851]

5 poached eggs, 3 slices cracked oat bread and well, the vitamins were on sale at the store so I thought I would try them!:oops:
First day of OGH's honorable mention: vince girondas steak & eggs diet

Had my 1lb of cow flesh and 6 eggs
What? Now i gotta wait till dinner to eat again?:eek:
First day of OGH's honorable mention: vince girondas steak & eggs diet

Had my 1lb of cow flesh and 6 eggs
What? Now i gotta wait till dinner to eat again?:eek:

Goodluck Mr.Trukker , lol . Its different for sure . It took a while to adjust and there were hardtimes but I made it 30 days . The last week or so I added cottage cheese in the day and sharp cheese at night , thats the cheat food thats not really cheating .
Hide all sweets/carb foods !! o_O