What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

No he is not new, just grown up..... he is awesome.

Dbol breakfast of champions

I considered getting a German Shepard and decided on a lab. I may still get a German Shepard someday... I was just unfamiliar with the breed and didn't know what I was getting myself into.

I love having a dog... but this one sheds something fierce lately. :(
For national dog day I felt it necessary to get all you can eat ribs and save the bones for my puppy.

Dbol breakfast of champions

I did the same thing last Saturday. My dog never loves me more than rib night.

I considered getting a German Shepard and decided on a lab. I may still get a German Shepard someday... I was just unfamiliar with the breed and didn't know what I was getting myself into.

I love having a dog... but this one sheds something fierce lately. :(

I got a friend getting rid of her German Shepard. Im thinking of taking it. Theyre awesome dogs.

Probably taste good too (since this is the food thread).

P.S. just kidding about eating dogs.
I got a friend getting rid of her German Shepard. Im thinking of taking it. Theyre awesome dogs.

Probably taste good too (since this is the food thread).

P.S. just kidding about eating dogs.

That'd be tough to get rid of a dog...

You should go for it.

I knew you were kidding about eating the dog.. everyone knows cats are the acceptable species to eat up. ;)
That'd be tough to get rid of a dog...

You should go for it.

I knew you were kidding about eating the dog.. everyone knows cats are the acceptable species to eat up. ;)

I think I will. He's a shelter dog and was abused. But from the moment I met him we got along great. Im afraid if I dont take him he'll end up somewhere fucked up.
I think I will. He's a shelter dog and was abused. But from the moment I met him we got along great. Im afraid if I dont take him he'll end up somewhere fucked up.

I would do some research so you know how best to get along with him but I think that's a great thing to do man.

Only reason I suggest research is I used to watch two dogs for a lady. She got them both from shelter, both were labradoodles. First one was fine, he was chill and would just lay down and sleep at my place. Then she got the second one... he was a great dog but he had been abused by a male in the past and was very apprehensive about me. If would get too close to him just to let him know I was okay and he'd piss on my carpet... so I'd kick him, no lol just kidding. I'd try to take him outside but he was jumpy and would run and continue pissing everywhere. My living room was covered several times before she took him to training and he came back a different dog. Unbelievable transition.
I would do some research so you know how best to get along with him but I think that's a great thing to do man.

Only reason I suggest research is I used to watch two dogs for a lady. She got them both from shelter, both were labradoodles. First one was fine, he was chill and would just lay down and sleep at my place. Then she got the second one... he was a great dog but he had been abused by a male in the past and was very apprehensive about me. If would get too close to him just to let him know I was okay and he'd piss on my carpet... so I'd kick him, no lol just kidding. I'd try to take him outside but he was jumpy and would run and continue pissing everywhere. My living room was covered several times before she took him to training and he came back a different dog. Unbelievable transition.

Good advice. We've gotten along great in short bursts but thats not the same as taking him home. Gotta do some research.

Also pertaining to food, Im hating life today fellas. Because of surgery the most I can have is soup and crackers today
Pretty basic tonight, Chicken with home made peanut sauce and steamed veggies

I think I will. He's a shelter dog and was abused. But from the moment I met him we got along great. Im afraid if I dont take him he'll end up somewhere fucked up.

That is a VERY admirable thing to do jay.i just realized i now like you even more than before [emoji4]
Im just a sucker for dogs. If I ever get a lot of land Ill have a bunch of em just running "wild"

I have 6 acres i lve on. At one time i had 8 Mastiffs. Now i have 5.
Dogs are at their best in a pack IMO. Plus never on a chain or leash, they just roam the land free and happy. Course i live in the country , which makes it possible.
I have 6 acres i lve on. At one time i had 8 Mastiffs. Now i have 5.
Dogs are at their best in a pack IMO. Plus never on a chain or leash, they just roam the land free and happy. Course i live in the country , which makes it possible.

Thats half my dream man. Land in the country. A home gym like Kap is making. A view like Eman. And a lady that will let me cover her in candy amd take pictures :D