What R U Eating ? ~OGH wants to know.....

Let me help roll this thing over :)

Went to the sparcely populated super target about 2200 last night. Change of pace from Walmart. Get sick of that damn place...
Gotta find a way to stay satiated between 12hr feedings.
Picked up a bunch of sugarless, calorie free drink flavorings
Low cal, low sugar candies and gum
Also a mixed variety of spicy flavorings for those big steak feedings.
Let me help roll this thing over :)

View attachment 48407
Went to the sparcely populated super target about 2200 last night. Change of pace from Walmart. Get sick of that damn place...
Gotta find a way to stay satiated between 12hr feedings.
Picked up a bunch of sugarless, calorie free drink flavorings
Low cal, low sugar candies and gum
Also a mixed variety of spicy flavorings for those big steak feedings.

Good man , I use sugar free candys when Im jonesing for carbs & sweets . Works great.
Let me help roll this thing over :)

View attachment 48407
Went to the sparcely populated super target about 2200 last night. Change of pace from Walmart. Get sick of that damn place...
Gotta find a way to stay satiated between 12hr feedings.
Picked up a bunch of sugarless, calorie free drink flavorings
Low cal, low sugar candies and gum
Also a mixed variety of spicy flavorings for those big steak feedings.

I may or may not but definitely would murder about three ppl per day if I had to wait so long in between the meals. Is it as bad as what I'm thinking?

I think I'd do lunch and dinner instead of breakfast and dinner and turn it into an easier intermittent fasting regimen.
I may or may not but definitely would murder about three ppl per day if I had to wait so long in between the meals. Is it as bad as what I'm thinking?

I think I'd do lunch and dinner instead of breakfast and dinner and turn it into an easier intermittent fasting regimen.

I dont see anything wrong with a protein drink for breakfast then steak/eggs for lunch/dinner . I know Trukker gets up at pre-dawn like me and he cant go no 8 hrs before he eats , right Trukker ?
Let me help roll this thing over :)

View attachment 48407
Went to the sparcely populated super target about 2200 last night. Change of pace from Walmart. Get sick of that damn place...
Gotta find a way to stay satiated between 12hr feedings.
Picked up a bunch of sugarless, calorie free drink flavorings
Low cal, low sugar candies and gum
Also a mixed variety of spicy flavorings for those big steak feedings.

That's a shit load of aspartame.

I may or may not but definitely would murder about three ppl per day if I had to wait so long in between the meals. Is it as bad as what I'm thinking?

I think I'd do lunch and dinner instead of breakfast and dinner and turn it into an easier intermittent fasting regimen.
I dont see anything wrong with a protein drink for breakfast then steak/eggs for lunch/dinner . I know Trukker gets up at pre-dawn like me and he cant go no 8 hrs before he eats , right Trukker ?
Its actually not horrible. Its 1-1.5 lbs of steak a serving and 6 eggs. So it is a BIG meal and it sticks with you too.
Up at 0300 weekdays. To the gym. At work by 0600. Start the run. Usually find some down time by 0700 for a planned breakfast. Then gotta wait till i get home for dinner about 1900 to eat again.

Im modifying the diet slightly for my ridiculous intense workouts. I am taking in about 60g of carbs in the form of granola preworkout. Im not taking a setback in my workload or intensity. I figure that measly 60g of carbs fuels my efforts and will leave the rest of the day for full keto.

The mio and crystal light makes me feel like im drinking gatorade or kool aid but it has no calories and no sugar and it helps me down more water which keeps me full.

Im doing metamucil 2x daily which gives me 12g of fiber and a shake good for 50g of protein and 260 calories.
All in all im putting in 4000 cals and about 408g protein. More than enough to retain muscle and lose fat. Already lost 5 lbs of some thing...water maybe? Only 2 days in. My stomach is flat as a pancake. The bloat went away the first day. Good things to come i can feel it
I dont see anything wrong with a protein drink for breakfast then steak/eggs for lunch/dinner . I know Trukker gets up at pre-dawn like me and he cant go no 8 hrs before he eats , right Trukker ?

Yeah I wouldn't be able to do it lol. Unless I had been dieting for awhile already and could do it towards the end to finish with a bang, which is a good or the best use for keto dieting as well IMO.

I just find it easier to go without food in the am as opposed to throughout the day
Its actually not horrible. Its 1-1.5 lbs of steak a serving and 6 eggs. So it is a BIG meal and it sticks with you too.
Up at 0300 weekdays. To the gym. At work by 0600. Start the run. Usually find some down time by 0700 for a planned breakfast. Then gotta wait till i get home for dinner about 1900 to eat again.

Im modifying the diet slightly for my ridiculous intense workouts. I am taking in about 60g of carbs in the form of granola preworkout. Im not taking a setback in my workload or intensity. I figure that measly 60g of carbs fuels my efforts and will leave the rest of the day for full keto.

The mio and crystal light makes me feel like im drinking gatorade or kool aid but it has no calories and no sugar and it helps me down more water which keeps me full.

Im doing metamucil 2x daily which gives me 12g of fiber and a shake good for 50g of protein and 260 calories.
All in all im putting in 4000 cals and about 408g protein. More than enough to retain muscle and lose fat. Already lost 5 lbs of some thing...water maybe? Only 2 days in. My stomach is flat as a pancake. The bloat went away the first day. Good things to come i can feel it

Sounds like you got it down. You could pick up some keto sticks to test if you're in keto later on in the day like you're shooting for.
Sounds like you got it down. You could pick up some keto sticks to test if you're in keto later on in the day like you're shooting for.
Huh, never heard of those:confused:
Im gonna start popping that winny today
The last 6 weeks of this cycle is going down the way i want it too. Gonna have muscles popping out of muscles and shattering pr's like stone cold shatters skulls.
Huh, never heard of those:confused:
Im gonna start popping that winny today
The last 6 weeks of this cycle is going down the way i want it too. Gonna have muscles popping out of muscles and shattering pr's like stone cold shatters skulls.

I doubt you"ll see Keto if you dont keep the carbs under 50-70gms/day . It took me some near zero carb days to see keto on the ketosticks . Its not that easy for some ...
Huh, never heard of those:confused:
Im gonna start popping that winny today
The last 6 weeks of this cycle is going down the way i want it too. Gonna have muscles popping out of muscles and shattering pr's like stone cold shatters skulls.

You pee on them and they will let you know if there are ketones in your urine. If so, you're in ketosis.

Like OGH said, with the carbs you're eating, I doubt you'll hit ketosis. BUT, you may be able to drop them back slowly until you hit it. You probably need to go zero carb for about a week or so and then add the carbs in. But I would be shocked if you made it past 50 grams of carbs before leaving ketosis. 30 grams seems to be the cut off. I remember @RodgerThat tested it out with ketchup in his diet a while back. He made it up kinda high if I remember right before he was getting close to leaving a keto state. It was an interesting experiment.
You pee on them and they will let you know if there are ketones in your urine. If so, you're in ketosis.

Like OGH said, with the carbs you're eating, I doubt you'll hit ketosis. BUT, you may be able to drop them back slowly until you hit it. You probably need to go zero carb for about a week or so and then add the carbs in. But I would be shocked if you made it past 50 grams of carbs before leaving ketosis. 30 grams seems to be the cut off. I remember @RodgerThat tested it out with ketchup in his diet a while back. He made it up kinda high if I remember right before he was getting close to leaving a keto state. It was an interesting experiment.
Huh, well whatever the mechanism is. I am losing weight and bloat. Which is cool!
Huh, well whatever the mechanism is. I am losing weight and bloat. Which is cool!

You dont need to go into ketosis to lose weight , just keep your carbs under 100gm/day . Thats gonna be enough to switch your energy source from carbs to fats . If you start getting weak or dizzy , eat some cheese or cottage cheese like Ive said . Or a tbs of coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil will do the trick ...just dont eat carbs !