What we fear most (little advice requested,please)

No you will not lose it all in 3 months unless you are completely retarded. Fucking dumb ignorant prick you are Sworder only reading parts out of context. I never argued about keeping gains infinitely only about his given time frame.
Can you refer me to the post where you are being more clear and it is not out of context?

Since I am new to this game - I had not even start to be honest - are you everybody telling me that, despite of what I will eat and what I will do (training) if I stay off too long I will loose everything I gained with cycles? Even if I will be cycling for years?

Because I am not planning to be on forever, cycling or not...ofc. But if I gain for example 10 to 20 pounds in few years and then quitting AAS (but not training of course) and I will lose everything I don't know if it is worthwhile... :/

Since I am new to this game - I had not even start to be honest - are you everybody telling me that, despite of what I will eat and what I will do (training) if I stay off too long I will loose everything I gained with cycles? Even if I will be cycling for years?

Because I am not planning to be on forever, cycling or not...ofc. But if I gain for example 10 to 20 pounds in few years and then quitting AAS (but not training of course) and I will lose everything I don't know if it is worthwhile... :/

Yes, expect to keep none of your AAS muscle gains after you stop for awhile.

Since I am new to this game - I had not even start to be honest - are you everybody telling me that, despite of what I will eat and what I will do (training) if I stay off too long I will loose everything I gained with cycles? Even if I will be cycling for years?

Because I am not planning to be on forever, cycling or not...ofc. But if I gain for example 10 to 20 pounds in few years and then quitting AAS (but not training of course) and I will lose everything I don't know if it is worthwhile... :/
If you are under your natural limit you will keep your gains from AAS after a few years of cycling. You always lose post cycle. Natural limit is defined by age and TT limits. As age goes up and TT levels drop so does your natural limit. If this is your first cycle and you only do one cycle don't bother you will lose it all. IMO cycling is not about a single cycle to pack on lean body mass that's unrealistic. It's more about getting your body used to holding extra mass over time and many cycles.
If you are under your natural limit you will keep your gains from AAS after a few years of cycling. You always lose post cycle. Natural limit is defined by age and TT limits. As age goes up and TT levels drop so does your natural limit. If this is your first cycle and you only do one cycle don't bother you will lose it all. IMO cycling is not about a single cycle to pack on lean body mass that's unrealistic. It's more about getting your body used to holding extra mass over time and many cycles.
That's what Tarantula said, you responded "bullshit."
Yes it is a bullshit you dumb fuck he will not lose it all in 3 months period.

Since I am new to this game - I had not even start to be honest - are you everybody telling me that, despite of what I will eat and what I will do (training) if I stay off too long I will loose everything I gained with cycles? Even if I will be cycling for years?

Because I am not planning to be on forever, cycling or not...ofc. But if I gain for example 10 to 20 pounds in few years and then quitting AAS (but not training of course) and I will lose everything I don't know if it is worthwhile... :/
Really up to you. You can gain 10 to 20 lb in 1 cycle (not muscle of course). You can continue cycling as long as you like it but once you stop it stops and no it's not gonna be 3 months but it is inevitable, but so is aging. Only you can make the decision whether it is gonna be worth it or not and for how long are you gonna go, but if you cycle for 10, 20 years and enjoy yourself why would you wonder what is gonna happen with all these gains once you are 65 years old? Or 80? Also mind you natural limit cannot be calculated and because you appear inexperienced chances are you have not reached yours and with AAS it's gonna be taking a short cut. Basically only one situation for which use of AAS is a waste would be if that natural limit has been reached and you only performed one cycle, in any other case you will benefit more from AAS than you would naturally, as long as your goal is getting bigger, hence why many of us use.
Yes it is a bullshit you dumb fuck he will not lose it all in 3 months period.
So the same applies to women?
If they get off cycle they will keep their gains? Are we getting caught up on the time period or just the muscle will get kept?
Which part of my problem is his given time frame do you ignorant piece of shit not understand? Can you tell me how do people ever get bigger if they lost it ALL in the time spent between cycles? 3 months is the time off between short cycles, exactly why would anybody ever run a long one if in 6 months time he would be back to baseline to just run in circles every next cycle? Why do you care how women keep their gains, are you planning a gender change? Being a trap would fit your reputation.
Can you tell me how do people ever get bigger if they lost it ALL in the time spent between cycles?
That's why people use TRT(blast and cruise) to keep the T deficiency. Keep in mind that people's "natural limit" is based on circulating hormones. And it depends on diet too on how long it will take to metabolize the excess muscle.
Yes because everybody is on TRT, perhaps you have to go out in the real world instead of reading all the meso threads commented by rather highly experienced/long period users. Chances are 90% of regular gear users have not even considered blast and cruise...
@Mayne I'm not sure how old you are and what your TT levels are. I'm assuming you are fairly young with normal TT levels. I'm in my 40's with low TT levels, if I don't cruise between cycles I lose 95% of my gains in 12 weeks. I can keep my body weight up by eating but it's not muscle, I'm adding fat. Does this apply to everyone, no of course not but it's definitely true in some cases.
Also I think you aren't considering that it's easier to hold on to gains the more you cycle. If you have been cycling for years your body is more accustom to the extra mass and it's easier. You don't remember your first few cycles where most of it didn't stick? After a few I'm willing to bet it was easier to hold on to LBM.
Lots of factors go into it, it's not a black and white issue
Yes because everybody is on TRT, perhaps you have to go out in the real world instead of reading all the meso threads commented by rather highly experienced/long period users. Chances are 90% of regular gear users have not even considered blast and cruise...
lol where are you getting these numbers from?
Anyway good luck with your cycling.

Edit: If you stop AAS completely your body will only keep the amount of T your body can produce.
lol where are you getting these numbers from?
Anyway good luck with your cycling.

Edit: If you stop AAS completely your body will only keep the amount of T your body can produce.

I don't even know why you carried on educating him with the way he was acting. Good work tho.
@Mayne I'm not sure how old you are and what your TT levels are. I'm assuming you are fairly young with normal TT levels. I'm in my 40's with low TT levels, if I don't cruise between cycles I lose 95% of my gains in 12 weeks. I can keep my body weight up by eating but it's not muscle, I'm adding fat. Does this apply to everyone, no of course not but it's definitely true in some cases.
Also I think you aren't considering that it's easier to hold on to gains the more you cycle. If you have been cycling for years your body is more accustom to the extra mass and it's easier. You don't remember your first few cycles where most of it didn't stick? After a few I'm willing to bet it was easier to hold on to LBM.
Lots of factors go into it, it's not a black and white issue
I am sorry if I came off generalizing, but op is actually my age so I spoke from personal experience. Now of course if he had low levels at his age he would have considered TRT, I know I haven't nor most people I know at my age. Just like you had a problem with my point generalizing how much you can keep I had a problem with his point how you will lose it all in 3 months, I am on my pct for 6th cycle now and from the 1st one until now have never experienced rapid weight loss between cycles, nor strength loss to warrant fear "I am losing gains".
And for people calling me out being a jackass perhaps you have to read my 1st posts before I lost my temper explaining to a well known, well banned asshole what I mean. Now as to where I get my numbers from as long as you go to any normal gym with population with average age of 20 something I expect you to understand where my numbers come from but I never put it as a fact rather a guess based on my observation.
I am sorry if I came off generalizing, but op is actually my age so I spoke from personal experience. Now of course if he had low levels at his age he would have considered TRT, I know I haven't nor most people I know at my age. Just like you had a problem with my point generalizing how much you can keep I had a problem with his point how you will lose it all in 3 months, I am on my pct for 6th cycle now and from the 1st one until now have never experienced rapid weight loss between cycles, nor strength loss to warrant fear "I am losing gains".
And for people calling me out being a jackass perhaps you have to read my 1st posts before I lost my temper explaining to a well known, well banned asshole what I mean. Now as to where I get my numbers from as long as you go to any normal gym with population with average age of 20 something I expect you to understand where my numbers come from but I never put it as a fact rather a guess based on my observation.

how much time did you typically take between those 6 cycles without any drugs in your system? including any HCG, PCT,GH ?