What we fear most (little advice requested,please)

Anywhere between 3 and 6 months off, based on cycle length. I ran hcg on cycle then pct clomid/nolva 1 month long. I usually cut after pct and no I am nowhere near where I began, I am sorry if you really believe healthy, young males can drop all their gains in 3 months because it is a bullshit. I agree with the point FuriousWO made but OP has not said he is on TRT, he wouldn't also ask how much you lose while off if he were on it, no?
Anywhere between 3 and 6 months off, based on cycle length. I ran hcg on cycle then pct clomid/nolva 1 month long. I usually cut after pct and no I am nowhere near where I began, I am sorry if you really believe healthy, young males can drop all their gains in 3 months because it is a bullshit. I agree with the point FuriousWO made but OP has not said he is on TRT, he wouldn't also ask how much you lose while off if he were on it, no?

3-4 months and typically most people's gains have greatly diminished(strength and muscle) from what I have seen, doesn't make it a rule and doesn't mean they still don't look good, but for the most part they would have looked that way naturally.

We disagree in the time frame, which is just nit picking but all in all the bigger picture is you will not be able to maintain your muscle without the drugs.
3-4 months and typically most people's gains have greatly diminished(strength and muscle) from what I have seen, doesn't make it a rule and doesn't mean they still don't look good, but for the most part they would have looked that way naturally.

We disagree in the time frame, which is just nit picking but all in all the bigger picture is you will not be able to maintain your muscle without the drugs.
Never argued about indefinitely, but if you really lose that much of your gains in that short amount of time but have no condition to attribute to I believe you are cycling wrong, not eating right or not lifting heavy. Now exactly what is OP's case we don't know.
If you are under your natural limit you will keep your gains from AAS after a few years of cycling. You always lose post cycle. Natural limit is defined by age and TT limits. As age goes up and TT levels drop so does your natural limit. If this is your first cycle and you only do one cycle don't bother you will lose it all. IMO cycling is not about a single cycle to pack on lean body mass that's unrealistic. It's more about getting your body used to holding extra mass over time and many cycles.

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, f course I am not planning a cycle only. But I am not also planning to stay on forever (or at least until I care about phisique). I am 35 now and sure under my genetical limit, but I do not want to stay on for more than 10 years, more or less, for economc and health reason. My advisor told me just to start with low doses and not cycle...keeping on auntil I decide to stop (and then recover of course).
I do not know what to do to be honest.
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, f course I am not planning a cycle only. But I am not also planning to stay on forever (or at least until I care about phisique). I am 35 now and sure under my genetical limit, but I do not want to stay on for more than 10 years, more or less, for economc and health reason. My advisor told me just to start with low doses and not cycle...keeping on auntil I decide to stop (and then recover of course).
I do not know what to do to be honest.
Have you had your testostrone levels tested yet? If not that's is critical to do before you start any of this. That will show you where you are now. If your levels are "normal" then I would not recommend staying on at low doses aka cruising. It will only make coming off that much harder and could really screw up your endocrine system. I would cycle and come off with a good PCT. If you have low T, then it's a choice to cruise. I have low T and chose to cruise after I lost 90% of everything after my first cycle. Thats a decision that I will likely have to live with my entire life.
Search around here there's a thread on how to go about getting blood tests done. They are cheap < $75 and you don't need a dr to order it. But definitely start there if you haven't already
Have you had your testostrone levels tested yet? If not that's is critical to do before you start any of this. That will show you where you are now. If your levels are "normal" then I would not recommend staying on at low doses aka cruising. It will only make coming off that much harder and could really screw up your endocrine system. I would cycle and come off with a good PCT. If you have low T, then it's a choice to cruise. I have low T and chose to cruise after I lost 90% of everything after my first cycle. Thats a decision that I will likely have to live with my entire life.
Search around here there's a thread on how to go about getting blood tests done. They are cheap < $75 and you don't need a dr to order it. But definitely start there if you haven't already

Thank you! This is really straightforward! I will do that for shure. In my country I think it will be different from US but the advice is good so I will do that in a way or another.
I know this thread is a bit old... But I'm somewhat shocked that gains on aas would eventually be all lost...

Seems like it's a waste of money and time to achieve a certain physique to then lose it all in a short period of time....

Really insightful tho...
I know this thread is a bit old... But I'm somewhat shocked that gains on aas would eventually be all lost...

Seems like it's a waste of money and time to achieve a certain physique to then lose it all in a short period of time....

Really insightful tho...

Yeah that is the most disadvantageous i can advice you not to continue with it
In my experience, if a guy has lifted for years natural and has a solid base he will hold most of the gains from the first cycle. If he cycles his balls right off and then comes off he will lose most of everything if not more because at that point his endocrine system is fried. Sometimes when guys stay off and keep lifting the hormones eventually come back. Then he can get back some of the gains. Most of the ex-pros that we see that look like hell don't train at all anymore. Everybody has to train to keep gains.