What's your trt dosage?

I've gone from initially being impressed with my original TRT/anti-aging doc to then become less and less so, while at the same time being nearly stunned by the utter ignorance in the medical field re TRT otherwise. Whatever they teach MDs in med school seems uniformly uninformed. You wonder what they *actually* know in other areas. After all, these are idiots who gladly slam 3ml of corticosteroids straight into your tendon sheaths while telling you that this will cure what ails you. Fuck these doctors! With a pine cone on a stick.

Then I got pissed off at the insurance and prescription practices - the miniscule monthly refills, and the insistence of shipping premixed HCG in big freezer boxes. And lots of niggling copays and bullshit. Such a time waste too.

So now I am my own doctor.

65mg of Test Cyp E3D - pretty much on a clockwork schedule. This gets me to right around the 1,000 mark.

My natty levels 4-5 years ago were 190...

I also take 250-300 IU of HCG twice per week - although some weeks I forget and do double shots to "catch" up. I tell myself that this irregular schedule regarding HCG is good to keep the gonads surprised.

0.25mg (quarter pill) of Adex when I feel that I need it - most weeks I don't. Trying not to use it.
The docs are ridiculous.....They gave my friend 200 mg once a month.....So he had me go into them and explain whats wrong with the picture...It should be 150-200 every week. By 2 weeks if he only pins 1 time every 4 weeks hes going to never have it build in his system. And also feel like garbage half the month.
And listen to this. So I had a bad headache, and I went to the doctors and she sat there on google with me trying to figure out what it could be......She used google.
Smfdh you shoulda told her.....well hell I could googled this shit from the convience of my own home....I think what most Docs do is just guess at shit anyways. Throw a bunch of pills at yeah an let the experiments begin....Most could give a fuck less what happens to their patients as long as they keep coming back. Here let's give you this magic pill to fix this an btw your Gunna have to take 3 more in top of that one to reduce all sides of that 1 said pill.....an round an round we go.....
Making the jump into trt-land. Did a cycle of primo and test ph x 16 weeks (supposedly a "gentle" cycle :rolleyes:) + wait 4 weeks, then 5 weeks PCT Torem and Clomid. Gains were good, bloods came back absolutely stellar in all respects (glucose, cholesterol, liver,kidneys, crit, globin, etc) EXCEPT my test is at 28 !!! LH and FSH were also in the shitter. I'm in my early 40's and when I started AAS 2 years ago, I was expecting to and prepared to do trt for life. I'm starting at 65mg x 2 weekly of Test C and gonna see if I level out on that in upper normal range before I cycle NPP, TPP, EQ later this fall.

I really have no problem in theory doing trt in a prescribed/traditional manner. Thing is, I don't want to do another shitty PCT if that is recommended to try first before being prescribed test. Haven't had E2 issues or BP issues on 300 - 500mg even. Also, per posts above, you never know the approach the MD is gonna take with your particular case. I guess I'm a bit of a control freak. And I'm meticulous about labs and health. So, I'm venturing out on my own with this. Looks like I'm in good company.