Who is our biggest, most shredded member at Meso?

Pancakes and omelet the day after. I'm off Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday's it'll be a pizza as I sit on my ass lol. I saw my coach today. One of his old training partners who use to compete in bodybuilding let's just say a big dude is doing classic now and will be in my class so I know it'll be tough conpetition I've seen his pics
Also I saw you are going on vacation after so I'm sure you'll be eating great lol

Oh yeah! I'll eat like shit for a few days and then go back on my diet and slowly increase my calories. I fucked up last year and put on 30 pounds in less then 3 weeks. I felt like shit...

But I'm craving a big sack of five guys fries!!! Tons of salt and ketchup
Pancakes and omelet the day after. I'm off Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday's it'll be a pizza as I sit on my ass lol. I saw my coach today. One of his old training partners who use to compete in bodybuilding let's just say a big dude is doing classic now and will be in my class so I know it'll be tough conpetition I've seen his pics
Any chance the guy your talking about used to be sponsored by Universal? Sounds like someone I know.