Why we all use Steroids —your reasons???


New Member
this is a serious topic gentlemen. Im sure i will get some immature responses to this post but i am also sure most resposnses will be truthful and insightful.

My take: most use steroids because they do not want to be ordinary. This aversion to being ordinary usually stems from adolesence , most likely teenage years. We can all reflect on times when we felt marginalized, brushed aside, and irrelevent. Perhaps feeling as if we could be at a social gathering, slip out, and not only would’nt anyone notice but no one would care.
Of course the feeling of intimidation when meeting new people or venturing into uncharted social circumstances was an anxiety ridden event to many of us. The helpless feeling of being bullied or made fun of could be something harbored for years and turn into a comoressed bottle of mental issues later in life.
When i first started using steroids, i felt an overwhelming sense of comfidence, i carried myself differently. My perspective on life was much different. It was as if a blindfold was removed and i saw the world differently and the world actually saw me differently. Of course i felt stronger and much more in control. I was finally allowed to be who i really was, it was a feeling of being amancipated. This in itself was addicting, why wouldnt it be !
The thought of going off steroids is a scary prospect to many. It very simply means that they will go back to “ ordinary”. They no longer stand out, they no longer have what those around them dont have. All those feelings of insecurity and marginalization come back with a vengeance. Old wounds are reopened and our “ just average “ self is now exploited and shown to the world. Where is that confident, self assured guy i met 6 months ago with the broad shoulders who spoke with authority????? We never want to give that up, who would !
Of course we have a select few who use steroids just to compete in bodybuilding but many who actually do compete suffer from the same inadequacies as you “run of the mill” steroid user’s. Of course NOT all use steroids for the aforementioned reasons but i would bet many do.
One thing i do notice about steroids is they exaggerate highs and exaggerate lows. That can be dangerous. Then again, so can feeling ordinary.
Just my thoughts. Feel free to opine.
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I personally like taking every advantage I can to reach my goals. Fitness wise, if I want to get big, strong, lean, etc. Steroids help with all of those things so no matter what my specific goals are, they will help me get there faster and more efficiently so I will utilize them accordingly.
I am using gear for a couple of reasons.
1. Competitive edge, a little boost to help out
2. Confirmed low T, or should I say low normal. So blast and cruise is what I chose to do to make sure my levels are always up there where they should be.

Your right about the amped highs and lows but that's to be expected messing with your hormone levels. I have mixed feelings on it at times. Love having my test levels elevated, feeling great, workouts great, and never want to come off. Then other times be it a bad pin or just thoughts of pinning forever crosses my mind and I question at times my choice.

All in all no plans to make any changes, long cruises and the odd blasts.
Initially took steroids because I’ve always been a person that looks for short cuts.

But through using I’ve really become a better person. I’m more disciplined with my time, I always carve out time for the gym no matter how busy my days are. I watch what I eat where before I ate like complete shit.

Also my confidence is through the roof. Been using gear for 4 years and in that time changed employers twice and making 2X more than 2014 simply due to not being one to take other peoples shit and not being afraid to jump ship. Before steroids I was never one to speak up or have much in the way of self-confidence. Just your regular office push-over.

The confidence also extends to the women. I’ve come to learn that following 3 rules you’ll be able to meet plenty of women.

1. Be confident
2. Be funny
3. Be not ugly
I personally like taking every advantage I can to reach my goals. Fitness wise, if I want to get big, strong, lean, etc. Steroids help with all of those things so no matter what my specific goals are, they will help me get there faster and more efficiently so I will utilize them accordingly.
Pretty much this. I could probably go deeper into the psychology behind why I choose to use AAS but I don't have the time right now.

Edit: I just want to be really good at one thing in life, whether that's work, Jiu-Jitsu, or powerlifting; It's important to me that I master something.
I got back into working out in my late 20's and got into competing in powerlifting at 30. Realized for me to get to elite level I'd need to run gear. Did my first cycle at 31 intending to PCT, but the feeling of being on was a big enough improvement over normal I decided I wasn't ever coming off and been blasting and cruising since. About 3 1/2 years now and zero regrets.
I was skinny growing up. Poor so not much food. People always making comments about how skinny I was.
I started working out and able to buy what I needed when I moved out and started my life. I was natural from 18 to 33. Dabbled in prohormones for a year.
Then I moved to actual gear. Tried cycling. Cycling sucked. I researched for quite awhile before I decided to do my own TRT.
I believe I have body dysmorphia or something. People say things like "hey big guy", stuff like that. I am usually the most jacked person in the room. However, many times when I look in the mirror I just think, "you can do better than this". Never satisfied.
I can stop blasting and do TRT dose only and maintain a great body. I have mature muscle (not only muscular looking when pumped and full of water), so maintaining a decent size is easy.

So I did it for getting larger, but also because of the energy, drive, motivation. Many people around my age (38, 39 in April) are lazy, out of shape, low energy. I am super hyped, feel awesome, and look good.
Too damn horny for my wife.... while her married friends with men around my age, complain about how their men aren't interested. (could be an attraction thing as well).
I feel better now than I did in my younger years. Mainly because I TRT for an optimal higher level. Most likely higher than when I was younger.

When I walk around, I am not sure if I am walking the right way, how do i look right now, do I look like a douche bag? Lol
I don't flex my lats amd walk with my chest flexed, you know, ILS style, just normal. I feel like maybe someone might think I am.
We aren't like everyone else. People have gotten lazy. So, we stick out alot of times. I am not into a bunch of attention. Yet I workout to be jacked, fit, and look good lol.

Super tangent: Explicit info lol
My erection quality went through the roof and is always rock solid once I switched to TRT and other AAS. Also Cialis.
So I have done penis enlargement excercises on and off for a couple years. I started with erect girth of around 5" circumference. I am roughly 5.9" now. I am now shooting for 6.25 girth by the end of the year. I mainly do clamping where I take a rubber sleeve that fits over the base of my penis, and place a plastic quick release "CableClamp" brand clamp over the rubber sleeve. I then kegal the whole time, which pumps more blood into the penis. I do two 10 minute sessions a day, 3 if i have time. Mon-Fri. You have to know what your doing, as far as clamp tightness. It doesn't have to be super tight. You are basically slowing down the blood from escaping. It is safer than pumping. There is a slight fluid buildup after a session and your a 1/4" - 1/2" thicker(temporary, goes away after an hour or so). The penis is not a muscle, and the thing you are slowly stretching over time is the tunica sheath, which determines your length and girth. I have gained length, but that is not what I am after.
The point is, ERECTION QUALITY! You need a good erection to get more benefit.
I have seen online where people and doctors talk down on penis enlargement techniques and say it's not possible. I agree pumping and hanging can be unsafe. Clamping is far safer. They are wrong. It is possible. It's the discipline that people lack. They want instant gratification. There is some instant gratification because of the fluid buildup. I would actually clamp 30 minutes before sex because it would be thicker. That alone is why I stuck with it and noticed growth.
I will still do clamping on and off after I reach my goal. The wife now tries to use the excuse that she feels sore if we try and do it the next day. So I always have to wait at least every other day. She seen me doing it recently before a shower and was saying "there is no reason for you to be doing that, why are you even still doing it". I said "gains".
Enough info? lolol
Mid-40s now, doctor prescribed TRT since mid-30s. Had used previously in 20s. Now I blast/cruise the past year or so.

Feel good, look good, been a lifter since my teens so >25 years. Helps me with those goals plus others. Plenty of other stuff I could be doing is way worse. I run bloods regularly, try to not get excessive. Training and diet should be doing the legwork with drugs enhancing effectiveness. Looking good is nice - mainly for myself but sure doesn't hurt success with women across a broad range of ages (have a great girlfriend now so no longer playing the field).

It's a good trade for me. No negatives really. Healthier lifestyle overall and I enjoy my time. At this point in life, that's what it's about.
Somehow 47 snuck up on me, and I’m not quite ready for it. Figured some test would help me shore up the core, and fight back against the sciatica.
Plus, I just like working out, it’s good for my mental state, and a little gear just evens the playing field at 47.
As you all know, gear don’t do shit if you ain’t pouring your heart in to it.
I personally like taking every advantage I can to reach my goals. Fitness wise, if I want to get big, strong, lean, etc. Steroids help with all of those things so no matter what my specific goals are, they will help me get there faster and more efficiently so I will utilize them accordingly.

i would like to steal this as my response, but also add, to get more bitches too. God, i love women! :D