Why we all use Steroids —your reasons???

Most of your responses were thoughtful and honest. A few were childish and kind of nerdy to be honest. Not so sure the juice makes those guys cool. Nothing worse than a nerdy juicehead thinking he’s cool.
As for you guys in your 40’s, i can certainly relate. You do want to do what ever you can within reason to maintain some sort of edge. I can subscribe to that. Why spend your 40’s and 50’s feeling old when you can be reguvinated.
I am using gear for a couple of reasons.
1. Competitive edge, a little boost to help out
2. Confirmed low T, or should I say low normal. So blast and cruise is what I chose to do to make sure my levels are always up there where they should be.

Your right about the amped highs and lows but that's to be expected messing with your hormone levels. I have mixed feelings on it at times. Love having my test levels elevated, feeling great, workouts great, and never want to come off. Then other times be it a bad pin or just thoughts of pinning forever crosses my mind and I question at times my choice.

All in all no plans to make any changes, long cruises and the odd blasts.
This is me 100%
this is a serious topic gentlemen. Im sure i will get some immature responses to this post but i am also sure most resposnses will be truthful and insightful.

My take: most use steroids because they do not want to be ordinary. This aversion to being ordinary usually stems from adolesence , most likely teenage years. We can all reflect on times when we felt marginalized, brushed aside, and irrelevent. Perhaps feeling as if we could be at a social gathering, slip out, and not only would’nt anyone notice but no one would care.
Of course the feeling of intimidation when meeting new people or venturing into uncharted social circumstances was an anxiety ridden event to many of us. The helpless feeling of being bullied or made fun of could be something harbored for years and turn into a comoressed bottle of mental issues later in life.
When i first started using steroids, i felt an overwhelming sense of comfidence, i carried myself differently. My perspective on life was much different. It was as if a blindfold was removed and i saw the world differently and the world actually saw me differently. Of course i felt stronger and much more in control. I was finally allowed to be who i really was, it was a feeling of being amancipated. This in itself was addicting, why wouldnt it be !
The thought of going off steroids is a scary prospect to many. It very simply means that they will go back to “ ordinary”. They no longer stand out, they no longer have what those around them dont have. All those feelings of insecurity and marginalization come back with a vengeance. Old wounds are reopened and our “ just average “ self is now exploited and shown to the world. Where is that confident, self assured guy i met 6 months ago with the broad shoulders who spoke with authority????? We never want to give that up, who would !
Of course we have a select few who use steroids just to compete in bodybuilding but many who actually do compete suffer from the same inadequacies as you “run of the mill” steroid user’s. Of course NOT all use steroids for the aforementioned reasons but i would bet many do.
One thing i do notice about steroids is they exaggerate highs and exaggerate lows. That can be dangerous. Then again, so can feeling ordinary.
Just my thoughts. Feel free to opine.

I can not relate at all to what youre saying regarding motivations to use gear

Reminds me a patient that said he was drinking because his mother didnt breastfed him

Human mind will always overthink substance abuse and behavioral addictions and I really think you going a bit too far with your explaination tbh :D

Great topic tho
I wanna get big enough to have my own YouTube channel so I can deny ever using steroids

I enjoy the YouTubers who cover BB and PL who manage to get through video after video without even using the word "steroids" (Nick' Strength and Power for one) to avoid demonetization.

Like watching someone perform literal verbal gymnastics.
Honestly tired of working my ass off to look like shit.

Yep, I was the fat kid. Always maintained a fair level of athleticism, even at my heaviest I could vault a 12' wall. But was also walking around at 300lbs.

Cut it all down super fast years ago, live in the gym, carry a bunch of muscle, and still look like shit.

You can tell I'm thick as fuck. I've had so many of the bros just kinda be like...damn. But I still look...melty.

So fuck it, throw a little extra fuel in the tank, strap the rocket to my back, and see where I land. Not at all about strength gains, I'm fine with working my ass off for PR.

But no way I can pack a whole lot more on naturally. Without getting fat as fuck again in the process anyway.
It’s not that serious bro you are trying to over philosophize it. Some people just want to take their physique to another level. It’s the lifting itself that people turn to. The countless health benefits, the confidence, strength, size, sense of accomplish, stress release, etc comes from lifting itself. For me THAT is why I lift. The steroids don’t really do that for you on it’s own, they
just enhance the effects, and with potentially detrimental effects in health. You can’t really justify doing anything beyond trt. But we do it because we love it.
To look like a swole ass cut up beast naked. Still working on all of that....I digress.

We hit the iron as we love to get stronger, bigger, feel fucking alpha. Its in our DNA!

Unless you're the sensitive type that wears skinny jeans and lives in your moms basement.