Why we all use Steroids —your reasons???

It’s not that serious bro you are trying to over philosophize it. Some people just want to take their physique to another level. It’s the lifting itself that people turn to. The countless health benefits, the confidence, strength, size, sense of accomplish, stress release, etc comes from lifting itself. For me THAT is why I lift. The steroids don’t really do that for you on it’s own, they
just enhance the effects, and with potentially detrimental effects in health. You can’t really justify doing anything beyond trt. But we do it because we love it.
Depending on the person, the reasons for using AAS can go pretty deep. Most professional BB have similar stories about how they felt week, or were picked up by a child and lacked that alpha feeling. It depends on who you ask
You didn’t comprehend my post. That’s the reason they turned to weight lifting. Not steroids. Steroids only enhance what you get out of weight lifting.
I like the feeling of being powerful. I hate woman who do it its ugly I do want to feel muscles on a woman it makes me feel like a faggot and they get ugly. I dont like a woman with hard muscles. I like the voluptuous type.
I like the feeling of being powerful. I hate woman who do it its ugly I do want to feel muscles on a woman it makes me feel like a faggot and they get ugly. I dont like a woman with hard muscles. I like the voluptuous type.

And none of those women nor anyone else cares if you like their muscles or not.
My motivation has always been women. Chicks like big arms.
Because I can´t see myself going through life having a soft skinny body. Also, women feel safer next to a jacked man; I am her little Lion, and she caresses my head with much love.
It became a habit in prison and a measure of masculinity and worth. It's like the only thing giving me self esteem being a felon and all.
I wasn’t satisfied masturbating 4 times a day. I wanted 9.

And my biggest fear in life is to die skinny:cool:

But fr I see some potential in myself and want to explore it. The gym is a mental thing for me, I like exploring myself and seeing what I’m made of. Inside and out of the gym. It’s just a never ending grind that I love.
I just like to pick up heavy things and put them down over and over again,

Kind of this at its most basic element. Hell, I grew up on a farm and gave myself a hernia at age 5 trying to be Milo!

This could be a diatribe so I'll just suffice to say, there is no one reason and it will change throughout your life. The young'ns are after muscle and women, the dad's just want to keep up with life or want to avoid the dad bod, and the even older just want to beat Father Time with his own stick. Hell, some of us don't even want MORE muscle, we just want to recover from the hell we put ourselves through so we can do it all again.

Just enjoy the fact that you have the "option" to make a choice.........
It became a habit in prison and a measure of masculinity and worth. It's like the only thing giving me self esteem being a felon and all.

That's a quality astute observation. You might have made mistakes, we all have, but no one on earth is intrinsically worth more or less than another. Self esteem needs to come from the inside to really be worth something - character and actions are infinitely better than a muscular exterior or showy wealth. Your post shows the wisdom of experience. From those few words I'm betting there's a lot more to you than muscle. Don't sell yourself short. My 2 cents discounted to friend rate.
Someday i realized i had hit a plateau. So it was time to try a cycle. It was awesome for the 2 months then it wasnt at pct, but it did well. I realized that you are like lucky luke, you are chasing your own shadow that you will never catch! After this at late 30s feeling that something is fucked up, like nature starting to tell you “ hey natty ... i dont want you anymore... time to go down now” .... month after month your endurance your overall wellbeing getting down. So for me its something for athletic purpose. I am not a pro bbuilder i dont make money out of this. Just like to feel the rush. Love the gym , the training, to feel ok.I cant accept that i cant play football as i used to. That i am getting tired. If you were very energetic your whole life i thing you feel the same. Of course everyone is different but i think same feelings apply to all of us. Of course you cant beat nature thats why we must be wise enough to proceed with caution. Life is rough but it is also beautifull! Enjoy whatever you do brothers! But remember... “when you go against nature, nature will avenge you at some point”
You didn’t comprehend my post. That’s the reason they turned to weight lifting. Not steroids. Steroids only enhance what you get out of weight lifting.

I'm sorry to say but sadly in the majority of cases you are dead wrong. I love steroids and truly believe they have changed my life for the good, but my intentions for starting them years ago were driven by an underlying emotional difficulty. Sure some guys need it for their career or sport, but very very few people are willing to make the jump and inject themselves with hormones from god knows where, with potentially harsh side effects just for the fun of it. I support educated steroid use either way and have personally been on some pretty heavy duty cycles, but there's always a reason why hiding beneath the surface.
I'm sorry to say but sadly in the majority of cases you are dead wrong. I love steroids and truly believe they have changed my life for the good, but my intentions for starting them years ago were driven by an underlying emotional difficulty. Sure some guys need it for their career or sport, but very very few people are willing to make the jump and inject themselves with hormones from god knows where, with potentially harsh side effects just for the fun of it. I support educated steroid use either way and have personally been on some pretty heavy duty cycles, but there's always a reason why hiding beneath the surface.

So you jumped straight to taking steroids? You didn’t turn to weight lifting for its benefits, and then take steroids to enhance it?
a lot of this seems like "recreational" drug use to me.
just sayin', not judging :);)

That’s exactly what it is. If you aren’t competing. Hell. Even if you are. You do it because you love it and you want to take it to the next level. Not because it’s healthy and makes sense haha. Unless you are trt only.
I do AAS because I hate training naturally. Once you reach your genetic potential,,, then training naturally is just a god damn waste of time. You are going to the gym 3 times a week and never getting anything out of it. But when I am on,, wow, what a difference it makes. I will stay on anywhere between 3 to 10 months,,, and then I PCT it for about 3 to 6 months and start back up again. Sure,, I loose some muscle mass when I PCT it,, but can almost always retain a little.
Also,, from my personal experience,, I have found that having a first generation foriegn girlfriend will go nuts for muscular cut body,, not to mention that the sex is just beyond euphoric,, where as with the typical local girl,,, its like,,,, whatever,, or meh!