And there's the smoking gun. Jolter's busted.
Crossfit has been selling his ass since the day he got here.
On his second day at Meso, Crossfit sent what he *thought* was a PM to One Pharma. Instead, his begging-for-freebies message was posted on his public profile:
He also tried to get free gear from One Pharma on his thread:
Crossfit admitted on AB to sucking his way to a rep position for Spartan:
He then denied being a "real" rep while admitting to behaving like a rep:
Classic gear whore behavior.
Thank you
@Sully9999 for bringing these two swindlers to light. And thank you nutpuncher for providing evidence of Jotler's PM solicitations. It's important for new members to let the forum know when they are approached through PMs with offers because that's the only way we'll find out about them.